Objective To explore the relationship between the aerocyst continual inflation and clocked deflation and ventilator-associated pneumonia. Methods 60 ICU hospitalized adult patients treated with tracheotomy or trachea canalization for above 24 hours were randomly divided into the tzadi-tional group and the experimental group with 30 patients in each group. After trachea canalization success-fully according to the nursing standard, the experimental group was treated with aerocyst continual inflation, the traditional group gased the ventilator and recorded the time, deflating the gas every 4 hours and inflating again after 5 minutes. The inflation time, nurse management and MOV(minimal occlusive volume)of the two groups were the same. The chest X-rays examination and deep sputum bacilli culture were implemented 12 hours after admission, before pulling out the ventilator and transferring out of ICU to evaluate the inci-dence of ventilator-associated pneumonia according to the infection diagnosis standard. Results The rate of ventilator-associated pneumonia in the experimental group was obviously lower than that of the tradition-al group. Conclusions The rate of ventilator-associated pneumonia reduces obviously in the ICU trachea canalization patients with aerocyst continual inflation.