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Author:( Wong Ming)

1.Efficacy and safety of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) baths in patients with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis

Wong Su-ming ; Ng TG ; Roshidah B

Malaysian Journal of Dermatology 2011;27(-):17-17

2.Malignant granular cell tumour of the mediastinum.

Soh, Wee Ming ; Yeong, Mee Ling ; Wong, Kwong Pang

The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2014;36(2):149-51

3.Sarcocystis nesbitti related autoimmune diffuse alopecia

Chin Chwen Ch’ng ; Su-Ming Wong ; Chong Tin Tan

Neurology Asia 2016;21(3):261-264

4.Syphilis - The great mimicker

Wong Su-ming ; Moonyza AAK ; Dawn A ; Roshidah B

Malaysian Journal of Dermatology 2011;26(-):18-20

5.Cardioprotection by the female sex hormone -- interaction with the beta₁-adrenoceptor and its signaling pathways.

Kathie A WONG ; Yan MA ; Wing-Tim CHENG ; Tak-Ming WONG

Acta Physiologica Sinica 2007;59(5):571-577

6.Screening of endophytic fungi for biofuel feedstock production using palm oil mill effluent as a carbon source

Moritz Muller ; Edwin Sia Sien Aun ; Joanne Yeo Suan Hui ; Julie Wong Wei Ming ; Jenny Choo Cheng Yi ; Changi Wong

Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 2017;13(3):203-209

8.An outbreak of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection in a boarding school in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (China)

Wong Miu-ling ; Poon Kwok-ming ; Wan Yuen-kong ; Chuang Shuk-kwan ; Kwok Lai-key ; Pak Sik-on

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2014;5(1):1-6

9.International Health Regulations (2005) facilitate communication for in-flight contacts of a Middle East respiratory syndrome case, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 2014

Kwok-ming Poon ; Miu-ling Wong ; Yiu-hong Leung ; Ka-wai Sin ; May-kei Liza To ; Shuk-kwan Chuang

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2015;6(1):62-65

10.In vitro growth of Ganoderma boninense isolates on novel palm extract medium and virulence on oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) seedlings

Siang Ming Kok ; Yit Kheng Goh ; Hun Jiat Tung ; Kah Joo Goh ; Wei Chee Wong ; You Keng Goh

Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 2013;9(1):33-42

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