Objective To explore the necessities and clinical value of acute intestinal obstruction with com-puted tomography of whole abdomen in over 80 years old patients.Methods 50 patients with acute intestinal obstruc-tion were diagnosed in department of emergency surgery and underwent the abdominal CT examinations.The clinical data,CT and surgery pathology of all patients were compared and analyzed.Results All cases were verified by surgi-cal operation and pathological diagnosis,including colorectal cancer(n =21)and incarcerated abdominal external her-nia(n =21),appendicitis(n =2),adhesive intestinal obstruction(n =2),intestinal volvulus (n =2),and intestinal intussusception(n =1)and stercoral intestinal obstruction(n =1),12 cases were accompanied by bowel necrosis and perforation.12 patients were treated by laparoscope surgery,38 cases by open laparotomy,48 patients acquired good recovery,and 2 cases died from extensive bowel necrosis and multi -organ failure.Conclusion CT examination in whole abdomen could rapidly and accurately diagnose the cause of intestinal obstruction,evaluate complications and risks,so as to provide reasonable treatment choice and time,making patients acquired the effective effects as soon as possible,reducing the bad consequences.