AIM:To establish the quality standard for Shengxue Micro Capsules(melanteritum,Cortex Cinnamo-(mi,) Endoconcha Sepiae,Colla Corii asini,Placenta Hominis). METHODS: The melanteritum,Endoconcha sepiae was identified by physic-chemical analysis. Cortex Cinnamomi was identified by TLC.UV was employed for the assay of FeSO_4.GC was used to determine Cinnamaldehyde of Shengxue Micro Capsules. RESULTS: Green vitriol,Endoconcha sepiae could be identified by physico-chemical analysis.Cortex Cinnamomi could be identified by TLC.The linear range of FeSO_4 was within 0~20 mg,r = 0.999 8;The average recovery of assay was(96.7%.) The linear range of cinnamaldehyde was within 0.157 5~0.551 4 ?g,r = 0.999 8;The average(recovery) of assay was 101.52%. CONCLUSION: The method is simple, reproducible.It could be used for(quality) control of Shengxue Micro Capsules.