Two isolates of Plasmodium jalcipanm from Hainan Province were cloned by limiting dilution method and eight clones were established. Some characteristics including drug sensitivity and antigenicity of these clones were observed. The results showed that the established clones were different from each other in chloroquine sensitivity and antigenicity. The ID50 of chloroquin3e against 6 clones from isolate Fcc-7801 varied between 60.60 and 13.08 nmol/L The ID50 of chloroquine against 2 clones from isolate Fcc-1 were 93.63 and 49.64 nmol/L, respectively. According to the indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) Teactivity of these clones with a panal of murine anti-gpl95 McAbs, 8 clones could be divided into 5-serotypes, 3 of which were consistent with the Ⅴ , Ⅵ, Ⅶ serotypes devided by J. S. McBride (1985).