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Author:( Vong Sirenda)

1.Author Response: Human infections with avian influenza A(H7N9): preliminary assessments of the age and sex distribution

Arima Yuzo ; Zu Rongqiang ; Murhekar Manoj ; Vong Sirenda ; Shimada Tomoe

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2013;4(4):24-24

2.Human infections with avian influenza A(H7N9) virus in China: preliminary assessments of the age and sex distribution

Yuzo Arima ; Rongqiang Zu ; Manoj Murhekar ; Sirenda Vong ; Tomoe Shimada

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2013;4(2):1-3

3.Avian influenza A(H7N9) and the closure of live bird markets

Manoj Murhekar ; Yuzo Arima ; Peter Horby ; Katelijn AH Vandemaele ; Sirenda Vong ; Feng Zijian ; Chin-Kei Lee ; Ailan Li

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2013;4(2):4-7

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