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Author:( Vista Salvador Benjamin)

1.Developing a trophoblastic disease psychiatric liaison program

Vista Salvador Benjamin D.

The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 1999;23(1):19-22

2.Prevalence of depression and phantom limb pain among amputated patients of the Philippine Orthopedic Center from April-May 2001

Bauson Manuel Luis ; Vista Salvador Benjamin

The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 2003;28(2):8-13

3.A cross-sectional study on the relationship between stress and the level of job satisfaction among the burn unit staff of UP-PGH.

Perez-Rifareal Joan Mae ; Vista Salvador Benjamin

The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 2016;38(2):10-21

5.The utilization pattern of psychiatric consultation services at the University of the Philippines-Philippine General Hospital (UP-PGH) from 1999-2008.

Trinidad-Fulgencio Liecel M. ; Vista Salvador Benjamin D. ; Castro Carlo Paolo S. ; Chua Wilma Anthea M.

Acta Medica Philippina 2010;44(3):46-52

6.Lessons learned from government-academe-civil society partnership to improve the assessment and management of drug dependence in the Philippines.

Carlo Abelardo T. ANTONIO ; Jonathan P. GUEVARRA ; Lolita L. CAVINTA ; Nina G. GLORIANI ; Jasmin T. PERALTA ; Ma. Lourdes REYES-SARE ; Francis Emmanuel A. GALERA ; Salvador Benjamin D. VISTA ; Manuel C. PANOPIO

Acta Medica Philippina 2018;52(3):277-280

7.Tuberculosis in Selected Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers (DATRCs) in Luzon, Philippines

Carl Abelardo T. Antonio ; Jonathan P. Guevarra ; Aubrey B. Lara ; Eleanor C. Castillo ; Lolita L. Cavinta ; Mikko Anthony L. Ting ; Kyle Patrick Y. Eugenio ; Kristine Joy L. Tomanan ; Ma. Vilma V. Diez ; Anna Marie Celina G. Garfin ; Manuel C. Panopio ; Salvador Benjamin D. Vista

Acta Medica Philippina 2020;54(5):479-484

8.Tuberculosis case finding and case holding practices in selected Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers (DATRCS) in Luzon, Philippines.

Jonathan P. GUEVARRA ; Eleanor C. CASTILLO ; Carl Abelardo T. ANTONIO ; Mikko Anthony L. TING ; Lolita L. CAVINTA ; Audrey B. LARA ; Kyle Patrick Y. EUGENIO ; Kristine Joy L. TOMANAN ; Ma. Vilma V. DIEZ ; Anna Marie Celina G. GARFIN ; Manuel C. PANOPIO ; Salvador Benjamin D. VISTA

Acta Medica Philippina 2022;56(3):56-63

9.The design and outputs of the pilot implementation of the “Enhancing skills in screening and assessment for physicians and rehabilitation practitioners level 2 course”, Philippines, 2014

Carl Abelardo T. Antonio ; Kristine Joy L. Tomanan ; Eleanor C. Castillo ; Jonathan P. Guevarra ; Lolita L. Cavinta ; Mariano S. Hembra ; Ma. Lourdes Reyes-Sare ; Clara H. Fuderanan ; Salvador Benjamin D. Vista

Acta Medica Philippina 2022;56(5):75-81

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