Objective Analyze the influence of applying background music on heart rate,blood pressure and dysphoric state of patients during gynecologial examination.Methods A total of 564 patients were randomly divided into music and control group 282 cases each.In control group,the 282 patients were just actualized the routine psychological care.And the other 282 patients of music group were actualized music therapy based on the routine psychological care.After these patients of music group entered examination room,the doctor broadcasted some good background music for them.After 30 minutes,the doctor recorded their heart rate and blood pressure changes and evaluated the anxiety level by using S-AI.Results After the patients of music group had listened to background music for 30 minutes,their systolic pressure and heart rate reduced evidently and the level of anxiety mitigated obviously.Conclusions Applying background music during gynecological examination can relieve anxiety emotion,stabilize heart rate and blood pressure and improve comfort of gynecological examination.It's an effective,simple and convenient nursing care method.