1.The wandering twin: A case of a uterine didelphys with the obstructed hemiuteri in the anterior abdominal wall
Nina Patricia A. Gaerlan-Revecho ; Yvette Marie C. Manalo-Mendoza ; Anna Katrina G. Purugganan ; Delfin A. Tan
Philippine Journal of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility 2017;14(1):5-10
Mullerian duct anomalies (MDAs) are congenital defects of the female genital system that arise
from abnormal embryological development of the Mullerian ducts. A didelphys uterus, also
known as a "double uterus," is one of the least common amongst the MDAs. Reported here
is a case of a 16 year old female with a uterus didelphys with the obstructed left hemiuteri
adherent in the anterior abdominal wall, and an endometriotic cyst on the same side. She
underwent hysteroscopy-guided vaginoscopy, laparoscopic left hemihysterectomy, left
oophorocystectomy. Cases such as these require careful preoperative planning and
diagnostic imaging for more accurate diagnosis and, hence, for the most appropriate surgical
procedure to be carried out. 3D ultrasonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging have
been the most widely used imaging techniques. The goals of management are to relieve the
symptoms of obstruction and to restore the normal anatomy as much as possible in order to
provide the best chance for future fertility.
Uterine Didelphys
2.Double the trouble: A case report on uterine didelphys with unilateral cervical atresia
Cristyne G. Loquero ; Mona Ethellin L. Yiu-Senolos
Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2023;47(1):37-41
Genetic errors and teratogenic events during embryonic development can lead to congenital abnormalities of the female reproductive tract. Many patients are asymptomatic, while some have major abnormalities that can cause severe impairment of menstrual and reproductive functions. This case report focuses on Müllerian anomaly Class III, uterine didelphys, along with obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal agenesis (the Herlyn–Werner–Wunderlich syndrome [HWWs]). The patient presented with cyclic pelvic pain due to the hematometra and hematocolpos. She initially underwent resection of the vaginal septum but had a recurrence of obstructive symptoms more than a year after vaginal surgery was performed. This prompted further evaluation with magnetic resonance imaging revealing cystic dilatation of the right uterine horn and a hypoplastic right vagina appearing to end blindly. The patient subsequently underwent hemihysterectomy. The right hemiuterus was noted to have a depression on its thickened inferior aspect, but no cervix was identified. This case is a variant of the classic HWWS, as there was cervical atresia on the right uterine corpus. A thorough preoperative evaluation and accurate intraoperative assessment of patients with Müllerian anomalies can decrease misdiagnoses, guide appropriate intervention, and decrease the risk of future reproductive complications.
Cervical atresia
uterine didelphys
3.Uterine didelphys and a blind hemivagina in a 6 year-old: A case report
Espinosa Florence ; Bondoc Mary Grace P.
Philippine Journal of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility 2009;6():23-28
A six year-old presented with a 10-month history of vaginal discharge. On initial gynecologic evaluation, a vaginal mass was noted. A thorough investigation included pelvic sonogram, KUB sonogram, pelvic examination under anesthesia. A close team-up with a pediatrician and a urologist was established. Intra-operative findings revealed uterine didelphys and a blind hemivagina. This report discusses the approach to the investigation of vaginal discharge in association with a vaginal mass in a 6-year old.
4.A second look at the embryogenesis of the mullerian duct system in the background of purulent vaginal discharge in wunderlichhherlyn-werner syndrome
Oblepias Enrico Gil C. ; Cruz Marie Grace
Philippine Journal of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility 2009;6():16-22
Wunderlich-Herlyn-Werner syndrome is an uncommon but already well-established mullerian anomaly consisting of uterine didelphys, hemivaginal septum and ipsilateral renal agenesis. The discussion here would concentrate on the occurrence of foul-smelling vaginal discharge in some of these cases, its pathogenesis and its impact on generally-accepted assumptions on the embryogenesis of the mullerian system. Reported here are three such cases with discussions on the goals of therapy being relief of the obstructive symptoms, restoration of normal menstrual egress and sexual function, with preservation of reproductive potential.
5.Case report on the management of ectopic pregnancy in uterine didelphys
Arriane R. Morales ; Ricca Mae G. Cagalawan ; Marie Janice Alcantara-Boquiren
Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2024;48(4):279-282
The case report discusses a rare occurrence of tubal pregnancy in a patient with uterine didelphys, managed using combined hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. A 29-year-old Gravida 2 Para 0 (0010) with a right tubal ectopic pregnancy alongside incidental uterine didelphys detected via physical examination and three-dimensional transvaginal ultrasound. The patient underwent a combined diagnostic and operative laparoscopy, where a right salpingectomy was performed using a harmonic scalpel. Diagnostic laparoscopy showed two uterine horns with each attached fallopian tube and ovary with an interostial length of 4 cm. Diagnostic hysteroscopy confirmed the presence of two separate uterine cavities and cervices without communication. The procedure demonstrated that the technique for laparoscopic salpingectomy in cases of uterine didelphys parallels that for a normal uterus. The use of combined hysteroscopy and laparoscopy proved effective in evaluating both the external uterine structure and internal cavity, facilitating accurate diagnosis and treatment of Müllerian anomalies with ectopic pregnancy.
Human ; Female ; Adult: 25-44 Yrs Old ; Hysteroscopy ; Laparoscopy ; Pregnancy, Tubal ; Uterine Didelphys