Innovation 2017;11(2):29-33
OBJECTIVES: According to the millennium development goals particularly in the fifth
goal it was noted to reduce the incidence of miscarriages into 75% from 1990 till 2016.
However, it’s reduced only 34% in worldwide. The incidence of maternal mortality rate
have been estimated to 358000 annually, and from 1000 to 1500 maternal death occurred
per day.The pregnancy rate have been registered into 40-50 million in Asia Pacific
regional countries annually, and the incidence of maternal death is estimated
from 30500 to 50000. Moreover, overall 300000 neonates have been died in the first day
of prenatal life. There numerous number of studies and surveys in terms of the maternal
care have been performed in supports of the “Strategy for women’s and child’s health”,
“National program for reproduction” and other projects and national program and
other related order, regulation has helped to perform the studies. We aimed to study
the pregnancy control in healthy gestational period of pregnancy and to evaluate the
counseling for the pregnant women who were admitted to the Family health center in
Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia METHODS: There are 135 pregnant women who are routinely
monitored at the Family health centers who were selected randomly, according
to the rule number 338 which stated about the pregnancy control, and used questionnaire
with 55 questions. The results have been calculated by the SPSS 20 program and
statistic information provided by pregnancy monitoring guides. RESULTS: Married women
72.2 % got involved on routine check on time, while only 33.3% women who weren’t
married got checked on time. Marital status was also the key factor in women being
involved for regular monitoring (p=0.006). Around 70.9 % involved within the 12 week of
gestational period were women with higher education, and only 55% of women with
secondary education got involved in first examination. Within early monitored women
66.7% of women were aged from 20 to 24, 82.6 percent of women were aged from 30 to
34, 83.3 percent of women who were aged above 35 and higher have been involved in
regular checkups on time (p=0.031). Employment has been a factor in checkup attendance.
92.9 percent of women who work at state authorities, 63.6 of women who work
in non-government organizations, 51.6 percent of women who are self-employed, 57.9
percent of students, 57.9 percent of unemployed women have participated in checkups
on time (p=0.017). 84.9% of women with higher education have been examined on
routine examination; however, only 50% of women with lower education have been
examined on routine examination. The women with spouses have been examined on
routine examination is estimated to 87.6%; however, 75% of women with unclear marital
status have been examined on routine examination on time. In the study, 100% of
women have been examined on time in the first examination. But in the second time
it was estimated to 80%, in the third time it was estimated to 75%. CONCLUSION: The
attendance of women in the first examination within the 12 week of gestational period
has been depending on the education, age, marital status, and employment of the
women. Also the women get pregnant for the first time has actively involved in the first
and routine examination.
2. Monitoring period and factors being in effect of pregnant womenbeing surveyed at family healthcare centers
Tsolmon G ; Myagmartseren D ; PurevsukhS
Innovation 2016;10(1):12-15
Although in the 5th goal of the millennial development goals it is stated that by within 2015 iscarriages will be reduced by 75% from the year 1990. So far it has been reduced by 34%, only third of its intended goal. Around 358.000 miscarriages happen in a year, which leads to around 1000-1500 miscarriages per day during numerous stages such as: pregnancy, labor, or after birth. Thisproblem has been gathering a lot of attention around the world that it had been added in to the goalsof the millennium development goals. Of the 130 million babies who are born in a year 7.6 millionof them are born with birth defects and 3.2 million die while they are still infants, and 3.6 millioninfants are left handicapped. Of 40-50 million pregnancies that are reported in Asia and the PacificOceania, 30500-50000 women miscarry, and 300000 infants die within the first day since birth. In the Mongolian government’s population development policy, it is stated that the government shall support population growth, to provide a safe living environment for people to live a long prosperous life, and to improve healthcare services for mothers and babies. The total population as of late 2014 is 2 million 995.9 thousand it has risen up by 65.9 thousand since the previous year a 2.2 percent increase. 48.9 percent of the population are males and 51.1 percent are females the ratio of gender is 96:100 for every 100 females there are 96 males. As for age, 28 percent of the population is under 15 years old, 68 percent of the population is between the ages 15-64, 4 percent of the population is 64 years old or older. We have selected this topic because there are no sufficient scientific researchmaterials regarding to pregnancy monitoring despite there are regular reports being made about pregnancy monitoring in accordance to Mongolia’s maternity orders. 135 pregnant women who are routinely monitored at family healthcare centers were selected randomly, the results have been calculated by the SPSS 20 program and statistic information provided by pregnancy monitoring guides, and by a 48 question survey made in accordance by the 338th rule of the pregnancy monitoring of regularly processed women.Of the total 135 pregnant women, 88 (65.2%) have been checked on time. While 47 (34.8%) haven’t been checked on time. Furthermore, of women who are married 72.2 % got checked on time while only a third of the women who weren’t married (33.3%) got checked on time. Marital status was also a key factor in women being on time for regular monitoring (p=0.006). Around 70 percent ofwomen with higher education have shown up on time for regular monitoring whereas only 55 percent of women with secondary education got monitored. Considering the age structure 66.7 percent of women aged 20-24, 82.6 percent of women aged 30-34, 83.3 percent of women aged 35 and higher have been involved in regular checks on time. (p=0.031). Employment has been a factor in checkupattendance. 92.9 percent of women who work at state authorities, 63.6 of women who work in nongovernmentorganizations, 51.6 percent of women who are self-employed, 57.9 percent of students,57.9 percent of unemployed women have participated in checkups on time.(p=0.017).From the women who were surveyed, 57 (41.3%) women who didn’t show up on time for their second examination, by the looks of the women 10(83.3%) who went in monitoring on the second three months into pregnancy were pregnant before. It is clear that the women who were pregnant before lose concern about being monitored.87 (63%) of the women took pregnancy class, of the 51 (37%) who didn’t 13 (15%) took the class because they weren’t able to claim their pregnancy benefits and 35 (68.8%) of the women who didn’t take the pregnancy class have stated that they hadn’t had the time. 16 (31.4%) have claimed that it wasn’t needed. This shows that class attendance is insufficient and people only attend to claim their pregnancy benefits. Because of the lack of special service for pregnant women at district hospitals, women are forced to get service elsewhere. It is clear that local doctors give little advice and information about birth, miscarriage and prevention of misbirth.
3.Current concept of congenital cleft palate repair
Ayanga G ; Davaanyam L ; Purevjav N ; Tsolmon CH
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2011;168(1):115-126
Learning objectives: After reading this article, readers should be able to:1. Get information about brief historical aspects of the cleft palate treatment;2. Understand techniques used to repair various types of the cleft palate;3. Understand the optimal timing of the cleft palate repair;4. Understand the results and complications following palate repair including speech, maxillary growth, and fistula formation, regarding with operative techniques and timing of palatoplasty.Summary: Cleft palate is more common congenital anomaly, but surgeons have been eluding surgical correction of the cleft palate for centuries. Many surgical techniques have been described during last two centuries, the goals of these include separating the nasal and oral cavities (avoiding fistulas), establishing normal speech, and preserving maxillofacial growth. This article reviews the brief historical aspects of the cleft palate, palatoplasty techniques, the optimal timing, and the results and complication associated with palate repair technique and timing.
4.Survey of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices For Tuberculosis Among Health Care Workers In Mongolia
Erdenechimeg E ; Naranzul D ; Naransukh D ; Maygmarchuluun ; Enkhgargal G ; Tsolmon CH ; Tsevegdorj TS ; Ouyntogos L
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2010;151(1):21-25
BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) morbidity and mortality has been one of the pressing issues in the health sector of our country. In Mongolia, 2 people out of 1000 people developed tuberculosis annually, which leads to becoming one of the 7 countries with high TB morbidity among 37 countries of the Western Pacifi c Region.OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is to have the baseline to understand and measure knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding tuberculosis among non-tuberculosis health care workers including family group practitioners, nurses and specialized doctors at the primary, secondary and tertiary health care level of Mongolia.MATERIALS AND METHOD: Cross-sectional descriptive qualitative study. Self-admitted questionnaire were performed for 572 health care workers. Total of 4 aimags/provinces and 3 districts were randomly selected. Selenge, Darkhan-Uul, and Khentii aimags are regions with high tuberculosis burden, Dornogobi and Orkhon aimags are with low Tuberculosis incidence and prevalence in 2008.Altogether 572 doctors and health professionals from selected health facilities were involved in survey questionnaire and 39.9% (228 people) of respondents were working at the primary level, 31.3% (179 people) in secondary level, and 28.8% (165 people) in the tertiary level health facility, respectively. Altogether 23 focus group discussions were organized, involving 130 people.RESULTS: Around 98.6% of respondents answered that TB is spread when infected person coughs and sneezes. However, one of every three respondents answered TB can be transmitted when sharing cups, dishes and other cooking utensils with the infected person, one in every ten people–shaking hands with the infected person, and one in every four people–through mother to child transmission. Such misconception is common among the health professionals, especially among nurses of the secondary and tertiary level health facilities. Around 47.6% or 272 people answered correctly that TB patients have symptoms such as coughing for 2 weeks and longer, develop sputum with blood traces, fever and sweating during night sleep, and loss of weight. However, there is some misunderstanding among the doctors and nurses such as there are skin rashes. When doctors and nurses where asked which form of TB is the infectious one, 86.9% answered correctly that TB with positive smear test is infectious. On assessing the knowledge, attitude and practice on TB treatment, about 93.4% of the respondents answered that treatment shall be done by anti-TB drugs and this result is equally strong among health professionals at all service delivery levels (p=0.075). However, there are some misconceptions among the nurses that TB patients should buy anti-TB drugs from the pharmacies, try traditional medicines and follow religious rituals. This should be paid further attention and issues covering TB should be included in their curriculum. Every second person knows the treatment continuation period of drug susceptible TB patient, which is relatively low knowledge level. According to survey results, every second person knows what DOTS stand for. In other words, 55.4% of the respondents identifi ed correctly what is DOTS, and 13.8% answered that it is a combination of anti-TB drugs, 3 .3% - as TB treatment method, 5.6% - as combination of TB reduction measures, and 2.2% answered that they don’t know.CONCLUSION: Many misunderstandings were found in the fi eld of transmission, BCG vaccination, treatment and anti-TB drugs. There is a need to provide training for non-TB medical doctors and nurses.
Mijidsuren G ; Chingerel Kh ; Tsolmon U
Innovation 2018;12(4):4-7
BACKGROUND. Heart failure is public health burden in developed countries. There are currently
6.5 million adults in the US who heart failure and this number is expected to rise to more than
8 million people by 2030. AHA and ESC recommend natriuretic peptide biomarker-based
screening and interventions aimed at modifying risk factors for patients at risk of developing
heart failure as these can be useful in prevention of left ventricular dysfunction or new onset
heart failure.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the level of NT-proBNP and its association with metabolic risk factors
and possible early detection of chronic heart failure in general population.
MATERIAL AND METHODS. In the study, 194 participants aged from 35 to 65 were enrolled.
We measured metabolic risk factors and level of NT-proBNP of participants. The two group
of participants who have positive and negative NT-proBNP results were compared by the
metabolic risk factors.
RESULTS. NT-proBNP results were positive in 16.49% (n=32) of the participants. The mean values of
age, frequencies of hypertension, systolic and diastolic blood pressure significantly increased
in participants with positive NT-proBNP results, while mean values of BMI, frequencies of
diabetes, total cholesterol and LDL decreased in participants with negative NT-pro BNP results.
CONCLUSION: NT-proBNP was positively related to age, arterial hypertension, sistolic and
diastolic blood pressure and inversely related to body mass index, obesity, diabetes,
cholesterol, LDL.BACKGROUND. Heart failure is public health burden in developed countries. There are currently
6.5 million adults in the US who heart failure and this number is expected to rise to more than
8 million people by 2030. AHA and ESC recommend natriuretic peptide biomarker-based
screening and interventions aimed at modifying risk factors for patients at risk of developing
heart failure as these can be useful in prevention of left ventricular dysfunction or new onset
heart failure.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the level of NT-proBNP and its association with metabolic risk factors
and possible early detection of chronic heart failure in general population.
MATERIAL AND METHODS. In the study, 194 participants aged from 35 to 65 were enrolled.
We measured metabolic risk factors and level of NT-proBNP of participants. The two group
of participants who have positive and negative NT-proBNP results were compared by the
metabolic risk factors.
RESULTS. NT-proBNP results were positive in 16.49% (n=32) of the participants. The mean values of
age, frequencies of hypertension, systolic and diastolic blood pressure significantly increased
in participants with positive NT-proBNP results, while mean values of BMI, frequencies of
diabetes, total cholesterol and LDL decreased in participants with negative NT-pro BNP results.
CONCLUSION: NT-proBNP was positively related to age, arterial hypertension, sistolic and
diastolic blood pressure and inversely related to body mass index, obesity, diabetes,
cholesterol, LDL.
Batjargal D ; Bulgan T ; Tsolmon U ; Erdenekhuu L ; Myagmarsuren Sh ; Bayasgalan G
Innovation 2018;12(2):12-17
BACKGROUND. To introduce a new electronic technology which is mobile-based ophthalmoscope to the clinical practice for the patients with diabetes and hypertension.
MATERIAL AND METHODS. There are 32 participants who were diagnosed with hypertension (blood pressure measured more than 140/90 mm Hg three times a month or for 2 weeks) participated in our study. We selected the patients with type II diabetes and hypertension who were referred to the RTW diabetes center.
RESULTS. In the hypertensive group, based on Keith Wagener Barker (KWB) Grades, there are 1st and 2nd degree retinopathy cases are more common and it increases with the age. In the diabetic group, non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy is diagnosed among the patients aged above 60 years old and it correlates with the duration of disease.
7.Study of influencing factors of the maternal, infant and placenta weight
Jargalsaikhan B ; Otgonbayar L ; Gandolgor B ; Uurtiintuya B ; Oyunsuren E ; Otgontsetseg B ; Tsolmon G ; Amarjargal B ; Tegshjargal S
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2017;181(3):10-14
Introduction :
In the last years other country scientists told about not only determine infant weights, need to interest
correlation between maternal weight, height and infant weight. In our country few research articles posted
about anthropometry of obstetrics and gynecology. Our study aim is determine maternal weight, infant
weight, placenta weight and assess factors affecting roles on maternal story of “Amgalan” Maternity
Hospital in 2014-2015.
The current study aimed at assessing maternal weight, infant weight, placenta weight and evaluating the
effect of factors leading to it.
Materials and Methods:
The data was already collected from “Amgalan” Maternity Hospital using maternal history and record and
it was collected measuring general physical characteristics such as body weight and height, infant weight,
placenta weight and body circumferences. We used retrospective method and collected statistical data
was analyzed using SPSS 21.0 software.
Of total 964 study participants aged 18-45. The average age of participants was 29.6 ± 5.8 years old and
49.7% (n=479) was working during pregnancy, 45.7% (n=441) hadn’t works, 4.6% (n=44) was student.
The average weight of mothers was 75.4±11.5, weight of infants was 3439.5±456, weight of placenta
was 685±129. The following factors affected maternal and infant weights: lower education, working, early
and late pregnancy complication. Maternal weight had a low direct correlation with infant weight (r=0.267,
p<0.01) and placenta weight (r=0.208, p<0.01). In our study maternal height had a low direct correlation
with infant weight(r=0.173, p<0.01) and infant weight had a moderate direct correlation with placenta
weight (r=0.376, p<0.01).
1. The average maternal weight was 75.4±11.5, infant weight was 3539.5±456, placenta weight was 685±129.
2. The following factors affected maternal and infant weights: lower education, working status, early and late pregnancy complications.
3. Maternal weight had a little direct correlation with infant weight (r=0.267, p<0.01) and placenta
weight (r=0.208, p<0.01).