1.Finding the lung fluke by X-ray in Sin Ho - Lai Chau, Da Bac - Hoa Binh
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2001;267(12):69-72
The outbreak of the lung fluke occurred in Sin Ho - Lai Chau in 1994 and Da Bac - Hoa Binh in 1998. The biological, clinical, epidemiological investigation and X-ray showed that there were more 2000 patients (the morbidity rate: 4%). All patients had a lung lesion in X-ray image... the major signs in X-ray were pulmonary nodules and cavity and pleurocele. It should distinguish the lung fluke and the pulmonary tuberculosis
2.Identification of adult worm of human small liver fluke in Nghe An and Dong Nai province
Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;530(11):13-16
Since 2002, adult worms of human small liver fluke in some provinces were identified by morphology and confirmed by molecular method as Clonorchis sinensis in Thanh Hoa, Ninh Binh, Nam Dinh and Bac Giang province; Opisthorchis viverrini in Phu Yen and Binh Dinh province. This study, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a portion of the cytochrome oxidase 1 (410 nucleotide and 136 amino acid) of mitochondrial genome of adult worms of small liver fluke from human in Nghe An (CsNA) and Dong Nai (CsDN) province were amplified. The nucleotide and amino acid of these sequences was comparatively analyzed with the known Clonorchis sinensis (Nam Dinh strain). The analysis revealed that the Nghe An Clonorchis sp and Dong Nai Clonorchis sp (in human) were homology (99.5 - 99.8% nucleotide) and similar (100% amino acid) to the Nam Dinh Clonorchis sinensis (identification was done). Thus, the Nghe An and Dong Nai Clonorchis sp were identified as Clonorchis sinensis in Opisthorchiidae family, Clonorchis genus.
3.18S ribosomal RAN besed molecular identification of giant intestinal fluke (fasciolopsis buski) isolated in human in Vietnam
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2003;287(8):1-6
The total sequence of 18S rRNA and the neighbours including 1950 pairs of nucleotide (N) was received by PCR and expressed orderly. The examinated sample was 1 of 8 adult worms collected from 12.5 years old male patient. The worm was determined morphologically as Fasciolopsis buski. The comparison showed that in this intestinal fluke worm there is an almost absolutely analogous coefficient concerning nitrogen components of 18S rRNA in only 2 differences on 1950 N (0.01%) with the gene sequence of 18S rRNA kept in the bank of genes. In Viet Nam, this is the first molecular determination realized on human
RNA, Ribosomal, 18S
4.A new second intermediat host of genus Paragonimus.
Chin Thack SOH ; Keun Tae LEE ; Yung Kyum AHN ; Yon Ho LEE
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1964;2(1):35-40
Metacercariae were found from 6 samples among 4,382 Parlemon nipponensis which were caught at Podu, Kohung, Korea. The metacercaria was inclined as a larval stage of Paragonimus westermani by following reason: Semisulcospira libertina was the only one species which lives in Podu area. No other metacercaria except Paragonimus westermani were found from the craw or cray fish which were caught in the endemic aera. Metacercariae, ovary, testes and cuticular spines resmbled the characteristics of Paragonimus westermani, which have been described by previous workers.
Paragonimus westermani
5.Histochemical studies on Clonorchis sinensis The distribution of carbonic anhydrase.
Jung Kyun CHU ; Sung Moon HONG
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1963;1(1):11-13
The authors carried out histochemical studies on Clonorchis sinensis, especially, histochemical demonstration of carbonic anhydrase activity. Kurada's method was applied for the histochemicl staining in this study. The result obtained were summerized as follows : Carbonic anhydrase activity was intensely positive in oral sucker cells, reticular tissue cells, epithelium of the intestine and testes, more or less intensely positive in vitelline gland cells and yolk of eggs as well.
Clonorchis sinensis
6.Egg laying capacity of Fibricola seoulensis in mice and rats.
Sung Tae HONG ; Chang Hyun KIM ; Sun HUH ; Soon Hyung LEE
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1988;26(2):117-119
The egg laying capacity of Fibricola seoulensis was observed in mice and rats. In mice, the mean number of eggs produced by an adult worm a day was 116 at the first week after infection, 123 at the 2nd week and 42 at the 3rd week. Thereafter, the capacity of about 20 eggs/worm/day was maintained up to one year period. In rats, it generally produced more eggs; 49 at 1 week, 250 at 2 weeks, 216 at 4 weeks, 327 at 6 months and 11 at one year after infection. It survived longer than a year in mice and rats.
Fibricola seoulensis
7.Cercarial chaetotaxy of Clonorchis sinensis.
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1988;26(2):113-116
The pattern of sensory papillae, chaetotaxy, of the cercaria of Clonorchis sinensis was observed. The chaetotaxy was as follows; 5-6 Ci l, 4-5 Ci 2, 5-6 Ci 3 at lst row, 4 Cii 1, 2 Cii 2, 4 Cii 3, 5-6 Cii 4 at 2nd row, 3-4 Ciii 1, 2-3 Ciii 2 at 3rd row, and 2 Civ 1, 2-3 Civ 2, 2-3 Civ 3, at 4th row, in cephalic region; 2 AiV, l AiD, 2 AiiV, 1 AiiD, 2 AiiiV, 2 AiiiD, 1 AivV, 1 AivD, 1 PiiD, l PiiiD, in ventral(V) and dorsal(D) portions of body. Caudal region revealed 2-2-2-2 formula.
Clonorchis sinensis
8.Ultrastructure of the integument of adult Paragonimus westermani.
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1985;23(1):111-122
The present study was performed to observe the ultrastructure of the integument of adult Paragonimus westermani. Dogs experimentally infected with 60 metacercariae of P. westermani were autopsied 4 months after the infection. Adult P. westermani were extracted from the dogs and the fine structure was studied by means of scanning and transmission electron microscope. The findings are as follows: Scanning electron microscopic findings showed that the spines and the papillae are distributed at whole body surface but the well developed spines or papaillae are shown around the oral suckrer and ventral sucker. At the end of the body, excretory pore was found, the shape was irregular. Transmission electron microscopic findings showed that plasma membrane, tegument, basal lamina, connective tissue, circular muscle layer, longitudinal muscle layer, nerve axon and tegumental cell were observed. In higher magnification, plasma membrane and bar-shaped granules were found at the outer surface of the tegument.
Paragonimus westermani
electron microscopy
9.The karyotype of Paramphistomum cervi (Zeder, 1790) from Korean cattle.
Jae Ku RHEE ; Yong Hwan KIM ; Bae Keun PARK
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1987;25(2):154-158
As a series of systematic classification of paramphistomes, the worms in the rumen and reticulum were collected on 214 Korean cattle slaughtered at Jeonju abattoir from January 1986 to April 1987 and were classified by means of morphology. Afterwards, the karyotype of Paramphistomum cervi (Zeder, 1790) was detected by means of modified air-drying method from germ cells of the worms. The results were summarized as follows: In the chromosome number of 254 P. cervi, the haploid cell was n=9 and the diploid 2n=18. The meiotic divisions were observed frequently; 1,924 haploid and 32 diploid cells were reliable. Nine pairs of mitotic chromosomes were homologous in the metaphase stage, and the chromosomes were composed of five medium-sized metacentrics (m), subtelocentrics (st) or submetacentrics (sm) and four small-sized subtelocentrics(st) or submetacentrics(sm). Meiotic metaphase was composed of five medium and four small chromosomes in size. As a series of C-banding method, C-band was showed in centromeric region from all of the haploid germ cells. Whereas chromosome No. 3 and 5 included heterochromatin on the tip region, chromosome No. 4 on the distal region and No. 6 proximal region. And chromosomes No. 2 and 8 showed a remarkable C-band distinguished from other chromosomes.
Paramphistomum cervi
10.Ultrastructural studies on the surface of Paragonimus westermani metacercaria.
Kyong Min KIM ; Myoung Hee AHN ; Duk Young MIN
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1987;25(2):129-140
The present study was undertaken to demonstrate the surface structure of Paragonimus westermani metacercaria in Korea with special reference to the distribution of sensory papillae. Metacercariae were isolated from crayfish, one of the second intermediate host of P. westermani in Bogil island, Chollanam-do (Province), Korea, where has been known as an endemic area of human paragonimiasis. Isolated metacercariae were excysted and examined with light, scanning and transmission electron microscopes for morphological features. On the surface of metacercariae, three types of sensory papillae were identified. Large domed papillae (3-5 micrometer), which were covered with wrinkled plasma membrane of the worm, were distributed on the oral and ventral suckers only. On the oral sucker, these large domed papillae were 12-13 in number. On the other hand large domed papillae on the ventral sucker were constantly 6 in number and hexagonal in distribution. Small domed papillae (2-3 micrometer), of which surface was more smooth than those of large ones, were distributed symmetrically on the ventral (30-32 pairs) and dorsal surfaces (40-42 pairs). Ciliated papillae (0.8-1.5 micrometer) were observed about 5-6 in number around the oral sucker and 3-5 pairs each on the ventral and dorsal surface of the body. Single pointed spines covered the entire surface of the body except around the excretory pore. Spines on the anterior part of the body were 0.9-2.0 micrometer in length and 45-55/100 square micrometer in number, and were gradually reduced in length (0.4-1.4 micrometer) and in number (12-27/100 square micrometer) toward the posterior part. The body wall of P. westermani metacercariae was consisted with anucleated syncytium layer, fibrous interstitial layer and musclar layer. In the anucleated syncytium, biconcave (0.15-0.55 micrometer) and spherical (0.08-0.16 micrometer) secretory granules, which were transferred from epidermal cells via protoplasmic tubules, mitochondria and ribosomes, were observed. Spines originated around the basement membrane protruded externally. Epidermal cells were consisted with a nucleus and a cytoplasm, and connected to syncytium with protoplasmic tubules. In the cytoplasm many secretory granules, mitochondria, Golgi complex, endoplasmic reticula, ribosomes and lipid droplets were observed.
Paragonimus westermani
electron microscopy