Intra-articular synovial haemangioma of the knee is a benign
tumour. However, diagnostic delay leads to degenerative
changes in the cartilage and osteoarthritis due to recurrent
haemarthrosis. Therefore, treatment should be performed
immediately. We report the case of a localized synovial
haemangioma arising from the medial plica in a 38-year old
female presenting with pain and restricted range of motion in
the right knee joint. Initially, we diagnosed this case as a
localized pigmented villonodular synovitis (LPVS) based on
MRI and arthroscopic findings and performed only
arthroscopic en bloc excision of the mass and synovectomy
around the mass for diagnostic confirmation. Fortunately,
there was no difference in the treatment approaches for
LPVS and localized haemangioma and the synovial
haemangioma had not recurred at the 3-month postoperative
follow-up with MRI. The patient’s clinical symptoms
resolved and had not relapsed two years after surgery.