1.Estimation of Risk of Infection and Contact Frequency with Leptospira During Farmwork
Journal of International Health 2010;25(3):143-153
Risk of infection with leptospirae during farmwork was estimated using information from past leptospirosis outbreaks in both Miyagi Prefecture, Japan (around 1960) and northeastern Thailand (around 2000). Outbreaks of leptospirosis in Miyagi Prefecture were concentrated in October, while it occurred throughout the rainy season, showing a tendency to decentralize, in northeastern Thailand. In 1959, a large leptospirosis outbreak occurred in Miyagi Prefecture. The risk (1,600/100,000) of leptospira infection in the high-risk area during that outbreak was 3.4 times as high as that (470/100,000) in the middle-risk area. The risk in this year was 5.7 (high-risk area), 2.8 (middle-risk area) and 2.0 (low-risk area) times higher than that in the same area from 1960 to 1964 which could be considered as the average risk in the past time. In northeastern Thailand, the risk (50/100,000) of leptospira infection was 30 percent compared with that (170/100,000) in the middle-risk areas in Miyagi Prefecture from 1960 to 1964. Based on the risk, number of leptospirae invading into human body through skin during farmwork was estimated with the dose-response model. In Miyagi Prefecture and northeastern Thailand, the estimated numbers were 65-1,200 and 3.5-42 leptospirae per 100,000 exposures which means frequency of the daily farmwork, respectively. On the other hand, the calculation under possible environmental conditions (e.g. density of rats carrying leptospirae, water depth in paddy field) demonstrated that farmers had been in contact with 4,300 leptospirae only in an hour of their work. The result showing only a small part of leptospirae in contact invaded into human body primarily attributes to the strong structure of unwounded skin composed of stratified squamous epithelium and dermis. And also the result can be explained by a hydraulics theory. Although leptospirae being nearby skin surface can attach to skin since the water flow does not occur there, the spirochetes a little away from skin surface are easily transported with the flow and would be unable to invade into human body.
2.Open Stent Grafting for Stanford Type A Acute Aortic Dissection Originating from an Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery
Yukitoshi Shirakawa ; Keiwa Kin ; Yoshiki Watanabe ; Toru Ide ; Junki Yokota
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2017;46(1):29-34
An aberrant right subclavian artery (ARSA) is a relatively rare congenital anomaly of arch branches, occurring in 0.5-2.0% of the population. Stanford type A acute aortic dissection involving an ARSA is rare, and is associated with difficult surgical planning in an emergency situation. We report a case of Stanford type A acute aortic dissection originating from an ARSA in a 50-year-old man. He was referred to our hospital with a chief complaint of chest and back pain. Contrast enhanced CT scan revealed type A aortic dissection involving an ARSA, with the entry located near the ARSA. Given the possible difficulty of performing distal anastomosis over the ARSA and ARSA reconstruction, total arch replacement was performed using the open stent-grafting technique. The postoperative course was uneventful, and a CT scan revealed a thrombosed false lumen and ARSA. The false lumen of the aorta next to the stent graft eventually disappeared at 1 year postoperatively. The open stent-grafting technique might be an effective alternative in the management of Stanford type A acute aortic dissection with ARSA.
3.Determination of Adequate Analgesic Dose of Oxycodone Injection in Opioid-switching from Transdermal Fentanyl in Patients with Cancer-related Pain
Manabu Tatokoro ; Keita Watanabe ; Kumiko Matsushita ; Toru Miyazaki ; Satoshi Miyake
Palliative Care Research 2017;12(1):301-305
Opioid-switching (OS) is usually performed with conversion methods based on the equianalgesic dose table. However, the conversion ratios might lead to significant differences in clinical practice. No clear guideline exists for safe, effective switching from transdermal fentanyl (TF) to oxycodone injection (OXJ). We retrospectively investigated the adequate analgesia dose of OXJ in OS from TF by comparing with the equianalgesic calculated dose based on the conversion ratio of 1.0 : 41.7 between TF and OXJ. Patients with a pain scale score of 0 were assigned to the “NRS/VRS=0” group (n=4), and the remaining patients were assigned to the “NRS/VRS>0” group (n=27). During a 4-year period, 31 of 49 patients with cancer-related pain who underwent OS from TF to OXJ were investigated. All patients in the NRS/VRS=0 group (4/4, 100%) and most in the NRS/VRS>0 group (23/27, 85%) achieved adequate analgesia. Among the 27 patients with adequate analgesia, the median effective OXJ dose was 28% (interquartile range, 21-47) of the equianalgesic calculated dose in the well-controlled group and 103% (interquartile range, 71-164) in the poor analgesia group. Strong drowsiness developed in two patients the day after OS, and the OXJ dose was decreased. Our findings suggest that in patients without pain, it might be necessary to reduce the OXJ dose to approximately 30% of the equianalgesic calculated dose for safe OS from TF. Pain intensity and drowsiness due to an opioid overdose should be carefully monitored and may require dose adjustment.
4.Evaluation of Hypercoagulable Status after Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Using Platelet-Derived Microparticles
Hidetoshi Yamauchi ; Masamichi Ito ; Toru Watanabe ; Hiroyuki Satoh ; Yoshiro Matsui
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2007;36(3):121-126
Thromboembolic events after cardiac surgery, including ischemic strokes, can be devastating complications, however only a few studies manifest the platelet activation and coagulation state after off-pump coronary artery bypass (OPCAB). Platelet-derived microparticles (PMP) are observed as released vesicles from platelets following platelet activation, and are believed to play a role in some clinical diseases because of their procoagulant activity. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the hypercoagulant state after OPCAB using PMP and other indices. Data were obtained from 15 patients (aged 69±7 years; only men) undergoing elective OPCAB surgery. One hundred milligrams of aspirin were used as postoperative antiplatelet drugs. Preoperative risk factors, operation time, postoperative hospital stay, transfusion and blood samples of CBC, PMP, βTG, PF 4, platelet aggregation, FDP, D-dimer and TAT of pre- and postoperative days (POD) 3 and 7 were studied. There was no difference between the PMP level with or without risk factor. The PMP levels of POD 3 and 7 were significantly higher compared to the preoperative levels (pre-op, POD 3, 7:9.1±5.1, 15.2±10.3, 28.4±24.5/104plt respectively, p<0.05). The levels of FDP, D-dimer and TAT rose significantly on POD 3 and 7 and significantly correlated with the PMP levels. Beta TG, PF 4 and platelet aggregation did not change after OPCAB surgery, and no correlation was found with the PMP levels. Elevated levels of PMP, TAT, FDP and D-dimer persisted until POD 7 and suggested not only platelet activation, but also activation of the coagulation and fibrinolytic system. The findings suggest that 100mg of aspirin may not be adequate for the inhibition of platelet activation after OPCAB surgery.
5.A Pilot Study of the Physical Characteristics and Thermal Effects of Mud compared with Bentonite
Masutaka WATANABE ; Fumihiro MITSUNOBU ; Toshifumi OZAKI ; Masuo SENDA ; Tsugutake MORISHITA ; Toru TAKAGI
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2010;47(9):620-625
Design : A pilot, comparative study was conducted. Background : Heat wraps using bentonite (HWb) are commonly used in thermotherapy. In the Okayama University Misasa Medical Center, heat wraps using mud (HWm) produced by mixing soil with boiling water have also been used. The subjective thermal effects of HWm on patients with osteoarthritis of the knee have been reported. However, the objective thermal effects of HWm have not been examined. As such, the physicochemical thermal effects of HWm were analyzed and compared with those of HMb. Methods : The thermal effects of HWm and HWb were investigated regarding heat radiation, conduction, capacity and moisture content. Heat radiation and conduction were measured by changes in temperature of the heat wraps, in addition heat conduction was also assessed by blood flow in body surfaces (N=7). Heat capacity and moisture content were measured with a Differential Scanning Calorimeter. Results: Heat radiation and heat conduction of HWm were significantly greater than those of HWb (p<0.001). The specific heat capacity of HWm was 2.0 J/g/°C, and was 1.7 J/g/°C for HWb. Moisture content of HWm and HWb were 0.6 mg/g and 0.3 mg/g, respectively. Conclusion : Heat radiation, conduction and capacity of HWm are superior to those of HWb. Moreover, the moisture content in HWm is greater than that of HWb. These results indicate that the thermal effects of HWm would have more be physicochemical usefulness.
6.Evaluating a Palliative Medicine Education Program for Undergraduate Medical Students at a Regional Hospice
Manabu Tatokoro ; Kumiko Matsushita ; Keita Watanabe ; Eriko Yamanaka ; Toru Miyazaki ; Mihoko Takahashi
Palliative Care Research 2017;12(2):911-917
Background: There is increasing demand for clinical clerkships in palliative medicine, though conventional medical education has focused only on providing students with sufficient medical knowledge and skills. In Japan, there is no standard program for palliative medicine in undergraduate medical education. Our hospice, in cooperation with a clinical clerkship for palliative medicine launched by Tokyo Medical and Dental University, has developed its own comprehensive bedside learning curriculum. Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the program. Methods: The curriculum involves not only experience in hospice care, ward rounds, and interviews with terminally ill patients, it also provides each medical student with educational sessions moderated by certified hospice nurses and pharmacists. We conducted a self-administered five-point scale questionnaire (with a higher score indicating higher satisfaction) to assess students’ satisfaction and understanding of the program. We also conducted a questionnaire on basic palliative medicine knowledge before and after the program. Results: Twenty students took part in the program. Ratios of scores of 4 or 5 for satisfaction and understanding of the program were 100% and 95%, respectively. Mean rates of correct answers on the pre-program and post-program test were 51% and 85%, respectively; showing a marked increase and emphasizing the educational significance of our curriculum. Students evidently benefit from the experience of bedside learning, and 95% reported having recommended the program to their juniors. Conclusion: These outcomes suggest the program is effective toward developing a standard education program in palliative medicine.
7.Cardiac Surgery in Patients with Chronic Dialysis.
Susumu Manabe ; Hiroyuki Tanaka ; Koso Egi ; Satoru Hasegawa ; Masazumi Watanabe ; Nagahisa Oshima ; Toru Sakamoto ; Makoto Sunamori
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2002;31(1):18-23
This study was designed to evaluate the perioperative outcome of dialysis patients undergoing cardiac surgery, who were managed with our perioperative dialysis program. Between April 1994 and August 1999, 11 patients (7 men and 4 women with a mean age of 57.3±10.3 (36-73)) with hemodialysis (HD, n=8) and peritoneal dialysis (PD, n=3) underwent cardiac surgery. The duration of dialysis was 5.6±4.3 years. Operation included mitral valve replacement (n=1) and isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (n=10). Patients with HD had single hemodialysis on the day before operation. Patients with PD were maintained on PD in the usual manner until the day before surgery. Intraoperative hemofiltration during extra-corporeal circulation and normokalemic non-depolarizing cardioplegic solution were used in all patients to avoid post-operative hyperkalemia. All HD patients had dialysis on the first post-operative day (POD 1), and then every other day. PD patients had PD soon after arriving at the ICU. Levels of serum creatinine, urea nitrogen, acid-base balance were successfully controlled within acceptable ranges. No patients required emergency HD or any post-operative managements for hyperkalemia in the ICU. Six of 8 HD patients required an increase in vasopressor because of a tendency toward hypotension and 4 of 8 patients suffered from atrial fibrillation during the initial HD on POD 1. Eight of 11 patients could be extubated on the first POD. No hospital death occurred. The use of normokalemic cardioplegic solution was useful to avoid post-operative hyperkalemia. Our perioperative dialysis programme successfully managed the perioperative clinical course of dialysed patients undergoing cardiac surgery.
8.A Surgically Treated Case of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Associated with Melioidosis.
Hiroshi Sugimura ; Koji Watanabe ; Shuichiro Sugimura ; Tadashi Iriyama ; Yoshinobu Hattori ; Koji Negi ; Mitsuru Yamashita ; Ryo Hoshino ; Toru Yamamoto ; Yoshitsugu Iinuma
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1998;27(4):237-240
A 58-year-old man was admitted for pneumonia after several business trips to Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia. Despite resolution of pneumonia on chest X-ray, high fever persisted. CT scan revealed a juxtarenal, atypical-shaped abdominal aortic aneurysm of 4.5cm in size, and this was thought to be the cause of persisting fever. After prolonged antibiotic treatment, surgical resection and prosthetic tube replacement of the aneurysm was performed. The aneurysm was a pseudoaneurysm, and histological examination showed chronic inflammation with no atherosclerotic change. It was thought to be of mycotic origin. On the 12th day after operation, he became febrile, and an arterial blood culture yielded Burkholderia pseudomallei. Antibiotics chosen according to sensitivity tests, were given. He was finally discharged with no exidence of persisting infection, on the 55th day after operation.
9.Нойр булчирхайн хорт хавдрын мэс засал эмчилгээ
Akira Chikamoto ; Shinya Abe ; Daisuke Hashimoto ; Katsunori Imai ; Hidetoshi Nitta ; Hiromitsu Hayashi ; Masayuki Watanabe ; Takatoshi Ishiko, ; Toru Beppu ; Hideo Baba
Innovation 2013;7(3):11-15
Pancreatic cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer-related death in Japan. Surgical treatment is the effective way to achieve a long survival. Because of the development of surgical procedure and perioperative management, pancreatic surgery becomes safer. However, it still includes a certain number of morbidities and mortalities. It is important to perform safe operation for long survival. We herein introduce our operative procedure for pancreatic surgery including pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) and distal pancreatectomy. In patients undergoing PD, leakage from the pancreatic anastomosis remains an important cause of morbidity and contributes to prolonged hospitalization and mortality. Recently, a new end-to-end pancreatojejunostomy technique without the use of any stitches through the pancreatic texture or pancreatic duct has been developed. In this novel anastomosis technique, the pancreatic stump is first sunk into deeply and tightened with a purse string in the bowel serosa. We modified this method in an end-to-side manner to complete the insertion of the pancreatic stump into the jejunum, independent of the size of the pancreas or the jejunum. Since April 2013, we have performed this new anastomosis technique in 36 patients. The breakdown of preoperative diagnosis of 36 patients were 13 pancreatic cancers, 8 extrahepatic bile duct cancers, 7 intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms and so on. Of 36 PD, 32 were subtotal stomach preserving PD (SSPPD), and the rest were SSPPD combined with left hemihepatectomy or distal pancreatectomy, and middle pancreatectomy. The concentration of amylase in discharged fluid through an abdominal drain decreased day by day. According to the ISGPF definition, pancreatic fistula (PF) was observed in 4 patients (11%). Of 4, only 1 case had grade C PF. This case had a hemorrhage from pancreatic cut end. This occurred probably because the pancreatic cut end was not compressed by the intestinal wall with this technique. This case had reoperation and the hemostasis of pancreatic cut end was secured. The other severe complications were not observed. This new method can be performed safely and is expected to reduce the occurrence of leakage from PD. The development of PF following distal pancreatectomy is an unsolved problem. We introduce a simple technique, the parallel suturing technique, which prevents severe PF by hand-sewn closure of the pancreatic stump. After standard distal pancreatectomy in the described cases, the main pancreatic duct was secured. The stump of the pancreatic remnant was closed with three nonabsorbable monofilament sutures. The three sutures were positioned about 3 mm proximal to the cut end of the pancreas and tied parallel to the pancreatic stump. Ascites fluid was collected through a drain tube, and its concentration of amylase was measured on days 1, 2, 3, and 4 postoperatively. PF was diagnosed according to the ISGPF classification. On postoperative day 4, three patients were categorized as having grade A PF, six were diagnosed with no PF, and the drain tubes of the remaining three were removed on day 3. This simple technique may effectively lighten the severity of PF following distal pancreatectomy. It may have a particular advantage in patients with a wide pancreatic stump.
10.Retrospectivein utero exposure assessment of PCBs using preserved umbilical cords and its application to case-control comparison.
Takamitsu OTAKE ; Jun YOSHINAGA ; Yoshie SEKI ; Toru MATSUMURA ; Keiichiro WATANABE ; Michiko ISHIJIMA ; Nobumasa KATO
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2006;11(2):65-68
OBJECTIVESThe aim of this study is to assess preserved umbilical cords as chemical exposure media to investigatein utero chemical exposure. Furthermore, we aim to apply preserved umbilical cords to retrospective studies of the relationship betweenin utero chemical exposure and neurodevelopment disorders.
METHODSTwo sets of preserved umbilical cord samples were analyzed for exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs): one composed of samples from 20 healthy Japanese subjects and the other set included samples from 17 autistic patients and 7 healthy sibling of theirs.
RESULTSThe possibility of external PCBs contamination during storage of preserved umbilical cord samples was found, and due to this problem, the study design should be limited to the comparison between PCBs concentration in preserved cord samples from autistic patients and that in those from their sibling. Total PCBs concentrations in preserved cords from autistic patients and their control siblings were compared and we found no statistically significant difference between them (Wilcoxon signed rank test, p>0.05).
CONCLUSIONSThe association between autism andin utero PCBs exposure was not clarified in this study; however, retrospective studies such as a case-control study of siblings using preserved umbilical cords can be a method of choice for examining the possible relationship betweenin utero chemical exposure and child hood disorders.