AIM: To observe the immunoregulation of all ogeneic cornea on the human peripheral blood T lymphocytes in vitro. METHODS: After Co-culture of human peripheral blood lymphocytes and allogeneic cornea in vitro, T lymphocytes were labeled by monoclonal ant ibody, and analyzed by fluorescent activated cell sorter (FACS). RESULTS: CD25 expression on T lymphocytes in control was 25.2%, after stimulated by the allogeneic cornea or PDB, CD25 expression on T lymphocy tes was 56.8% and 80.9%, respectively. After stimulated by the allogeneic corn ea, CD25 expression on CD 4+ or CD 8+ T lymphocytes were 67.3% and 52.3% , respectively. CONCLUSION: Allageneic cornea stimulates CD25 expression on huma n peripheral blood T lymphocytes, and the CD25 expression on CD 4+ T lymphocy tes is more prominent than CD 8+ T lymphocytes.