1.The examination of a decline in steps in the last decade and its reason -A serial cross-sectional study in male college freshmen-
Masato Nishiwaki ; Atsushi Kiuchi ; Tomohiro Nakamura
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2014;63(1):231-242
The present study aimed to investigate whether daily steps in male college students have actually decreased in the last decade. If the decline in steps is found, we additionally aimed to examine whether the decline in steps is attributed to a reduction of exercise or, rather, to a reduction of non-exercise activity. A serial cross-sectional study was performed from 2003 to 2012 at the Osaka Institute of Technology. A total of 1,215 male college freshmen were analyzed. Every year, scores of the physical activity levels were evaluated by a questionnaire, and we measured daily steps of participants using a pedometer during usual 1 week. Daily behavior record was also analyzed (n = 69). There were no significant trends or differences in characteristics of participants and the scores of physical activity levels throughout the 10 years. However, interestingly, significant decreasing trends were observed in the steps of average and weekend. In addition, daily behavior record analyses indicate that a cell-phone or a PC usage increased significantly in both weekday and weekend and that playing video games increased significantly in weekday. Therefore, these data support the view that daily steps have actually reduced in the last decade. Our findings also raise the possibility that the decline in steps may be related to the decline in non-exercise activity associated with the increase in a cell-phone or a PC usage and playing the video games.
2.The relationship between Internet addiction and steps -A cross-sectional study in a sample of male college freshmen in Japan-
Masato Nishiwaki ; Atsushi Kiuchi ; Tomohiro Nakamura
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2014;63(5):445-453
The present study aimed to examine the effects of Internet addiction on daily steps. A cross-sectional study was performed at the Osaka Institute of Technology. A total of 334 male college freshmen were analyzed. The participants were assigned to five groups according to Internet addiction levels. Internet addiction levels were assessed by Diagnostic Questionnaire, which has been reported by Young (1998), and we measured daily steps of the participants using a pedometer during usual 1 week. There were no significant trends or differences among five groups in physical characteristics of the participants, sleep duration, frequency of eating breakfast, and walking during commute time. However, with the level of Internet addiction increasing, daily steps showed a statistically significant decreasing trend. Therefore, Internet addiction levels might be related to reductions in steps in a dose-response manner. To clarify this point, further investigations will be required after considering confounding factors.
3.Replacement of the Aortic Root and Ascending Aorta for Acute Aortic Dissection in a Patient with Liver Cirrhosis (Child-Pugh Class B) and Hepatic Cell Carcinoma
Koki Nakamura ; Mikiko Murakami ; Tomohiro Asai ; Yosuke Saito ; Hiroki Yamaguchi
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2007;36(1):15-18
A 62-year-old man was referred to us because of acute aortic dissection (Stanford type A). He had had liver cirrhosis (Child-Pugh class B) and hepatic cell carcinoma in the left lateral lobe, which had been resected 3 years ago. On admission he was drowsy and was in shock. CT showed dissection from the ascending aorta to the abdominal aorta. Echocardiography revealed severe aortic regurgitation. An emergency operation was indicated although it was a very high risk procedure. Under cardiopulmonary bypass with moderate hypothermia, the aortic root was replaced with a Freestyle valve (23mm). Then the ascending aorta was replaced with a woven Dacron graft (28mm) under cardiac arrest and isolated cerebral perfusion. Postoperatively, he had cardiac tamponade and cerebral infarction (perhaps due to the preoperative events). However, he was successfully discharged on the 34th postoperative day.
4.Muscle fiber conduction velocity and muscle fiber composition of rat hindlimb muscle.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1992;41(1):63-69
To investigate whether muscle fiber conduction velocity reflects muscle fiber type, we studied the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus (SOL) muscle in 7 male rats aged 12 weeks. Muscle fiber conduction velocity was measured with a surface electrode array during stimulated contraction and calculated from the delay between two action potentials along muscle fibers for a given inter-electrode distance. Conduction velocity in the EDL (2.71±0.50 m/s) was significantly higher (p<0.05) than that in the SOL (2.14±0.34 m/s) . Fiber type, fiber area and fiber diameter were determinated by myosin ATPase staining and NADH-tetrazolium reductase staining. Muscle fiber composition of the EDL and SOL was 94.6±1.8 and 14.8±4.3% FT fibers, respectively, and mean muscle fiber diameter was 62.7±6.2 pm and 79.2±7.8pm, respectively, that of the EDL being significantly smaller (p<0.01) than that of the SOL. It was suggested that individual differences in conduction velocity were caused by differences in muscle fiber composition rather than differences in muscle diameter.
5.Efficacy of a Virtual Reality Simulator for Evaluating the Aptitude of Medical Students
Hiroshi Oyama ; Tomohiro Kuroda ; Kenta Hori ; Takehiko Nakamura ; Takashi Takahashi
General Medicine 2001;2(1):17-23
OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to develop a system using virtual reality (VR) technology to test the haptic skills of medical students. Currently, surgical skills are learned on live patients in a clinical environment in which the student practices under the close supervision of an experienced surgeon. We are interested in using haptic feedback devices to enhance surgical skills, because simulated touch in a virtual world improves the performance of trainee surgeons. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of a test that evaluates the surgical skill of medical students by using a VR simulator.
METHODS: We used a microsurgical simulator with a force-feedback system. Its effectiveness in helping 36 medical students to acquire the tactile skills used in microscopic surgery was evaluated experimentally. Operating time and the number of sites of hemorrhage were measured to evaluate surgical aptitude. We also evaluated system performance with respect to reality, immersiveness, and operability as secondary measures. Data were analyzed using descriptive methods.
RESULTS: The operating time and number of hemorrhagic sites were positively correlated. Subject students were clustered into three groups: dexterous, awkward, or clumsy. The relation between the number of hemorrhages in the retina and immersion and operability differed between the group of would-be surgeons and those of would-be internists and pediatricians. All the students commented that the simulator was a useful tool for medical education.
CONCLUSIONS: The VR simulator can be used not only to teach and evaluate subtle tactile and surgical skills relevant to the surgical profession, but also to test the aptitude of medical students. The training transfer from a haptic simulator to actual practice methodology should be quantifiable in the near future. This work has steered medical informatics research into a new type of medical education.
6.Sense of coherence (SOC) : social and psychological factors in the homebound elderly in a community
Shuichi Wakayama ; Yuu Takata ; Tomohiro Kubota ; Shigemi Nakamura ; Yoshihiko Fujita ; Naoki Maki ; Daigo Hasegawa ; Hisako Yanagi
An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association 2016;39(2):98-105
Objective : Although current preventative care policies consider the issue of the homebound elderly to be important, effective means of intervention have not been established. Therefore, it is necessary to elucidate the relevant causes of the poorly understood “homebound” problem. As little expertise exists on the social and psychological factors of those who are homebound, this study focuses on the sense of coherence (SOC) —a new estimate of the psychosocial factors involved in being homebound—and examines the connection between being homebound and SOC.
Methods : A mail survey was conducted among 1,895 elderly adults, none of whom had been issued a Certification of Long-Term Care Need. Survey items included basic attributes, physical characteristics, psychological and socioenvironmental characteristics, and the condition of being homebound. Furthermore, SOC was investigated as part of the psychosocial and environmental evaluation. The 853 respondents chosen for the analysis were divided into three groups depending on their level of homeboundedness, and an ordered logistic regression analysis was conducted using homeboundedness as the dependent variable.
Results : The following items were found to have a significant association with homeboundedness : age, sex, low motor function, depressive tendencies, low SOC, and the low TMIG Index of Competence.
Discussion : This study identified a relation between being homebound and SOC, suggesting that in addition to interventions for depression and motor function, new SOC focused aid must be considered in the prevention of homeboundedness.
7.Postoperative Hypoxia in Obese Patients following Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting.
Kazuhiro Kochi ; Kazuhiro Yamazaki ; Osamu Ishii ; Tatsuhiko Komiya ; Tomohiro Nakamura ; Yoshio Kanzaki
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1997;26(2):83-86
Postoperative hypoxia in 53 consecutively treat patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and who were weaned from mechanical ventilation were studied. The 29 patients who required high concentration oxygen (more than 70% H-group) were compared with the 24 patients who required lower concentration oxygen (less than 70% L-group). The preoperative body mass index (BMI) was significantly higher in the H-group (25.6±3.5) than the L-group (23.3±2.8). (p=0.012). Respiratory index (RI) decreased after extracorporeal circulation in all patients. The RI of the H-group during a stay in intensive care unit was significantly lower than that in the L-group. The RI in obese patients (BMI≥26.5) showed a significant reduction. Late deaths were seen in 3 obese patients in the H-group. These data suggested that careful postoperative respiratory managements is necessary in obese patients.
8.Acute Aortic Dissection Occurring on the Day after Coronary Artery Bypass Operation
Koki Nakamura ; Yuji Suda ; Yosuke Saito ; Mikiko Murakami ; Tomohiro Asai ; Hiroki Yamaguchi
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2007;36(4):215-217
A 73-year-old woman was referred to our hospital for angina pectoris due to triple-vessel-disease. She underwent off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting ×3 (RITA-LAD, LITA-OM, SV-PDA). Her vital signs were stable during the operation and the postoperative status was steady in the ICU. However, on the next day, she suddenly had severe back pain with markedly elevated blood pressure. Urine output immediately shut down and respiratory failure progressed with time. An enhanced CT scan revealed aortic dissection (DeBakey type I and Stanford type A). An emergency operation was performed via re-sternotomy. Cardiopulmonary bypass was initiated and the body was cooled down to 20°C. Under circulatory arrest with isolated cerebral perfusion, the ascending aorta was replaced using a one-branched Hemashield graft (26mm in diameter). The entry of the dissection was located at the proximal anastomosis site of the vein graft. The postoperative course was uneventful and she was discharged on the 24th postoperative day.
9.Distal Arch Replacement for Intrathoracic Left Subclavian Artery Aneurysm in a 68-Year-Old Man
Koki Nakamura ; Mikiko Murakami ; Tomohiro Asai ; Yosuke Saito ; Yuji Suda ; Hiroki Yamaguchi
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2007;36(4):218-220
A 68-year-old man was referred to our hospital with an abnormal shadow on chest X-ray film. Enhanced chest CT scan revealed intrathoracic left subclavian artery aneurysm (maximum diameter 4cm) just above the aortic arch. Surgery was indicated considering the risks of aneurysm rupture and distal embolism, although he was asymptomatic. Under left 4th posterolateral thoracotomy, the aneurysm was exposed. Cardiopulmonary bypass was initiated with cannulation of the left femoral artery and vein (to the right atrium). Circulatory arrest and isolated cerebral perfusion were achieved at 25°C core-temperature. The distal arch was replaced using a 26mm Hemashield graft and the left subclavian artery was reconstructed interposing an 8mm graft. The postoperative course was uneventful: he was extubated at 8h and was sent to the ward the next day. He was given an ambulatory discharge on the 13th postoperative day.
10.Sealed Rupture of an Internal Iliac Artery Aneurysm in a 92-Year-Old Woman Surgically Treated with Success
Koki Nakamura ; Tomohiro Asai ; Mikiko Murakami ; Yosuke Saito ; Yuji Suda ; Hiroki Yamaguchi
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2007;36(5):281-283
A 92-year-old woman was referred to our hospital with lower abdominal pain and lumbago. Her vital signs were stable at an emergency outpatient-clinic. An enhanced CT scan showed a sealed rupture of a right internal iliac artery aneurysm (85×73mm in diameter). An emergency operation was performed via median laparotomy. As predicted pre-operatively, a large hematoma was found in the retroperitoneal space and mesenterium surrounding the right internal iliac artery aneurysm (sealed rupture). Y-grafting was performed using a 16×8mm Intergard: proximal and distal ends of the graft were the abdominal aorta and bilateral femoral arteries, respectively. Left common iliac artery, right external iliac artery and right internal arterial aneurysm were suture-closed. The postoperative course was uneventful and she was discharged on the 13th postoperative day on foot.