1.Signs and symptoms associated with postsurgical dysfunctions among upper gastroesophageal cancer patients: an analysis of the published reports
Keiko Iino ; Shigeaki Watanuki ; Yurie Koyama ; Kyoko Suzuki ; Chihoko Wada ; Michiko Mori ; Miho Kurihara ; Kyoko Okada ; Chisato Ichikawa ; Hideo Uesugi ; Tomiko Ichihashi ; Yoko Hisabe ; Kaori Yagasaki ; Hiroko Komatsu
Palliative Care Research 2013;8(2):701-720
Purpose: The review of the published reports was performed with the aim of systematic collection and integration of information related to "signs and symptoms" along with their changes among patients after upper gastroesophageal surgeries. Methods: The PubMed and the Japanese healthcare literature database were searched by the following keywords:"gastric cancer" "esopha∗ cancer" "surgery" and "symptom" As a result, 37 articles related to gastric or esophagus cancer were identified. The data were extracted according to each sign and symptom, and were evaluated and discussed. Results and Conclution: Standardized instruments for gastrointestinal symptoms included evaluations about dysphagia, difficulty in swallowing, reflux etc. The incidence of signs and symptoms, or postsurgical recovery processes are different among individual patients. Healthcare professionals should support patients continuously and systematically so that patients can take appropriate health maintenance behavior according to their signs and symptoms.