1.Island Health Review, Progress And The Way Forward In The Western Pacific Region
Thant Zin ; Than Myint ; Kyaw Htay ; Shamsul B. S.
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2014;14(3):36-46
Island health differs from other health care systems, particularly in that there are limited resources and referral faculties available. With globalisation and climate change, island populations have become increasingly vulnerable to natural disasters and global pandemics. This study will identify, explore, compare and report on island health issues facing in the western Pacific, before making appropriate recommendations. A review of selected health indicators in Pacific islands was collected from the World Health Organization (WHO) and other publicly available resources. In the Pacific region, 15 islands saw lower health expenditure (
2.Post-Gastrectomy Osteomalacia mimicking rheumatologic disorders: A case report
Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies 2016;31(1):55-58
Osteomalacia is one of the post-gastrectomy complications resulting from the impaired absorption of vitamin D and calcium.1 Vitamin D deficiency or osteomalacia can be diagnosed by clinical, biochemical and radiographic parameters, and bone biopsy. The radiologic findings of “Looser zones” or pseudofractures aid in the diagnosis. Severe generalized pain, mimicking rheumatologic disorders is one of the features that maybe a presenting complaint of osteomalacia. We report a case of osteomalacia as a consequence of gastric by-pass surgery.
3.Influencing Factors For Cholera And Diarrhoea: Water Sanitation And Hygiene In Impoverished Rural Villages Of Beluran District, Sabah Malaysia
Thant Zin ; Tin SabaiAung ; Sahipudin Saupin ; Than Myint ; Daw KhinSN ; Meiji Soe Aung ; Shamsul B. S.
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2015;15(1):30-40
The lower percentage of water, sanitation and hygiene are the root causes of diarrhoea and cholera. Cholera is a sudden onset of acute watery diarrhoea which can progress to severe dehydration and death if untreated. The current pandemic, Vibrio Cholera O1 started in 1961. This study explores water, sanitation, hygiene and cholera and diarrhoea in three affected villages of Beluran District, Sabah Malaysia to support effective and timely public health intervention. This cross sectional study uses purposive sampling. All (114) households were interviewed and household water samples collected. The study reported lower coverage improved sanitation facilities (35.3% to 52.3%), no latrine at home (37% to 63%), improved water supply (52% to 60%), and prevalence of hand washing after toilet (57% - 74%). For water quality, Ecoli was present in household water (32% to 37%) but Vibrio cholerae was not isolated in any of the water samples tested. Statistically significant associations were found for; 1) occupation−non-agriculture and unimproved sanitation facility and 2) house ownership and correct knowledge of ORS preparation. Predictors for household water quality were: latrine at home, and improved household toilet. Aggressive strategies to improve water supply, sanitation and hygiene−hand washing after toilet−were recommended for future prevention of cholera and diarrhoea in the affected area.
Rural Population
4.Antenatal Care (Anc) Services Utilization In Maternal And Child Health (Mch) Clinics Of Kinabatangan (Rural) And Sandakan (Urban) Of Sabah, Malaysia
San San Win ; Naing Oo Tha ; Than Myint ; Soe Aung ; Johari Awang Besar ; Zaiton Yayaha
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2017;17(2):42-51
This paper investigates the antenatal care (ANC) services utilization in currently pregnant women during their visits to maternal and child health (MCH) clinics of rural (Kinabatangan) and urban (Sandakan), Sabah. A community clinic based, cross-sectional descriptive study was performed. In total, 800 currently pregnant women attending two MCH clinics, from April to September 2012, were participated using tested set questionnaires. Descriptive analysis was used for background characteristics and chi-square analysis was applied to identify the rural-urban differences among the variables.In both study areas, previous births delivered by skilled birth personnel were same. In pregnant women from rural, less income, more grand-multiparity, earlier antenatal care booking, more frequent post-natal care, more use of contraception compared to those in urban. In comparison, urban pregnant women had more anti-tetanus toxoid injection in their previous pregnancies, past history of antenatal care for at least four times, increase in household members. As this study found the differences in ANC services utilization at Rural and Urban, further study is needed to explore concrete reasons for above findings. By delivering services according to the needs of all clients, irrespective of their place of residence, it will improve ANC services utilization in both areas of Sabah and hence will improve more on existing health status of the Nation.
5.Adrenocortical oncocytoma presenting with gynaecomastia
Than Than Aye ; Phone Myint ; Kyar Nyo Soe Myint
Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies 2015;30(1):27-30
Adrenal oncocytomas are rare adrenal neoplasms which are usually large and nonfunctioning. Most of them are benign. We report a rare case of adrenal oncocytoma presenting with bilateral gynaecomastia and hypogonadism in 67-year- old male from Myanmar who had elevated estradiol levels. He successfully underwent an adrenalectomy and the histologic diagnosis was an oncocytoma. The immunohistochemical (IHC) staining was positive for neuron specific enolase (NSE), vimentin and synaptophysin. Feminizing adrenal oncocytoma has not been reported in literature.
Adenoma, Oxyphilic
6.Calcium Intake among Myanmar Residing in Bago, Kayin, and Yangon Areas
Phyu Phyu Aung ; Mya Ohnmar ; Moh Moh Hlaing ; Moe Thida Kyaw ; Aye Aye Than ; Theingi Thwin ; Tin Khine Myint
Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2010;16(1):91-100
A cross-sectional survey combined with 24-hour dietary recall and food diary was undertaken to assess the calcium intake of the Myanmar population. The
study was conducted from November 2003 to October 2005. A total of 886 subjects of both sexes aged above 2 years from three States and Divisions (Bago, Kayin,
and Yangon) of Myanmar were included in the study. The major measures were mean daily calcium intake (mg/day) and major sources of calcium in the diet.
Overall mean calcium intake was 197+13mg/day (2-9 years), 421+2mg/day (10-19 years), 399+21 mg/day (20-49 years), and 383+25mg/day (>50 years) for males,
while the corresponding values for females were 207+17 mg/day, 366+19 mg/day, 387+16 mg/day, and 327 +19 mg/day. Calcium intake was less than 80% of the recommended dietary allowances (RDA) for Myanmar for ages 2-9 years and
10-29 years in all the study areas, and for the 50 years and above age group in Yangon. Fish paste was found to be the major source of calcium. Milk and milk
products contributed very little to total calcium intake, contributing 2.1% for residents in Yangon, 5.1% in Pa-an and none in Bago. Consumption of calciumrich
foods, particularly milk and milk products, should be encouraged among the Myanmar people. Towards this end, appropriate nutrition education materials should be developed for promotional purposes.
7.Unusual variations of the lateral and posterior cords in a female cadaver.
San San THWIN ; Fazlin ZAINI ; Myo THAN ; Soe LWIN ; Maung MYINT
Singapore medical journal 2012;53(6):e128-30
The presence of anatomical variations of the peripheral nervous system often accounts for unexpected clinical signs and symptoms. We report unusual variations of the lateral and posterior cords of the brachial plexus in a female cadaver. Such variations are attributed to a faulty union of divisions of the brachial plexus during the embryonic period. The median nerve lay medial to the axillary artery (AA) on both sides. On the right, the lateral root of the median nerve crossing the AA and the median nerve in relation to the medial side of the AA was likely the result of a faulty development of the seventh intersegmental artery. We discuss these variations and compare them with the findings of other researchers. Knowledge of such rare variations is clinically important, aiding radiologists, anaesthesiologists and surgeons to avoid inadvertent damage to nerves and the AA during blocks and surgical interventions.
Axillary Artery
Brachial Plexus
anatomy & histology
Human Body
Median Nerve
anatomy & histology
Middle Aged
8.Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Towards Sexual And Reproductive Health Including Comprehensive Sexuality Education Among First Year Students Of University Malaysia Sabah (Ums), Malaysia
San San Win ; Helen Benedict Lasimbang ; Mie Mie Cho Win ; M Tanveer Hossain Parash ; Sai Nay Lynn Aung ; Yeap Boon Tat ; Than Myint
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2020;20(1):184-191
This study aims to assess knowledge, attitude and behavior in sexual and reproductive health (SRH) including comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) among 439 first year students; 213 sciences and 226 arts students from 5 Faculties of University Malaysia Sabah (2016-2017). Exposure of Malaysian students to sexual education is limited to science subjects which are only being taught at upper elementary and secondary high school levels. Arts students are less exposed to sexual education across Malaysia as it is delivered in Basic Science subject only. It was a university-based, cross-sectional, descriptive study. Pretested self- administered questionnaire was anonymously completed by all participants and was conducted from November 2016 to January 2017. Students’ demographic characteristics from Science and Arts streams were same except females, Sabah ethnics and Malays were more in Arts. Awareness of HIV/AIDS, Condom, Wet dream, COC pills and abortion services were more in Science students and statistically significant. 34.3 % and 81.2% of Science students agreed that CSE should be introduced in primary and secondary school but not statistically significant. 22 out of 439 students were sexually active. Science students had more knowledge about SRH and favourable attitude towards sexuality education but less favourable behaviour of watching and reading pornographic materials. It was concluded that there were gaps in knowledge, attitude and behaviour of SRH and need to remedy these by giving appropriate CSE classes to first-year university students in an elective module according to their culture and religious beliefs in accord with International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education (ITGSE).
9.Characterizing Helicobacter pylori cagA in Myanmar
Thein MYINT ; Muhammad MIFTAHUSSURUR ; Ratha korn VILAICHONE ; New NI ; Than Than AYE ; Phawinee SUBSOMWONG ; Tomohisa UCHIDA ; Varocha MAHACHAI ; Yoshio YAMAOKA
Gut and Liver 2018;12(1):51-57
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Differences in the Helicobacter pylori infection rate are not sufficient to clarify the dissimilarity of gastric cancer incidence between Myanmar and its neighboring countries. To better understand this trend, the H. pylori virulence gene cagA was characterized in Myanmar. METHODS: Glutamate-proline-isoleucine-tyrosine-alanine (EPIYA) patterns and CagA multimerization (CM) motifs of cagA genotypes were examined by performing polymerase chain reactions and DNA sequencing. RESULTS: Of 69 tested H. pylori strains, cagA-positive patients had significantly more severe histological scores in their antrum than cagA-negative patients. Sequence analysis revealed that 94.1% of strains had Western-type cagA containing an EPIYA motif (92.6%) or EPIYT motif (6.4%). The intestinal metaplasia scores in the antral of patients infected with the ABC and ABCC types of cagA were significantly higher than those of patients with AB-type cagA. Interestingly, in patients infected with H. pylori, 46.3% of strains with three EPIYA motifs contained two identical Western-typical CM motifs, and these patients showed significantly higher antrum inflammation scores than patients infected with two identical nontypical-CM motif strains (p=0.02). CONCLUSIONS: In Myanmarese strains, Western-type cagA was predominant. The presence of CM motifs and the proportion of multiple EPIYA-C segments might partially explain the intermediate gastric cancer risk found in Myanmar.
Helicobacter pylori
Polymerase Chain Reaction
Sequence Analysis
Sequence Analysis, DNA
Stomach Neoplasms
10.Summary of Myanmar clinical practice guidelines on the management of Dyslipidaemia in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Tint Swe Latt ; Than Than Aye ; Ko Ko ; Aung Cho Myint ; Ye Myint
Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies 2014;29(2):112-115
Cardiovascular disease is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). According to the IDF Diabetes Atlas 2013, the prevalence of diabetes in Myanmar is 5.7%.(1) Diabetes is recognized as a risk equivalent for coronary heart disease. The lipid profile in patients with type 2 DM is characterized by elevated triglycerides, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and raised small dense low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) particles. This is believed to be a key factor in promoting atherosclerosis in these patients. There is ample evidence that aggressive statin therapy reduces cardiovascular end points in patients with DM in both primary and secondary prevention studies. In all persons with DM, current treatment guidelines recommend reduction of LDLC to less than 100 mg/dL, regardless of baseline lipid levels. In very high risk patients with DM and coronary heart disease lowering of LDL-C to less than 70 mg/dL may provide even greater benefits. Treatment for hypertriglyceridaemia is recommended only if TG levels is very high (>500 mg/dL).
Practice Guideline