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Author:( Tandin Dorji)

1.A prospective hospital based surveillance to estimate rotavirus disease burden in Bhutanese children under 5 years of age

Sonam Wangchuk ; Tshering Dorji ; Karchung Tshering ; Sangay Zangmo ; Kunzang Pem Tshering ; Tandin Dorji ; Akira Nishizono ; Kamruddin Ahmed

Tropical Medicine and Health 2014;():-

2.A Prospective Hospital-based Surveillance to Estimate Rotavirus Disease Burden in Bhutanese Children under 5 Years of Age

Sonam Wangchuk ; Tshering Dorji ; Tsheten ; Karchung Tshering ; Sangay Zangmo ; Kunzang Pem Tshering ; Tandin Dorji ; Akira Nishizono ; Kamruddin Ahmed

Tropical Medicine and Health 2015;43(1):63-68

3.Genetic diversity and evolutionary patterns of SARSCoV-2 among the Bhutanese population during the pandemic

Tshering DORJI ; Kunzang DORJI ; Tandin WANGCHUK ; Tshering PELKI ; Sonam GYELTSHEN

Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives 2023;14(6):494-507

4.Correlates of Sedentary Behavior among Bhutanese Adults: Findings from the 2014 Bhutan STEPS Survey Data

Tashi DENDUP ; Yun ZHAO ; I Gusti Ngurah EDI PUTRA ; Tandin DORJI ; Chador TENZIN

Korean Journal of Family Medicine 2021;42(4):288-296

5.Correlates of Sedentary Behavior among Bhutanese Adults: Findings from the 2014 Bhutan STEPS Survey Data

Tashi DENDUP ; Yun ZHAO ; I Gusti Ngurah EDI PUTRA ; Tandin DORJI ; Chador TENZIN

Korean Journal of Family Medicine 2021;42(4):288-296

6.Survey and Phylogenetic Analysis of Rodents and Important Rodent-Borne Zoonotic Pathogens in Gedu, Bhutan

Yoenten PHUENTSHOK ; Kezang DORJI ; Tandin ZANGPO ; Silas A DAVIDSON ; Ratree TAKHAMPUNYA ; Tenzinla TENZINLA ; Chencho DORJEE ; Roger S MORRIS ; Peter D JOLLY ; Sithar DORJEE ; Joanna S MCKENZIE

The Korean Journal of Parasitology 2018;56(5):521-525

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