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Author:( Tan SP)

1.Musculoskeletal MRI protocol

SP Tan ; A Suraya ; S Sa’don ; A Ruzi ; M Zahiah

Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal 2010;6(2):1-2

2.Oncogenic osteomalacia, you say? better start looking then - a case report

Vijay AP ; Tan ATB ; Suhaida AM ; Chan SP

Journal of University of Malaya Medical Centre 2010;13(1):63-68

3.Carbimazole-induced aplastic anaemia - a case report

Vijay AP ; Lim SS ; Tan ATB ; Rokiah P ; Chan SP

Journal of University of Malaya Medical Centre 2009;12(2):92-95

4.Pelvic aneurysmal bone cyst

Sharifah MIA* ; Nor Hazla MH ; Suraya A ; Tan SP

Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal 2011;7(4):1-3

5.Metabolic syndrome amongst patients with psoriasis in a tertiary dermatology centre, Malaysia

Lee YY ; Lim SS ; Lee CK ; Tan ATB ; Ananda V ; Rokiah P ; Chan SP

Malaysian Journal of Dermatology 2011;27(-):6-6

6.Carbimazole-related agranulocytosis in pregnancy - A case report

Lim SS ; Shireene V ; Vijay A ; Tan TBA ; Rokiah P ; Chan SP

Journal of University of Malaya Medical Centre 2007;10(1):34-38

7.Environmental and Occupational Health Impact of Bauxite Mining in Malaysia: A Review

Lee KYa, Ho LY ; Tan KH ; Tham YY ; Ling SP ; Qureshi AM ; Ponnudurai T ; Nordin R ; Jeffrey Cheah

The International Medical Journal Malaysia 2017;16(2):137-150

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