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Author:( Takashima SHIGEKI)

1.Are there other axillary lymph node metastasis than positive sentinel lymph nodes containing micrometnstmes and isolated tumor cells in patients with breast csncer

Lei ZHOU ; Xin SONG ; Yao LU ; Zhibin LIU ; Qidong LI ; Wenyue WANG ; Zhengkang WANG ; Zhengeng JIA ; Takashima SHIGEKI

Chinese Journal of General Surgery 2008;23(5):343-346

2.Clinicopathological characteristics of advanced colorectal cancer 30 mm or smaller in diameter.

Hong ZHANG ; Chun-Sheng CHEN ; Jin-Chun CONG ; Lei QIAO ; Taisuke HASEGAWA ; Shigeki TAKASHIMA

Chinese Medical Sciences Journal 2007;22(2):98-103

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