Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2006;55(3):307-318
We investigated the effects of long-term administration of bisoprolol (β-blocker), exercise and their combination on blood pressure, heart rate, and baroreflex function in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR).SHR aged 5 week were randomly assigned to control group (C), bisoprolol-treated group (Biso), exercise group (Exer), and combination group (Biso+Exer)(n=8/each group). In Biso and Biso+Exer, bisoprolol (20 mg/kg/day) was administered. In Exer and Biso+Exer, exercise training was performed on treadmill 5 days/week for 12 weeks. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) and heart rate (HR) were measured using the tail-cuff method under restraint from 5 to 16 weeks of age. After 12-week intervention period, sigmoidal mean artery pressure (MAP) and HR reflex curve were obtained by intravenous injections of various doses of phenylephrine and nitroprusside under non-restraint condition. To determine vagal component of baroreflex function, baroreflex MAP-HR relation were also examined after intravenous injections of atenolol (β-blocker). After measurements of all baroreflex function, atropine was additionally injected to determine intrinsic HR.At 15 and 16 weeks of age, SBP and HR in Biso and Exer were significantly lower than those in C. SBP and HR in Biso+Exer were further reduced compared with Biso. Before atenolol, resting MAP, HR and upper and lower HR plateaus in the sigmoid curve were lower in Biso, Exer, and Biso+Exer compared with C. There were no significant differences in these parameters between Biso and Biso+Exer. There were no significant differences in baroreflex gain before atenolol among the four groups except for between Biso and Biso+Exer. After atenolol, baroreflex gain and HR range in Biso, Exer, and Biso+Exer were significantly higher than those in C. HR range of sympathetic component (upper HR plateau before atenolol-itrinsic HR) was significantly reduced in Biso, Exer, and Biso+Exer compared with C. There were no significant differences in baroreflex gain of vagal component or HR range of vagal and sympathetic component between Biso and Biso+Exer.These findings suggest that both chronic treatment with β-blocker and exercise decrease resting blood pressure and HR in SHR, associated with reduced sympathetic component and increased vagal component of baroreflex function. The additive effects of β-blocker and exercise are not evident under non-stressful conditions, but could be obtained in the presence of stress such as restraint.
2.Review of Spontaneous Pneumothorax Cases in Eastern Hokkaido.
Takashi YOSHIKAWA ; Shuichi INABA ; Shirou MAKIMURA ; Tsugio TERAI
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1993;42(4):956-961
Fifty cases of spontaneous pneumothorax treated in our hospital between 1988 and 1993 were reviewed. Forty-three cases were males and 7 cases were females. Treatments were broken down into rest cure for 11 cases and chest tube drainage for 39 cases. Of the chest tube drainage therapy cases, 30 could attained complete remission, but the remaining 9 cases required thoracotomy. In either case, the recurrence rates after the first pneumothorax and second attacks were 39% and 36%, respectively.
Stature and roentgenologically determined lung sizes were also examined in 34 male patients with spontaneous pneumothorax in comparison with those of 30 healthy men, who were age-matched control subjects. Among the significant findings was that the patients were much taller than the controls. The lungs were also significantly elevated in the patients compared with those of the controls. These results indicate that the patients liable to spontaneous pneumothorax are tall with their lungs housed high in the thorax compared to the ordinary people.
3.Review of Home Oxygen Therapy Provided by Our Hospital.
Takashi YOSHIKAWA ; Makoto YAMAMOTO ; Shuichi INABA ; Shirou MAKIMURA ; Tsugio TERAI
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1995;43(6):1241-1246
Prognostic facfors were examined in 71 patients receiving home oxygen therapy under the direction of our hospital between 1984 and 1994. In 25 patients who had undergone right catheterization, relationships between pulmonary hemodynamics and prognosis were also discussed. Mean pulmonary arterial pressure (PPA) were correlated negatively with PaO2. This indicated that hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction was the major cause of pulmonary hypertention in these patients. Pulmonary hypertention was revealed in 80% of the patients with PPA ≥20 Torr and in 52% of the patients with PPA ≥25 Torr. Acute hemodynamic effects of low-flow oxygen administration were investigated in 17 patients. PPA decreased significantly from 25.5 Torr to 23.5 Torr after oxygen administration and pulmonary arteriolar resistance (PAR) decreased from 243 dynes ·ses ·cm-5 to 225 dynes·sec·cm-5, but this change was not significant.
In patients with pulmonary fibrosis and sequelae of tuberculosis, the survival rates were lower than that of the patients with pulmonary emphysema. The median survival time (MST) for patients with cor pulmonale was significantly lower than that for those without cor pulmonale. When background factors were compared between the group with % home stay≥90% and % home stay<90%, there were no significant differences in observation periods, arterial blood gases and spirometry. The factors influencing % home stay were considered to be an important subject in addition to improving the survival rate.
4.Stroke after Total Hip Arthroplasty
Takashi Sakai ; Nobuo Nakamura ; Masaki Takao ; Kosuke Tsuda ; Hideki Yoshikawa ; Nobuhiko Sugano
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2009;46(12):793-798
During the perioperative period after total hip arthroplasty (THA), much attention has been recently paid to deep venous thrombosis, yet there are few reports concerning stroke after THA and there is no such data at all in Japan at present. The purpose of this retrospective study was to elucidate the occurrence rate and the characteristics of stroke cases during the THA perioperative period. A total of 1,551 primary THAs performed between January 1999 and December 2008 were investigated. Cerebral infarction occurred in three patients (0.19%) during three weeks after THA. Concerning the related factors, one male had foramen ovale, one female had untreated diabetes and atrial fibrillation, and one female had severe stenosis of the internal carotid artery. Cerebral infarction occurred at Day 1 in one male, at Day 2 in one female, and at Day 5 in the other female, and they underwent anticoagulant therapy just after their diagnosis. In all three patients, motor paralysis fully improved and they came back to the THA rehabilitation program within Day 9. One male was discharged at 4 weeks, and another two females were discharged at 8 weeks. Because many people eating a more European diet are now getting older in Japan, prophylaxis for not only DVT but also stroke after THA should be emphasized.
5.Review of Early Lung Cancer Cases Treated by Our Hospital in Eastern Hokkaido.
Takashi YOSHIKAWA ; Kenji AKIE ; Jinichi HIROKAWA ; Makoto YAMAMOTO ; Shirou MAKIMURA ; Tsugio TERAI
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1998;47(4):596-601
We treated 472 patients with lung cancer from 1983 though 1993. Of the total number of the cases, early lung cancer accounted for 31 caces (6.6%), 6 of the hilar and 25 of the peripheral type. Of the 6 hilar type early lung cancer cases, 3 cases were detected by mass screening (2 cases were detected by sputum cytology). On the other hand, of the 25 cases of the peripheral type early lung cancer, 10 cases were detected by mass screening. All the 10 peripheral type early lung cancer cases detected by mass screening were detected by chest roentogenography. The 5-year survival rates for the hilar and peripheral type early lung cancer were 100% and 94.4%, respectively. For the improvement of prognosis of lung cancer, every effort should be made to detect lung cancer at an early stage. Careful lung cancer screening such as sputum cytology and bronchoscopy in a highrisk group and modern techniques such as helical X-ray CT are recommended for the increase in the detection of early lung cancer.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2005;54(3):229-235
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of constant endurance cycling exercise below Ventilatory Threshold (VT), under different pedal rate/torque regulations (PTR), on muscle oxygenation, as well as cardio-respiratory function and energy metabolism. Eight healthy male adults participated in the study for three tests. The first test was to examine the maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) using a ramp loading measurement of 60 rpm, 20 watt/min ; and an individual 80%VT load was obtained. The second and third tests (random) were to measure heart rate (HR), blood pressure (MAP), expired gas and NIRS data before, during and after 30 min 80%VT constant cycling exercise with low pedal rate/high torque (LPHT : 32 rpm, 23.3±6.0Nm) or high pedal rate/low torque (HPLT : 79rpm, 9.4±2.4Nm). As a result, HPLT showed higher values in HR (p<0.001), MAP (p<0.001), VO2 (p<0.001), VCO2 (p<0.001) and RER (p<0.05), than LPHT ; but LPHT showed a higher fat consumption rate than HPLT (p<0.05). Significant PTR effect were recognized for the parameters of the tissue hemoglobin index (THI) (p<0.001) and oxygenation hemoglobin (ΔO2Hb) (p<0.01) ; and both indicated higher values for HPLT than LPHT ; but LPHT showed insignificantly (p=0.066) higher de-oxygenation hemoglobin (ΔHHb) than HPLT. Moreover, the significant time effects of THI and ΔO2Hb were also recognized. In conclusion, this study indicated that during constant cycling exercise below VT, HPLT might result in greater muscle blood volume, higher muscle oxygenation concentration and higher HR and VO2 compared with LPHT. These results suggest that, HPLT might be effective in alleviating the working load on lower limbs, as well as promoting muscle oxygenation, cardiorespiratory function (systemic oxygen supply) and energy metabolism. Therefore, HPLT constant cycling exercise below VT could be used in a rehabilitation program as a beneficial exercise for elderly people with decreasing muscle strength in their lower limbs.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2007;56(3):357-364
The decrease of balance capacity is considered as a high risk factor of fall accident, so it is important for the middle-aged and elderly people to keep balance capacity on a high level. In this study, we investigated the effects of aqua exercise on dynamic and static balance function. Thirty-two middle-aged women (56.6±8.1 years) participated a 60-min aqua exercise program three times per week for eight weeks. After exercise intervention, body weight, body mass index, grip strength, side step, shuttle stamina walking test were significantly improved (p<0.05-0.001). Functional reach (p<0.001) and total length of centroid shake with eye close condition (p<0.05) was significantly improved, but with eye open condition was not changed. However, when we evaluate the total length of centroid shake by T-score, static balance performance with eye open and close condition was significantly (p<0.05) improved in the below average groups. In addition, measurement value of functional reach was also improved in these groups. These results indicate that aqua exercise benefits not only physical muscle strength and endurance capacity, but also balance function in middle-aged women. Particularly aqua exercise is more effective for the subjects with lower static balance function before intervention.
8.Хавдрын үүдэл эсийн зохицуулгад “sonic hedgehog” дохиоллын үүрэг
Batsaikhan Bat-Erdene ; Mitsuo Shimada ; Nobuhiro Kurita ; Takashi Iwata ; Hirohiko Sato ; Kozo Yoshikawa ; Jun Higashijima
Innovation 2013;7(3):7-9
Cancer stem cells (CSCs) play an important role in cancer development, its main functions are self-renewing capacity, chemoresistance and tumorigenic
capacity. The aim of this study is to clarify the possible role of Shh signaling in regulation of CSCs.
Normal cancer cells (HCT-116) were cultured with serum medium and cancer stem-like cells (CSCs) were obtained from serum-free medium after incubation for
14 days. After cell culturing was done RNA extraction and cDNA transcription of NCs and CSCs (HCT-116). The expressions mRNA of surface markers (CD44,
EpCAM), stemness genes (Oct-4, Nanog), Shh signaling (Ptch1, SMO), and shh pathway downstream gene (Gli1), EMT markers (E-Cadherin, Vimentin) and TJ
genes (Claudin-4, Occludin) were determined by real time RT-PCR before and after administration of cyclopamine (2, 5 μM).
The expressions of surface markers (CD44, EpCAM) and stemness genes (Oct-4, Nanog) were significantly highly expressed in CSCs. Shh signaling pathway
Ptch1, SMO and downstream gene Gli1 were significantly higher in CSCs than in NCs. Epithelial marker E-Cadherin was reduced in CSCs, mesenchymal marker
Vimentin was up-regulated in CSCs. The expressions of Claudin-4 and Occludin were significantly higher in CSCs compared with NCs. SMO, Gli1 and Vimnetin were significantly inhibited after administration of cyclopamine (2, 5μM), but E-Cadherin was up-regulated in CSCs. Tight junction proteins were significantly inhibited by cyclopamine (2, 5μM). Although CD-44, Oct-4 and Nanog were inhibited in CSCs after administration of cyclopamine, these alterations were statistically significant in different genes respectively, but EpCAM was not inhibited.
EMT, TJ and CSCs markers were affected by Shh signaling pathway in CSCs. Shh signaling pathway may play in an important role of regulation of CSCs.
9. Хавдрын үүдэл эсийн зохицуулгад “sonic hedgehog” дохиоллын үүрэг
Batsaikhan BAT-ERDENE ; Mitsuo SHIMADA ; Nobuhiro KURITA ; Takashi IWATA ; Hirohiko SATO ; Kozo YOSHIKAWA ; Jun HIGASHIJIMA.
Innovation 2013;7(3):7-9
Cancer stem cells (CSCs) play an important role in cancer development, its main functions are self-renewing capacity, chemoresistance and tumorigeniccapacity. The aim of this study is to clarify the possible role of Shh signaling in regulation of CSCs.METHODS:Normal cancer cells (HCT-116) were cultured with serum medium and cancer stem-like cells (CSCs) were obtained from serum-free medium after incubation for14 days. After cell culturing was done RNA extraction and cDNA transcription of NCs and CSCs (HCT-116). The expressions mRNA of surface markers (CD44,EpCAM), stemness genes (Oct-4, Nanog), Shh signaling (Ptch1, SMO), and shh pathway downstream gene (Gli1), EMT markers (E-Cadherin, Vimentin) and TJgenes (Claudin-4, Occludin) were determined by real time RT-PCR before and after administration of cyclopamine (2, 5 μM).RESULTS:The expressions of surface markers (CD44, EpCAM) and stemness genes (Oct-4, Nanog) were significantly highly expressed in CSCs. Shh signaling pathwayPtch1, SMO and downstream gene Gli1 were significantly higher in CSCs than in NCs. Epithelial marker E-Cadherin was reduced in CSCs, mesenchymal markerVimentin was up-regulated in CSCs. The expressions of Claudin-4 and Occludin were significantly higher in CSCs compared with NCs. SMO, Gli1 and Vimnetin were significantly inhibited after administration of cyclopamine (2, 5μM), but E-Cadherin was up-regulated in CSCs. Tight junction proteins were significantly inhibited by cyclopamine (2, 5μM). Although CD-44, Oct-4 and Nanog were inhibited in CSCs after administration of cyclopamine, these alterations were statistically significant in different genes respectively, but EpCAM was not inhibited.CONCLUSION:EMT, TJ and CSCs markers were affected by Shh signaling pathway in CSCs. Shh signaling pathway may play in an important role of regulation of CSCs.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2006;55(4):385-392
We investigated the relationship between body weight reduction and intensity of daily physical activities assessed with 3-dimensional accelerometer during a 3-month exercise program. Twenty-six middle-aged women (58.1±7.4 yrs.) participated in this study. Participants underwent a 90-min endurance exercise intervention once a week, and a 3-dimensionsal accelerometer was attached through the program. Body weight (BW), body mass index, fat mass and percent body fat were reduced significantly (p<0.001), while diastolic blood pressure (p<0.01) and shuttle stamina walking test (p<0.05) improved significantly after the exercise intervention. Moreover, a significant negative correlation was observed between the changes in BW and total activity time (TAT) per day of more than 3METs (TAT≥3METs)(r=−0.580, p<0.01) and TAT≥4METs (r=−0.627, p<0.001). To the contrary, the daily steps and the TAT≥2METs were not related to the changes in BW. After adjusting daily steps, TAT≥3METs (β=−0.630, p<0.01) and TAT≥4METs (β=−0.659, p<0.01) were still significantly related to the changes in BW. These results indicate that weight reduction has a much closer relationship with exercise intensity than daily steps. It is important to keep both quantity and intensity of exercise in the unsupervised exercise program aimed at weight reduction.