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Author:( Takashi Shibuya)

1.Ruptured Pancreaticoduodenal Artery Aneurysm

Takashi Shibuya ; Tomio Kawasaki

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2003;32(6):343-346

2.Surgical Treatment for Papillary Muscle Rupture after Myocardial Infarction with Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia

Katsukiyo Kitabayashi ; Keiwa Kin ; Takashi Shibuya ; Hisashi Satoh

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2008;37(2):140-143

3.Statistical Study on Urologic Patients for These 10 Years in Hiraka General Hospital

Kiyoshi Ishikawa ; Yoshitaka Shibuya ; Masaru Yamamoto ; Akira Kotanagi ; Takashi Sato

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1983;32(1):37-41

4.A Rare Case of Intramyocardial Lipoma

Kazuhiko Ishimaru ; Hiroto Iwasaki ; Toru Ishizaka ; Hisashi Satoh ; Takashi Shintani ; Takashi Shibuya

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2010;39(6):325-327

5.Successful remission of ulcerative colitis flare-up during pregnancy with adsorptive granulomonocytapheresis plus tacrolimus.

Tomoyoshi SHIBUYA ; Keiichi HAGA ; Masato KAMEI ; Koki OKAHARA ; Shoko ITO ; Masahito TAKAHASHI ; Osamu NOMURA ; Takashi MURAKAMI ; Masae MAKINO ; Tomohiro KODANI ; Dai ISHIKAWA ; Naoto SAKAMOTO ; Taro OSADA ; Tatsuo OGIHARA ; Sumio WATANABE ; Akihito NAGAHARA

Intestinal Research 2018;16(3):484-488

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