1.1.A Pilot Program of Implementing Health Technology Assessment to Decision Making in Japan
Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology 2018;23(1):3-10
Annual medical expenditure in Japan is continuously increasing. This may be caused by technology advancement as well as population ageing. Some new and high cost technologies, including new drugs, have been introduced. In order to balance technology advancement with medical expenditure, economic evaluation of new technologies is one way to approach the issue. In 2016 a pilot program stared at the Central Social Insurance Medical Council to evaluate cost effectiveness of some drugs and medical devices. In the pilot program, companies of selected products were asked to submit primary data and analyses to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. The ministry, together with some experts, reviewed the submitted data and re-analyzed if necessary. After these assessment process, not only cost effectiveness of each product, but also ethical or social aspects are considered in the appraisal phase. Finally results will be used to adjust reimbursement prices in the 2018 price revision. In the council, some issues toward full implementation of the new system will be discussed by 2019.
2.Effect of knee flexion angles during maximum isometric hip extension
Yuki Yamamoto ; Hajime Kato ; Takashi Fukuda ; Yuki Tsuga ; Shumpei Miyakawa
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2015;64(3):289-294
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of knee flexion angles during maximum isometric hip extension. Ten healthy men performed maximum isometric hip extension in prone position at 15° and 90° knee flexion. Then, the hip extension torque was measured, and electromyographic (EMG) data were obtained from the biceps femoris long head, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, adductor magnus, and gluteus maximus muscles. The EMG data were full-wave rectified and integrated (IEMG). The IEMG values obtained during the measurement of isometric hip extension were normalized with the values collected at 90° knee flexion (normalized IEMG [NIEMG]). The hip extension torque at 15° knee flexion was significantly greater than that at 90° knee flexion. The NIEMG values from the hamstrings at 15° knee flexion significantly increased compared with those at 90° knee flexion. Meanwhile, the NIEMG values from the gluteus maximus at 90° knee flexion were significantly greater than those at 15° knee flexion. However, the NIEMG values from the adductor magnus did not significantly differ between 15° and 90° knee flexion. These results indicate that the hamstrings effectively generate contracting force during isometric hip extension and at knee extended position because its fiber length was close to the optimal length.
3.The Choice of Hospitals and the Awareness of Japanese Oriental Medicine in Patients Consulted in Japanese Oriental Medicine Clinics.
Masaji FUKUDA ; Yutaka SHIMADA ; Shizuko TAKAMA ; Takashi ITO ; Katsutoshi TERASAWA
Kampo Medicine 1996;47(2):277-282
The characteristics of hospital selection and awareness concerning Japanese Oriental medicine were studied in patients receiving treatment at Japanese Oriental medicine clinics at the Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University and at the Toyama Prefecture Hospital. Selection of a hospital was found to be affected primarily by mass media, such as TV and newspapers in the case of the University Hospital and by interpersonal communications for the Prefecture Hospital. The motivations ascertained were an expectation for disease improvement using Japanese Oriental medicine and anxiety about the side effects of modern medicine. The patients showed a poor undestanding of the role of modern medicine in treatments using Japanese Oriental medicine. These data suggest that it is important to disseminate correct information about Japanese Oriental medicine to the public.
4.Feasibility of using modified Wingate and Evans-Quinney methods to measure maximal anaerobic power output.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1986;35(3):161-167
This study examined if modified Wingate Anaerobic Test (Wingate method) and Evans-Quinney Anaerobic Test (Evan-Quinney method) procedures could be applied to the meas-urement of maximal anaerobic power output (POmax) which is usually determined during 8-s maximal cycling depending predominantly on alactacid energy sources. The criterion measure of POmax was either the highest power output among 5 to 7 power outputs meas-ured at different workloads (Selection method) or the peak power output estimated from quadratic regression (Peak method) . POmax and anaerobic power outputs with these four methods were measured during 8-s maximal cycling on Monark bicycle ergometer with toe-stirrups. Forty-four young athletes (25 males and 19 females) served as subjects. Analysis of the data indicated that: 1) There was a very high correlation (r=0.995, P<0.001) between POmax determined by Selection and Peak methods, with no statistical difference in their absolute means. 2) POmax determined by Wingate method correlated (r=0.937, P<0.001) significantly with POmax determined by Peak method, while mean values differed signif-icantly. 3) POmax determined by Evans-Quinney method also correlated (r=0.890, P<0001) significantly with that determined by Peak method; however, mean values differed significantly and degree of the difference in POmax was particularly greater in females. It is concluded that both Wingate and Evans-Quinney methods with a cycling duration of 8 s might be applicable for the assessment of POmax by utilizing linear regression equations developed in this study. Further studies are needed as to the feasibility of using these methods, particularly on females.
7.Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Bevacizumab in Combined Chemotherapy for Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative Metastatic Breast Cancer in Japan
Mitsuko MOURI ; Takashi FUKUDA ; Naruto TAIRA ; Yasuo OHASHI ; Hiroshi KASANUKI
Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology 2013;18(1):1-12
Background: Combination treatment with bevacizumab and paclitaxel has been approved for treating human epidermal growth factor receptor 2(HER2)-negative metastatic breast cancer(MBC) in Japan. Japan has no official economical guideline showing decision criteria for the approvals of new drugs. However, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence(NICE) in UK hardly recommends the combinational use of bevacizumab for HER2-negative MBC, because of its poor cost-effectiveness. Objective: The evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of additional bevacizumab as primary chemotherapy for HER2-negative MBC in accordance with the clinical practice guideline in JapanMethods: A Markov cohort simulation was used to follow the clinical course of typical patients with MBC. Transition probabilities were estimated from randomized clinical trials. Direct medical costs were assessed from the perspective of the Japanese health-care system. This study used quality-adjusted life year(QALY), and both costs and QALYs were discounted 3% annually. The time horizon was 10 years. Both a univariate and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were conducted. Results: The additional use of bevacizumab to paclitaxel required an additional cost of JPY 9.12 million(USD 114,000) for obtaining a gain of 0.26 QALYs, and the incremental cost effectiveness ratio was JPY 35 million(USD 437,000). Conclusion:By assuming of GBP 20,000-30,000(JPY 2.5-3.75 million and USD 31,000-46,900) to be an index value threshold by NICE, combination treatment with bevacizumab was found to be hardly cost-effective. Based on the fair and adequate distribution of medical resource, economical guidelines reflecting the Japanese health-care system are necessary. (Jpn J Pharmacoepidemiol 2013;18(1):1-12)
8.Study of Amnesia Caused by Thalamic Hemorrhage
Ataru FUKUDA ; Takashi SOTA ; Tomohiro MORITO ; Ryo TANAKA ; Yoshinori TESHIMA ; Isao KITAHARA ; Makoto ISHIKAWA
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2014;51(11):709-715
Background and Purpose : Many cases of amnesia caused by thalamic hemorrhage involve anterior nucleus hemorrhage, dorsomedial nucleus hemorrhage, and intraventricular rupture. In the present study, intraventricular rupture was studied with a focus on cases with hematoma compression at the fornix. Methods : Of 116 patients with thalamic hemorrhage admitted to our hospital, 50 patients aged <70 years who had hemorrhage during their first stroke confined to the thalamus, internal capsule, and corona radiata, and who neither developed hydrocephalus nor showed dementia prior to onset were investigated. Thalamic hemorrhages were classified by CT findings and the extent of intraventricular rupture. Memory was studied by the FIM memory scores on admission and discharge. Results and Conclusion : Patients with dorsomedial nucleus hemorrhage showed no tendency toward amnesia and were equivalent to patients with posterolateral nucleus hemorrhage, which does not usually result in amnesia on its own. Of the 30 patients with posterolateral nucleus hemorrhage, a high degree of amnesia was observed in the 18 with intraventricular rupture. A high proportion of patients with dorsomedial nucleus hemorrhage experienced intraventricular rupture (5 of 6 patients). Equivalent degrees of amnesia were observed in patients with intraventricular rupture with dorsomedial nucleus hemorrhage and those with posterolateral nucleus hemorrhage. The present findings in conjunction with the fact that amnesia in thalamic hemorrhage involves episodic memory impairment suggest that amnesia in patients with dorsomedial or posterolateral nucleus hemorrhage or with intraventricular rupture does not stem from damage to the dorsomedial nucleus, which is part of the Yakovlev circuit involved in emotional memory. Instead, the primary cause appears to be the effects of intraventricular rupture on the Papez circuit surrounding the lateral ventricle and foramen of Monro.
9.Two Patients with Ophthalmic Symptoms due to Post Herpetic Infection Dramatically Improved with Chotosan
Satoru FUKUDA ; Takashi NAMBU ; Hidenori TAKAHASHI ; Kanako KUROKI ; Hiroshi NISHIYAMA ; Tadamichi MITSUMA
Kampo Medicine 2010;61(7):912-916
We successfully treated 2 patients with ophthalmic symptoms due to post herpetic infection using chotosan. Case1was a 78-year-old woman who had been suffering from ophthalmic symptoms such as foreign body sensation and irritation pain due to post herpetic infection for almost 20 years, and had a history of hypertension. We treated her with stellate ganglion block every week and orally administered keishikajutsubuto, amitriptyline, and later mexiletine. Initially, stellate ganglion block was very effective, but its effect gradually decreased over about one month. Considering the same action of stellate ganglion block and chotosan, both of which might increase intracranial blood flow, we administered chotosan instead of keishikajutsubuto. Her ophthalmic symptoms subsided for 5 days, and had completely disappeared almost two and half months after initiating chotosan. Case 2 was a 65-year-old man who had also complained of foreign body sensation due to post herpetic infection for 11 months. He also had a history of hypertension. Initial stellate ganglion block was also effective for relieving his symptom, but the effect was transient as in Case 1. Taking into consideration of our experience in Case 1,we administered chotosan. His foreign body sensation gradually subsided for 2 weeks, and had almost disappeared 2 months after initiating chotosan. Our experiences suggest that chotosan may be an optimal formulation for the patients suffering from ophthalmic disorders due to post herpetic inflammation and hypertension.
10.Malignant Lymphoma of the Ileum
Toshio Naito ; Yukiko Fukuda ; Akihiro Inui ; Naoto Takeda ; Hiroshi Isonuma ; Takashi Dambara ; Yasuo Hayashida
General Medicine 2006;7(1):35-36