2.Popliteal Artery Adventitia Cyst
Shohei Yoshida ; Shinichi Hiromatsu ; Kentaro Sawada ; Takahiro Shojima ; Ryo Kanamoto ; Shinichi Imai ; Hiroyuki Otsuka ; Hiroyuki Tanaka
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2017;46(4):182-185
A 60 year old man presented with a history of right leg claudication which occurred after walking a distance of 200 m. He had no history of cardiovascular risk factors or trauma in the lower extremities. Palpation disclosed no right popliteal or pedal pulse. Ankle-brachial pressure index (ABI) was 0.60 on the affected side. Computed tomography (CT) demonstrated the presence of a highly stenotic lesion in the right popliteal artery due to compression from periarterial polycystic masses. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed no communication to the knee joint bursa. Further, angiography showed a beak-like severe stenosis on the knee of the right popliteal artery. Based on the results of these three imaging techniques we confirmed the diagnosis of cystic adventitial disease (CAD). The patient underwent a surgical exploration of his popliteal artery through a posterior approach. Evacuation of all cysts by longitudinal incision of his adventitia yielded yellow mucoid gelatinous material. The popliteal artery was replaced using the great saphenous vein because the previous imaging showed thrombus formation at the cyst site. He had an uneventful postoperative recovery with ABI of 1.10.
3.Arterial Ketone Body Ratio(AKBR) on Alcoholic Liver Disease.
Kazuaki YAMAOKA ; Yasuto JINN ; Masaya OHOKA ; Takahiro KOHASHI ; Kazuo TAJIRI ; Michio YAMANE ; Koji ISOMURA ; Naomi OTSUKA ; Shizuko ASANUMA ; Chifumi SATO
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1997;46(1):27-30
The liver mitochondrial redox state (the liver mitochondrial free NAD+/NADH ratio), which indicates hepatic energy charge, is known to parallel the ketone body ratio (acetoacetate/3-hydroxybutyrate) in liver tissue. Since the ketone body ratio in arterial blood was reported to correlate with that in liver tissue; the arterial ketone body ratio (AKBR) has been widely accepted as a useful measure of the liver function reserve. The liver mitochondrial redox state is known to decrease with the oxidation of ethanol in alcohol abusers. To evaluate whether AKBR reflected the effect of alcohol intake on the liver, AKBR was measured in normal controls (n=8), and patients with alcoholic liver injuries (n=14) and chronic active hepatitis (n=15). The mean AKBRs in the normal control subjects, in patients with chronic active viral hepatitis, and in those with alcoholic liver disease were 1.68±0.77, 2.22±1.02, and 1.55±0.79, respectively. Though the AKBR in patients with alcoholic liver disease tended to be lower than the other groups, there was no significant difference in AKBR among those three groups. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that AKBR was doubtful as an accurate parameter to estimate the changes in the liver mitochondrial redox state by alcoholic intake.
4.Frequency of Serious Adverse Skin Reactions Caused by Continuous Subcutaneous Administration of Psychotropic Drugs
Ritsuko Yabuki ; Takayuki Hisanaga ; Daisuke Kiuchi ; Miho Shimokawa ; Katsuya Abe ; Takahiro Otsuka ; Ayako Sakurai ; Satoko Suda ; Yasuo Shima
Palliative Care Research 2016;11(1):123-127
Continuous subcutaneous injections of medication are effective in controlling symptoms of the terminal stage of cancer. Chlorpromazine and levomepromazine occasionally cause skin irritation. We examined all patients who underwent continuous subcutaneous administration of psychotropic drugs (chlorpromazine, levomepromazine, midazolam) at the palliative care unit of our hospital from April 2010 to March 2013, the frequency of adverse skin reactions of Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) v4.0 grade 3 or above. Of the 603 hospitalized patients, 389 (64.5%) underwent continuous subcutaneous administration of one of the three drugs. The frequency of grade 3 or above (ulceration or necrosis) adverse skin reactions was 4 out of 345 chlorpromazine cases (1.2%; 95% CI: 0.0-2.3%), 2 out of 90 levomepromazine cases (2.2%; 95% CI: −0.8-5.2%), and 0 out of 210 midazolam cases (0.0%; 95% CI: 0.0-0.0%). The frequency of serious adverse skin reactions caused by continuous subcutaneous administration of psychotropic drugs was low, suggesting that this treatment is relatively safe for the skin.
5.A Case of One-Stage Surgical Treatment for Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia Associated with Severe Aortic Valve Regurgitation and Stenosis
Ryo Kanamoto ; Takahiro Shojima ; Kanako Sakurai ; Mau Amako ; Hiroyuki Otsuka ; Satoru Tobinaga ; Seiji Onitsuka ; Shinichi Hiromatsu ; Hidetoshi Akashi ; Hiroyuki Tanaka
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2017;46(6):334-338
We report a case of chronic mesenteric ischemia associated with severe aortic valve regurgitation and stenosis (ASR). The patient was a 76-year-old man who had been given a diagnosis of ASR in his 40s. He gradually developed heart failure and chronic kidney disorder due to deterioration of ASR. He had started hemodialysis 1 year before admission and had complained of abdominal pain after meals and weight loss during that period. He was admitted to the Department of Cardiology in our hospital for evaluation of ASR. Severe ASR with low output syndrome (C. I. 2.00 L/min/m2) were confirmed by cardiac catheter examination. In addition, abdominal angiography revealed total occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and severe stenosis of the celiac artery (CA). We considered that low cardiac output due to severe ASR had exacerbated the mesenteric ischemia. We performed AVR and abdominal aorta-SMA bypass at the same time to prevent acute mesenteric ischemia in the perioperative period. The combination of valvular disease and CMI is very rare. This is the first report in Japan of simultaneous valve replacement and mesenteric artery revascularization.
6.Atypical Onset of Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangitis in a Patient with Long-term Well-controlled Bronchial Asthma
Satoshi Akao ; Hideharu Hagiya ; Kou Hasegawa ; Takahiro Nada ; Eri Nakamura ; Kosuke Kimura ; Koichi Waseda ; Yoshihisa Hanayama ; Kentaro Deguchi ; Fumio Otsuka
General Medicine 2015;16(2):99-102
Eosinophillic glanuromatosis with polyangitis (EGPA) usually occurs in patients with a recent history (usually less than 10 years) of uncontrolled bronchial asthma. Here we describe a case of EGPA that occurred in a 68-year-old female who had well-controlled bronchial asthma for 17 years. A leukotriene receptor antagonist that had been prescribed one week before onset might have triggered the disease. Our case shows that there is a wide spectrum of clinical characteristics of EGPA, making diagnosis difficult in a primary care setting.
7.Past Activities and Prospects of Japanese Association of Family Physician Trainees
Gemmei IIZUKA ; Keiichiro ITO ; Mako NISHIMURA ; Yushi KAWAGUCHI ; Chihiro SUZUKI ; Takahiro KIYASU ; Kaito SHIMIZU ; Shun YASHIMA ; Yuki OTSUKA
An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association 2023;46(3):112-116
A certain period of time has passed since the transition to the General Medicine residency system under the Japanese Medical Specialty Board and Family Medicine specialist training system by the Japan Primary Care Association. We have summarized the needs of residents identified in the survey, and detailed the activities to date and prospects of the Japanese Association of Family Physician Trainees, a self-help support organization, which is an official subcommittee of the Japan Primary Care Association, from the viewpoint of the residents. We believe that this paper will serve as a resource for the training of residents, help guide them under the new system, and help to improve the training system, considering evidence suggesting that information may not be reaching residents who need support.
8.A Case of Aortoesophageal Fistula in Advanced Esophageal Cancer Treated with SB-Tube and TEVAR
Shinya NEGOTO ; Hiroyuki OTSUKA ; Tomoyuki ANEGAWA ; Yasuyuki ZAIMA ; Takanori KONO ; Yusuke SHINTANI ; Eiji NAKAMURA ; Takahiro SHOJIMA ; Tohru TAKASEYA ; Eiki TAYAMA
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2023;52(3):176-180
The patient is a 71-year-old man. After receiving chemoradiotherapy (CRTx) for an unresectable esophageal cancer, he developed sudden hematemesis during a follow-up examination. Subsequent imaging via contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) showed leakage of the contrast medium from the descending aorta into the esophagus. Consequently, an aortoesophageal fistula (AEF) was diagnosed and an emergency thoracic endovascular aortic stent graft repair (TEVAR) was scheduled. However, during the preparation for surgery, the patient vomited a large amount of blood and went into cardiopulmonary arrest. Following the administration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, a Sengstaken-Blakemore tube (SB-tube) was inserted intranasally to control bleeding and TEVAR was performed to save his life. Although a gastrostomy was necessary after the surgery, the patient was transferred from the hospital on the 32nd day without any complications. Nonetheless, his general condition deteriorated as the cancer progressed and he died on the 103rd postoperative day. It is generally reported that the risk for esophageal perforation is 10-20% in CRTx for unresectable esophageal cancer. Although issues regarding the long-term prognosis of patients treated with TEVAR have been highlighted in recent years, there have also been reports of life-saving cases following its use; in this case, the patient was discharged home after SB-tube insertion and TEVAR with prompt treatment, resulting in his life being prolonged for an estimated 3 months.
9.A Case of Malignant Gastrointestinal Obstruction in a Hyponutritional State That Was Treated with Staging Laparoscopy and Laparoscopic Jejunostomy to Enable Oral Intake
Koji OTSUKA ; Kazunari KATSURA ; Takahiro MITANI ; Daisuke NOZOE ; Kazuma TAGAMI ; Ayako MAEKAWA ; Noboru SUGAWARA ; Keiko KAGA ; Takuji HIRANO
Palliative Care Research 2023;18(2):153-158
Treatment for malignancy bowel obstruction (MBO) includes surgery, gastrointestinal stenting, nasogastric tube, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, and drug therapy. Drug therapy such as octreotide acetate significantly reduces the quality of life of patients because oral intake is no longer possible and continuous intravenous infusion is required. After a multidisciplinary conference including the department of gastrointestinal surgery and the department of palliative medicine, we could perform staging laparoscopy on a nutritionally-depleted patient with MBO and laparoscopic jejunostomy as a palliative surgery. As a result, she could discontinue from administration of octreotide acetate and resume oral intake.