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Author:( Takahiko Norose)

1.The Relationship between Medication Adherence and Medical-service Evaluation among Chronically-diseased Outpatients under the Separation of Prescribing and Dispensing: An Empirical Study Aiming at Reducing Unused Medicines and Promoting Family Pharmacies

Hidehiko Sakurai ; Mitsuko Onda ; Takahiko Norose ; Hitomi Yanaguimoto ; Seiichi Furuta

Japanese Journal of Social Pharmacy 2016;35(1):23-33

2.The Perception and Utilization of a Prescription Record—A Survey with Community Pharmacists and Patients—

Takahiko Norose ; Yuta Kimura ; Satoshi Nodu ; Hidehiko Sakurai

Japanese Journal of Social Pharmacy 2014;33(1):15-20

3.Investigation of scenarios for healthcare education by multidisciplinary faculty

Hiroki Yasui ; Takahiko Norose ; Katsuo Amioka ; Shinobu Sakurai ; Muneyoshi Aomatsu ; Keiko Abe ; Yoshihisa Hirakawa ; Kazumasa Uemura

Medical Education 2013;44(4):253-257

4.What Does a Patient Expect of a Family Pharmacist?─A Qualitative Analysis Based on a Focus Group

Takahiko NOROSE ; Etsuko ARITA ; Manako HANYA ; Keiko GOTO

Japanese Journal of Social Pharmacy 2018;37(2):117-126

5.What Does a Patient Expect of a Family Pharmacist?─A Qualitative Analysis Based on a Focus Group

Takahiko NOROSE ; Etsuko ARITA ; Manako HANYA ; Keiko GOTO

Japanese Journal of Social Pharmacy 2018;37(2):117-126

6.Working Group Report (Practice article 2) : Online Interprofessional Education Stepwise Interprofessional Education through Inter-University Collaboration at the University of Tsukuba (1)

The 21st - Term Interprofessional Education Committee ; Ryohei GOTO ; Takami MAENO ; Junji HARUTA ; Miyuki INO ; Satoko ISHIKAWA ; Yasushi UCHIYAMA ; Masatsugu OHTSUKI ; Hirotaka KATO ; Michiko GOTO ; Chisako NAITO ; Takahiko NOROSE ; Kenji YOSHIMI ; Hiroki YASUI

Medical Education 2021;52(6):557-563

7.Working Group Report (Practice article 2) : Online Interprofessional Education Stepwise Interprofessional Education through Inter-University Collaboration at the University of Tsukuba (2)

Takami MAENO ; Ryohei GOTO ; Junji HARUTA ; Miyuki INO ; Satoko ISHIKAWA ; Yasushi UCHIYAMA ; Masatsugu OHTSUKI ; Hirotaka KATO ; Michiko GOTO ; Chisako NAITO ; Takahiko NOROSE ; Kenji YOSHIMI ; Hiroki YASUI

Medical Education 2021;52(6):565-570

8.Committee report (Practice Article1) : Online Interprofessional Education

Interprofessional Education COMMITTEE ; Junji HARUTA ; Michiko GOTO ; Takahiko NOROSE ; Chikusa MURAOKA ; Miyuki INO ; Satoko ISHIKAWA ; Yasushi UCHIYAMA ; Masatsugu OHTSUKI ; Hirotaka KATO ; Ryohei GOTO ; Chisako NAITO ; Takami MAENO ; Kenji YOSHIMI ; Hiroki YASUI

Medical Education 2021;52(1):53-57

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