ObjectiveTo study the operative procedure and effect of anastomostic pseudoaneurysm(APA). Methods Eleven patients with APA were treated surgically. The diagnosis of APA in all the patients was comfirmed by angiography and ultras onic examination. A small rupture leading to APA was repaired by lateral arteri orrhaphy using autologous vein patch in 4 cases; the APA caused by a big rupture of anastomosis,resection of the pseudoaneurysm and interposition o f a PTFE or antologous vein were used in 7 cases.Results10cas es were followed -up for 5-38 months (mean19.6 months),and 1case loss of follow-up.9 cases recovered to be normal in activities and works, only 1 ca se had nerve paralysis of the affect extremity caused by popliteal artery APA compression . All the cases have good blood perfusion of the extremities wit hout recurrence. Conclusions APA should be treated by surgery. During operation control blood vessels effectively and remove the pathological changetissues completely are important,and reasonable application of antibi otics and antithrombotic agents are the guarantee of getting successful results .