1.Prevalence and correlates of snoring in medical and nursing students in University Malaysia Sarawak
Thung Sing Tiong ; Syed Hassan Ahmad Almashoor
Neurology Asia 2007;12(1):115-119
Using a questionnaire, a snoring study was done in 400 medical and 78 nursing students of University
Malaysia Sarawak in 2004 and 2005. The response rates were 72.5% for medical students and 83.3%
for nursing students. The habitual snoring percentages for all years, first year and final year medical
students were 7.2, 9.9 and 3.6 respectively; and for all years, first year and third year nursing students
were 12.3, 13.3 and 8.3. These figures were lower than those found in Hong Kong and Germany, despite
similar body mass index (BMI). In the combined group of student, positive correlation with snoring
was found in male gender (p=0.011), BMI (p=0.002) and sleep apnoea (p=0.05). For medical students,
positive correlation was found in male gender (p<0.0005), weight (p <0.001), height (p <0.001) and
sleep apnoea (p<0.001), and for nursing students in BMI (p=0.008) and weight (p=0.033). No significant
correlation was found in snoring with Epworth Sleepiness Scale and academic performance.
2.Older Adults With Cognitive Impairment Living In Malaysian Nursing Homes – Have We Met Their Needs?
Azlina Wati Nikmat ; Syed Hassan Almashoor
ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry 2015;16(1):84-94
Objective: Transition of people with cognitive impairment to nursing home is
often an option when their disease progresses and their needs become too
complex. The aim of this study was to identify the needs of people with cognitive
impairment living in nursing homes and factors associated with higher level of
needs. Methods: A cross sectional survey involving 110 respondents with
cognitive impairment aged ≥60 was carried out. Respondents were assessed using
the Short Mini Mental State Examination (SMMSE), Camberwell Assessment of
Needs for Elderly (CANE), Barthel Index (BI), Friendship Scale (FS), and
Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Results: Respondents with cognitive
impairment had a mean of 2.81 (SD=3.72) for unmet needs and 11.95 (SD=3.14)
for the met needs, with higher mean suggesting a better outcome measure. The
most frequent unmet needs were intimate relationships (66.40%), company
(40.00%), and daytime activity (34.50%). Unmet needs were significantly
associated with depression, social isolation, and cognitive impairment.
Conclusion: Most of the needs of people with cognitive impairment in nursing
homes were fulfilled, except in social area. Therefore, attention should be given
in improving the care system, which emphasizes collaboration between people
with cognitive impairment, family members, community, and government in
helping to reduce the risk of loneliness in those with cognitive impairment.