1.Prevalence and correlates of snoring in medical and nursing students in University Malaysia Sarawak
Thung Sing Tiong ; Syed Hassan Ahmad Almashoor
Neurology Asia 2007;12(1):115-119
Using a questionnaire, a snoring study was done in 400 medical and 78 nursing students of University
Malaysia Sarawak in 2004 and 2005. The response rates were 72.5% for medical students and 83.3%
for nursing students. The habitual snoring percentages for all years, first year and final year medical
students were 7.2, 9.9 and 3.6 respectively; and for all years, first year and third year nursing students
were 12.3, 13.3 and 8.3. These figures were lower than those found in Hong Kong and Germany, despite
similar body mass index (BMI). In the combined group of student, positive correlation with snoring
was found in male gender (p=0.011), BMI (p=0.002) and sleep apnoea (p=0.05). For medical students,
positive correlation was found in male gender (p<0.0005), weight (p <0.001), height (p <0.001) and
sleep apnoea (p<0.001), and for nursing students in BMI (p=0.008) and weight (p=0.033). No significant
correlation was found in snoring with Epworth Sleepiness Scale and academic performance.
2.Correlates Between Insomnia, Psychological Distress And Daytime Sleepiness Of Malaysian Adults With Symptoms Of Insomnia
Yasmin Othman Mydin ; Norzarina Mohd Zaharim ; Syed Hassan Ahmad Almashor
ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry 2012;13(2):1-6
Objective: The objective of this study is to identify the correlation between psychological factors and insomnia and the impact of insomnia on daytime
sleepiness. Methods and Results: The participants were recruited through convenient sampling and consist of 173 working adults in Georgetown, Penang, aged 20 to 60
years. Participants completed the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS) and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). The results revealed that
the prevalent of insomnia was 34.7%. There was a positive correlation between psychological distress and insomnia r = .481, p < .001 and also a positive correlation
between insomnia and daytime sleepiness r = .334, p < .001. Conclusion: It is concluded that psychological distress typically causes sleep difficulties, and sleep
deprivation leads to daytime sleepiness.
3.Impact of Rating Scale Categories on Reliability and Fit Statistics of the Malay Spiritual Well-Being Scale using Rasch Analysis
Aqil Mohammad Daher ; Syed Hassan Ahmad ; Than Winn ; Mohd Ikhsan Selamat
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2015;22(3):48-55
Background: Few studies have employed the item response theory in examining reliability. We conducted this study to examine the effect of Rating Scale Categories (RSCs) on the reliability and fit statistics of the Malay Spiritual Well-Being Scale, employing the Rasch model.
Methods: The Malay Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) with the original six; three and four newly structured RSCs was distributed randomly among three different samples of 50 participants each.
Results: The mean age of respondents in the three samples ranged between 36 and 39 years old. The majority was female in all samples, and Islam was the most prevalent religion among the respondents. The predominating race was Malay, followed by Chinese and Indian. The original six RSCs indicated better targeting of 0.99 and smallest model error of 0.24. The Infit Mnsq (mean square) and Zstd (Z standard) of the six RSCs were “1.1”and “-0.1”respectively. The six RSCs achieved the highest person and item reliabilities of 0.86 and 0.85 respectively. These reliabilities yielded the highest person (2.46) and item (2.38) separation indices compared to other the RSCs.
Conclusion: The person and item reliability and, to a lesser extent, the fit statistics, were better with the six RSCs compared to the four and three RSCs.
4.Sociodemographic Determinants Of Obesity Among 12 Years Old School Adolescents In Kuala Terengganu And Besut Districts, Malaysia
Nurzaime Zulaily ; Aryati Ahmad ; Nor Saidah Abd Manan ; Rahmah Mohd Amin ; Mohd Razif Shahril ; Sharifah Wajihah Wafa Syed Saadun Tarek Wafa ; Engku Fadzli Hassan Syed Abdullah ; Amran Ahmed
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2017;Special Volume(2):11-19
Worldwide prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents increased substantially over decades. Addressing potential risk factors of obesity among adolescents is very important for a successful intervention program in this population. The present study aimed to identify the sociodemographic determinants of obesity among school adolescents in Terengganu. A cross-sectional survey involving 3,798 school adolescents age 12 years old from 136 government primary schools in Kuala Terengganu and Besut districts were carried out from November 2014 to June 2015. For the purpose of this paper, the data for 2,842 school adolescents classified as either normal BMI (< +1SD) (n= 2,305) or obese (+2SD) (n= 537) based on WHO cut-off points were taken for analysis. Sociodemographic information on subjects and their parents were obtained from self-reported questionnaire. Anthropometric measurements were conducted by Physical Education teachers and uploaded into a specific developed database. The prevalence of obesity was relatively high in both genders in this study. Binary logistic regression analysis found gender, parental BMI, household income, household size and maternal working status were independently associated with obesity among school adolescents in this population. In the final model, being male, having working mother, and having obese parents were identified to be potential risk factors for obesity whilst having large household size lower the risk of obesity among these adolescents. Prevention programs are needed to increase awareness about the risk factors of obesity in adolescent and interventions should now focus on family member as well mainly the parents.
5.Sociodemographic Determinants Of Obesity Among 12 Years Old School Adolescents In Kuala Terengganu And Besut Districts, Malaysia
Nurzaime Zulaily ; Aryati Ahmad ; Nor Saidah Abd Manan ; Rahmah Mohd Amin ; Mohd Razif Shahril ; Sharifah Wajihah Wafa Syed Saadun Tarek Wafa ; Engku Fadzli Hassan Syed Abdullah ; Amran Ahmed
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2017;2017(Special Volume (2)):11-19
Worldwide prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents increased substantially over decades. Addressing potential risk factors of obesity among adolescents is very important for a successful intervention program in this population. The present study aimed to identify the sociodemographic determinants of obesity among school adolescents in Terengganu. A cross-sectional survey involving 3,798 school adolescents age 12 years old from 136 government primary schools in Kuala Terengganu and Besut districts were carried out from November 2014 to June 2015. For the purpose of this paper, the data for 2,842 school adolescents classified as either normal BMI (< +1SD) (n= 2,305) or obese (+2SD) (n= 537) based on WHO cut-off points were taken for analysis. Sociodemographic information on subjects and their parents were obtained from self-reported questionnaire. Anthropometric measurements were conducted by Physical Education teachers and uploaded into a specific developed database. The prevalence of obesity was relatively high in both genders in this study. Binary logistic regression analysis found gender, parental BMI, household income, household size and maternal working status were independently associated with obesity among school adolescents in this population. In the final model, being male, having working mother, and having obese parents were identified to be potential risk factors for obesity whilst having large household size lower the risk of obesity among these adolescents. Prevention programs are needed to increase awareness about the risk factors of obesity in adolescent and interventions should now focus on family member as well mainly the parents.
school adolescents
6.Tangled Throughout Life: A Case of Paediatric Ruptured Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation
Syed Muhammad Hafiz Syed Hassan ; Nurul Huda Ahmad
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2021;17(No.4):413-415
Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) in children is uncommon occurrence defined as presence of arteriovenous shunting through coiled and tortuous vascular connections. We discussed a case of a 3-year old girl presented with acute
left facial asymmetry and right-sided limb weakness. Neurological examination revealed MRC scale of 0 out of 5 for
power on her right side. Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) revealed bilateral thalamic AVM. Surgical resection was not advisable in view of deep-seated location. Paediatric AVM most often become apparent following rupture with majority presents with headache. Ruptured paediatric AVM carries high burden of morbidity and mortality.
Paediatric intracranial haemorrhage posed tremendous concern regarding its long-term outcome. Treatment would
be more appropriate sooner rather than later especially for those presented with ruptured AVM. Surgical resection
remains the gold standard treatment for all accessible paediatric AVMs with embolization and radiosurgery as adjunctive therapies. AVM in paediatric population is rare but carries grim prognosis.
7.A Cross-Sectional Study of Neutrophilto- Lymphocyte Ratio in Diagnosing Acute Appendicitis in Hospital Melaka
Khairol Ashraf Ahmad ; Noorharisman Ideris ; Syed Hassan Syed Abd Aziz
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2019;26(6):55-66
Background: Acute appendicitis is one of the most common surgical emergencies.
However, its proper diagnosis is complicated. This study aims to evaluate the ability of the
neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) to diagnose acute appendicitis in pre-operative state.
Methods: Histopathological examination of appendicectomies conducted between
2016 and 2017 in Melaka Hospital, Malaysia were traced and categorised into three groups: i) G1
(normal appendix), ii) G2 (acute appendicitis) and iii) G3 (perforated appendicitis). The reports
were randomised and a total of 338 samples were collected. NLR values were compared between
the three different groups and analysed.
Results: The median values of NLR for G1, G2 and G3 were 2.37, 5.25 and 9.27,
respectively. We found a statistically significant difference in NLR between G1 and G2 (P < 0.001),
and G2 and G3 (P < 0.001). The diagnostic values of NLR for acute appendicitis and perforated
appendicitis were 3.11 (sensitivity: 75.23%, specificity: 68.70%) and 6.17 (sensitivity: 76.32%,
specificity: 58.72%), respectively. There was a substantial correlation between NLR and disease
severity, and a moderate correlation between NLR and duration of admission.
Conclusion: NLR, with a sensitivity of 75.23% and specificity of 68.70%, is a useful and
reliable adjunct in diagnosing acute appendicitis. Hence, it will help in reducing the rate of
negative appendicectomies.
8.SMA Syndrome – Wait & Nurture
Shier Khee Saw ; Ahmad Zuraimi Zulkifli ; Chandran Nadarajan ; Jien Yen Soh ; Mohd Azem Fathi Mohammad Azmi ; Syed Hassan Syed Abd Aziz ; Michael Pak-Kai Wong
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2022;18(No.6):353-355
Superior mesenteric artery (SMA) syndrome is rare with the common presentation of megaduodenum from entrapment of the third part of the duodenum (D3) by the SMA. We present a case report of a thin, fit 16-year-old boy,
active smoker complaining of generalized colicky abdominal pain associated with persistent postprandial vomiting.
Small bowel study demonstrated partial duodenal obstruction from compression of the third part of the duodenum
by the SMA. Computed tomography of the abdomen shows an aorto-mesenteric angle of 13 degrees with aorto-mesenteric distance of 0.32 cm, indicating SMA syndrome. His symptoms resolved spontaneously with watchful waiting
and nutritional care plan. The success was contributed to restoring the fat cushion around the SMA, hence, widening
the aorto-mesenteric angle. In conclusion, watchful waiting with a nutritional care plan is a feasible initial strategy
in the approach to SMA syndrome. However, should this strategy be unsuccessful, the choice of surgical treatment
is duodenojejunostomy.
9.Development and validation of TaqMan real-time PCR for the detection of Burkholderia pseudomallei isolates from Malaysia
Mohd Ali, M.R ; Foo, P.C. ; Hassan, M. ; Maning, N. ; Hussin, A. ; Syed Ahmad Yunus, S.Z. ; Fauzi, M.H. ; Muhd Besar, A. ; Harun, A. ; Ismail, N. ; Chan, Y.Y.
Tropical Biomedicine 2019;36(2):379-389
Rapid detection of Burkholderia pseudomallei, the etiologic agent of melioidosis,
allows for timely initiation of appropriate treatment and better clinical outcomes. In the
current gold standard, the culture method is time consuming and suffers from low sensitivity.
Meanwhile, previously reported molecular assays are fast and sensitive, but their performance
on isolates from Malaysia, an endemic region of melioidosis is under reported. This study
designed oligonucleotides targeting orf2 of Type III secretion system (TTSS) genes cluster
for the detection of Malaysian B. pseudomallei isolates and evaluated the assay on 95 local
B. pseudomallei strains, 58 other microorganisms and 71 clinical specimens from patients.
The developed assay exclusively detected all tested B. pseudomallei isolates with a detection
limit of 20 fg per reaction (equivalent to ~2.5 copies). Subsequent testing on clinical samples
showed that the assay detected all confirmed specimens with the growth of B. pseudomallei
(n = 10/10). None of the negative specimens had a detectable signal of our TTSS-orf2 assay
(n = 0/61). In conclusion, the present study provides crucial preliminary data for a subsequent
study and should be considered as a potential alternative to current time-consuming culture
method for the detection of B. pseudomallei.