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Author:( Suroto)

1.Outcome of Closed and Open Reduction with Cross Pinning Fixation for Displaced Supracondylar Humeral Fracture.

Megaputera ; Suroto H ; Roeshadi D

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2010;4(1):32-34

2.Validity and Reliability of Prognosis Brachial Plexus Injury Score for Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury

Heri SUROTO ; Muhammad Rifqi FARIZAN AKBAR ; Dina APRILYA ; Firman PRIBADI

Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery 2023;15(1):153-158

3.The Role of Human Neural Stem Cell Secretomes on the Repair of Spinal Cord Injury Post-laminectomy in Rattus norvegicus Through the Analysis of Basso–Beattie–Bresnahan Score Locomotors, Interleukin-10, Matrix Metalloproteinase 9, and Transforming Growth Factor-β

I Nyoman SEMITA ; Dwikora Novembri UTOMO ; Heri SUROTO ; I Ketut SUDIANA

Asian Spine Journal 2023;17(2):231-239

4.The mechanism of human neural stem cell secretomes improves neuropathic pain and locomotor function in spinal cord injury rat models: through antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-matrix degradation, and neurotrophic activities

I Nyoman SEMITA ; Dwikora Novembri UTOMO ; Heri SUROTO ; I Ketut SUDIANA ; Parama GANDI

The Korean Journal of Pain 2023;36(1):72-83

5.Characteristics of neuropathic pain in Indonesia: A hospital based national clinical survey

Thomas Eko Purwata ; Henny A Sadeli ; Yudiyanta ; Yuneldi Anwar ; Darwin Amir ; Chris Asnawi ; Suroto ; Dani Rahmawati ; Leksmono Partoatmodjo ; Susi Aulina ; Putu Eka Widyadarma ; Moch Dalhar ; Endang Mutiawati ; Theresia Runtuwene ; Lucas Meliala ; Andradi Suryamihardja ; Agus Permadi ; Fredy Sitorus ; Untung Gunarto ; Yusak Mangara Tua Siahaan ; Edison Marpaung ; Yulius Mandua

Neurology Asia 2015;20(3):389-394

6.Characteristics of neuropathic pain in Indonesia: A hospital based national clinical survey

Thomas Eko Purwata ; Henny A Sadeli ; Yudiyanta ; Yuneldi Anwar ; Darwin Amir ; Chris Asnawi ; Suroto ; Dani Rahmawati ; Leksmono Partoatmodjo ; Susi Aulina ; Putu Eka Widyadarma ; Moch Dalhar ; Endang Mutiawati ; Theresia Runtuwene ; Lucas Meliala ; Andradi Suryamihardja ; Agus Permadi ; Fredy Sitorus ; Untung Gunarto ; Yusak Mangara Tua Siahaan ; Edison Marpaung ; Yulius Mandua

Neurology Asia 2015;20(4):389-394

7.Contribution of Snacks and Physical Activities to Elevated Blood Pressure of Adolescent Girls in West Java, Indonesia

Mohammad Zen Rahfiludin ; Alfi Fairuz Asna ; Suroto ; Lilik Hidayanti

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2023;19(No.4):53-60

8.Effects of glucose as carbon catabolite repressor on alpha-amylase and glucoamylase production in Indonesian indigenous fungi

Ika Octariyani Safitri ; Dian Anggraini Suroto ; Jaka Widada ; Sardjono ; Muhammad Nur Cahyanto

Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 2022;18(3):322-330

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