1.Oncovascular Surgery: There Would Be No Such Thing without Vascular Surgeons
Vascular Specialist International 2019;35(2):53-54
No abstract available.
2.Big Challenges in Training Young Vascular Surgeons
Vascular Specialist International 2019;35(3):119-120
No abstract available.
4.A Study on the Estimation of Calcaneal Width Using a Correlation of Calcaneal Length and Width.
Dong il CHUN ; Shu Chiang HWANG ; Jae ho CHO ; Sung Woo CHOI ; Yong Beom KIM ; Sung Hun WON
Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society 2017;21(2):61-65
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation and ratio between the calcaneal length and width for predicting the width of calcaneus. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 190 feet (190 patients) were included based on computed tomography scans. The length of calcaneus (CL) was measured on the line connecting the center of a circle tangent to the cortical margin in the anterior and posterior parts of the calcaneus in a sagittal plane (W1, W2). The width of the calcaneus was defined as the horizontal line of each part (W1, W2, W3) on the same axial plane. The relationship between the measurement was determined through a correlation analysis. The reliability was assessed based on intraclass correlation coefficients. RESULTS: The CL and widths of calcaneus (W1, W2, W3) had a good positive correlation (r=0.848 [W1/CL], r=0.738 [W2/CL], r=0.769 [W3/CL]; p<0.001). The mean CL and widths ratios were 0.33 (W1/CL), 0.37 (W2/CL), and 0.37 (W3/CL). Using these ratios to estimate the widths by multiplying each ratio by the measured calcaneal length, we found a difference between the estimated calcaneal widths and the actual measured calcaneal widths values was 0.25 mm, 0.43 mm, and 0.16 mm. All measurements showed good-to-excellent inter- and intraobserver reliability. CONCLUSION: This study analyzed the correlation and ratio between the length and width of the calcaneus. The results will help orthopedic surgeons fixate screws in a stable manner to prevent iatrogenic injuries to the medial neurovascular structures of the calcaneus.
5.Expressing Cobb Angle as Linear Measurement in Scoliosis and Its Significance: A Clinical and Geometrical Analysis of Scoliosis.
Korean Journal of Spine 2017;14(4):139-142
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to formulate an objective clinical and geometric relationship between Cobb angle and the difference between the lengths of convex and concave sides (convexo-concave vertebral difference) of the structural curve in scoliosis. Is it possible to express Cobb angle in such a way that it could be visualized as a length, especially while planning for surgical correction of scoliosis? METHODS: Thirty consecutive patients below the age of 19 years with a scoliosis of Cobb angle more than 10 degrees were included in the study. Convexo-concave vertebral difference of the structural curve was measured. Its relationship with the measure of Cobb angle was studied. RESULTS: Author obtained a significant linear correlation between the convexo-concave vertebral differences and the Cobb angle. Using the formula Y=2d.Sin (X/2) the convexo-concave vertebral difference could be predicted. The difference thus obtained gives a quantitative measure of the maximum length of correction possible in the structural curve. CONCLUSION: It is possible to express the Cobb angle as a function of linear measurement. The author proposes that this would aid the surgeons to accurately and predictably achieve the desired scoliosis correction.
8.Variant anatomy of the buccal nerve
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2019;52(1):82-83
Knowledge of the anatomy and variations of the nerves of the oral cavity is important to surgeons who operate this region. Herein, we report a rare case of a buccal nerve with two distinct roots. The anatomy of this case and its clinical applications is discussed.
Trigeminal Nerve
9.Oncovascular Surgery and the Making of the Oncovascular Surgeon
Kareem SALLAM ; Hussein KHAIRY
Vascular Specialist International 2019;35(4):189-192
Patients diagnosed with tumors that are located in vicinity of the major axial vessels are inconsistently managed because they are often considered unresectable. The management of these patients remains at the periphery of various established sub-specialties that are prevalent under the current medical specialty. These patients are required to be treated by an oncovascular surgeon. This article discusses some key points in understanding the reasons for establishing a specialty branch, oncovascular surgery, to treat complex tumors with vessel invasion. This article also reviews important issues about leadership and how to train and educate oncovascular surgeons.
10.Surgeons’ Experience In Breast Conserving Surgery: Does It Influence Surgical Margin?
Shahrun Niza AS ; Ussof Eskaandar MH ; Nani Harlina ML ; Razrim R ; Rohaizak M
Journal of Surgical Academia 2016;6(1):25-31
A surgeon’s experience plays an important role in breast conserving surgery (BCS). The common conception is that,
the more junior is the operating surgeon, the surgical margin will be wider or closer to the tumour edge. Thus the aim
of this study is to look into the adequacy of surgical margin performed by different level of surgeons’ experience in
patients whom underwent wide local excision (WLE) and hook-wire localization (HWL) in our surgical unit. The
surgical experience of the operating surgeon and their surgical margins will be analyzed. This is a retrospective study
from January 2000 to December 2012. Eighty-eight patients with early breast cancer underwent WLE and HWL by 3
different groups of surgeons (breast surgeons, junior surgeons and surgical registrars) were included. The surgical
margins were analyzed for involved-margin, closed-margin or excessed-margin.The incidence of involved-margin,
closed-margin and excessed-margin is the lowest among breast surgeons compared to other groups. However, the
results were not statistically significant. The incidence of involved surgical margin is significantly higher within
junior surgeons for HWL compared to the breast surgeons. The incidence of involved, closed or excessed surgical
margin were lowest when performed by breast surgeon but not significantly different between the three groups.
However, for HWL the breast surgeons significantly better compared to the other groups.
Breast Neoplasms