The first responders who are often exposed to emergency condition play important roles in providing PHEC to victims withroad accident trauma. Hence, empowerment of first responders is highly required to achieve the target of response timeof less than 10 minutes to provide PHEC in order to minimize the numbers of deaths and disabilities caused by trauma.This study applied quasi-experimental design with static group comparison pattern using cross-sectional approach. Anumber of 40 samples of common people consisting of 20 samples in treatment group and 20 samples in control groupwere taken. The statistic test used in this research is t-test. The results reveals that simulation model using algorithminfluences the improvement of traffic volunteers’ emergency management capabilities with p-value of < 0.05 and meanscore difference of 34.5%, and the model is highly effective to be implemented to improve the capability of traffic assistantvolunteers to manage trauma emergency with the mean score difference of 11.5%. Algorithm models for PHEC simulationhave some strengths in real setting and effective interactive learning to evaluate the capabilities of first responders inmanaging pre-hospital emergency, and improve problem-solving skills, as well as their performance in such aspects asskill, knowledge, and attitude.