1.Consumers' Response and Purchasing of Traditional Fermented Foods Marketed in Taejon.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 1997;2(3):388-395
A survey was conducted to investigate housewives' perception and consumption of Korean fermented foods marketed in Taejon. Most subjects know how to prepare Kimchi(seasoned and fermented vegetables), 65-67% can make Kochujang(fermented red pepper soybean paste), Toenjang(Korean style soysauce) and Jang-atchies(pickled basic side dishes), 56% can make Kuk-ganjang(Korean style coysauce), 45% can make Chonggukjang (fermented soybean) and 34% can make Jot-kals(salt-fermented fish products). With decreasing age(p<0.0001), not many other subjects could make other fermented foods besides Kimchi. The percentages of subjects buying fermented foods were 71.5% for Chin-ganjang(Japanese style soysauce), 51.7% Jot-kals, 27.1%Kochujang, 25.7% Chonggukjang, 20.1% Jang-atchies, 10.4% Toenjang, 5.9% Kuk-ganjang, and 3.8% Kimchi. the uounger in age, the higher the tendency to buy marketed Kimchies(p<0.05) and Kochujang(p<0.01). The resons for purchasing fermented foods were convenience (52.9%), lack of preparation knowledge(17.5%), lack of time for preparation(12.5%), and lack of space for food storage(8.2%). Subjects indicated that their reasons for mot buying were as follows : use of additives or unreliability with regard to manufacturing dates(45%), bad taste(21%), unsanitary treatment(16%) and to keep their indigenous taste(14%). They cosidered expiration dates, taste, crpteria and safety as the important standard in selecting marketed foods. Younger subjects insisted on the improvement of sanitary condition and partial change of taste to increase the consumption of fermented foods. However, older subjects thought it best to keep the taste original for more utilization of fermented foods.
2.Effects of Delayed Test, Hemolysis and Turbidity on Measurement of PT and aPTT.
Hi Jeong KWON ; Eun Joo SEO ; Ki Ouk MIN ; Byung Kee KIM
Korean Journal of Clinical Pathology 2002;22(1):1-3
BACKGROUND: Sometimes we receive specimens collected several hours ahead, hemolyzed, or turbid. To decide to analyze the samples or not, the influence of storage time, hemolysis, and turbidi-ty on PT and PTT were studied. METHODS: Total of 198 cases for PT and 192 for aPTT were studied to clarify the effect of storage time on PT and aPTT. We performed the tests of PT and aPTT at 0, 2, 4, and 8 hours after collection of specimens. For the hemolysis effect study, we used 31 cases. Slightly, moderately, and severely hemolyzed plasma were obtained by adding hemolysate to plasma. For the turbidity effect study, we used 30 cases. Slightly, moderately, and severely turbid plasma were obtained by adding Intrali-pos (20% soybean oil) to plasma. RESULTS: Delayed test time affected the aPTT results after 8 hours. Hemolysis affected the PT and aPTT results. Turbidity did not affect the PT and aPTT results; however, the Coagrex-100s rejected to analyze the severely turbid samples. CONCLUSIONS: It is recommended that specimens be evaluated immediately or within 4 hours and that hemolysed or severely turbid specimens for PT and aPTT tests not be used.
3.Study on the Development and Evaluation of Validity of Salty Taste Assessment Tool.
Eun Kyung SHIN ; Hye Jin LEE ; Moon Young AHN ; Yeon Kyung LEE
The Korean Journal of Nutrition 2008;41(2):184-191
The purpose of this study was to assess and evaluate salty taste preferences. Samples for the salty taste test were made by adding sodium chloride to soybean sprout soup at five different concentrations: 0.08% (unsalty); 0.16% (slightly unsalty); 0.31% (neither unsalty nor salty); 0.63% (slightly salty); and 1.25% (salty). Over 4,210 subjects were randomly selected and tested over a three-year period from 2005 to 2007 in Daegu. The results of the taste test were as follows: Fortyfive percent of the subjects preferred soup with a salty taste and slightly salty taste. Most subjects preferred soup with a 0.31% concentration of sodium chloride. There were positive relationships between intensity and preference in 0.08%, 0.16%, and 0.31% concentrations, but there were negative relationships between intensity and preference in 0.63% and 1.25% concentrations (p < 0.01). Upon examining a relationship between the taste assessment results and salty eating attitude scores, it was found that the subjects who preferred slightly salty and salty taste showed higher total scores in terms of habitual preference for/enjoyment of eating salty foods than the other groups. Comparing the taste test results with the subjects' stated preference, it was found that 70.3% of the subjects who were classified as preferring salty taste recognized this preference and 53.3% of the subjects who were classified into the population than tends to eat slightly salty food responded that they also tend to prefer a salty taste. Based on these results, this salty taste assessment study can be used as a practical and useful nutrition education tool for assessing and possibly reducing salt intake.
Sodium Chloride
5.Isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria from different stages of traditional Malaysian tempeh production
Balqis Pisol ; Noriham Abdullah ; Khalilah Abdul Khalil ; Lilis Nuraida
Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 2015;11(4):358-364
Aims: There are many methods of soybean tempeh production as they vary according to the producers. Isolation of
lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from tempeh was carried out at different stages of the tempeh production to examine the
occurrence of LAB and to identify the isolates.
Methodology and results: Morphological, physiological and chemical characteristics with the use of API 20 Strep, API
50 CHL kit and 16S rRNA gene sequences were employed to identify LAB. By using API 20 Strep and API 50 CHL kit,
fourteen LAB were obtained and twelve isolates have been successfully identified: seven coccus LAB isolates as
Enterococcus faecium, four cocci-bacilli as Leuconostoc mesenteroides ssp. mesenteroides, one bacilli as Lactobacillus
delbrueckii ssp. delbrueckii. Meanwhile, two bacilli isolates were categorised as unidentified strain. On the other hand,
molecular identification using 27f and 1429r primer had revealed that L. mesenteroides and L. delbrueckii were identified
as Leuconostoc lactis and Leuconostoc sp. respectively. Whereas, two previously unidentified bacilli isolates were
identified as Alicyclobacillus sp.
Conclusion, significance, and impact of study: This result shows that various types of LAB was detected at every
stages of tempeh production and had been identified by using two different techniques. The unique characteristics of
LAB offer their potential towards food and pharmaceutical industry.
Lactic Acid
6.Occurrence of Soybean Sleeping Blight Caused by Septogloeum sojae in Korea.
Sung Kee HONG ; Hyo Won CHOI ; Young Kee LEE ; Sang Yeob LEE ; Hong Sik SHIM
Mycobiology 2012;40(4):265-267
Sleeping blight was observed on soybean plants grown in Yanggu, Suwon and Geumsan from 2005 to 2011. Symptoms developed on stems and pods of affected soybean plants. Five fungal isolates were obtained from the diseased plants and identified as Septogloeum sojae based on their morphological, cultural and molecular characteristics. Pathogenicity of the fungus was confirmed on soybean plants by artificial inoculation. This is the first report of S. sojae causing sleeping blight in soybean plants in Korea.
8.Silencing GmATG10 results in activation of immune responses in soybean.
Tao ZHOU ; Meiyan YE ; Tianyao LIU ; Hujiao LAN ; Said Masoud HASHIMI ; Wei GUO ; Jianzhong LIU
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology 2023;39(2):586-602
Autophagy is a highly conserved mechanism for material degradation and recycling in eukaryote cells, and plays important roles in growth, development, stress tolerance and immune responses. ATG10 plays a key role in autophagosome formation. To understand the function of ATG10 in soybean, two homologous GmATG10 genes, namely GmATG10a and GmATG10b, were silenced simultaneously by bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) induced gene silencing. The carbon starvation induced by dark treatment and Western blotting analysis of GmATG8 accumulation level indicated that concurrent silencing GmATG10a/10b resulted in the impairment of autophagy in soybean; disease resistance and kinase assays demonstrated that GmATG10a/10b participated in the immune responses by negatively regulating the activation of GmMPK3/6, indicating that GmATG10a/10b plays a negative regulatory role in immune response in soybean.
9.Mycoflora and Enzymatic Characterization of Fungal Isolates in Commercial Meju, Starter for a Korean Traditional Fermented Soybean Product.
Jin Ho BAEK ; Kum Kang SO ; Yo Han KO ; Jung Mi KIM ; Dae Hyuk KIM
Mycobiology 2014;42(3):291-295
Mycoflora was assessed in the commercial meju from four well-separated geographic origins. A total of 112 fungal isolates were identified by phenotypic characteristics and molecular taxonomy using sequencing the internal transcribed spacer of the rDNA and revealed 19 species from 13 genera. Enzymatic characteristics of protease and amylase, and mycotoxin production were analyzed.
DNA, Ribosomal
10.Development and Evaluation of Weaning Foods Using Locally Available Nutritious Fruits in Bangladesh
Satter MA ; Jabin S ; Abedin N ; Islam MP ; Parvin R ; Dhali M ; Amin MZ
Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2014;20(1):83-92
Bangladesh has one of the highest rates of malnutrition in the world although the country is endowed with agricultural produce that could be properly utilised to prepare adequate food for children. Considering this, three weaning foods were formulated using locally available cereals and nutritious fruits such as wheat, soya flour, jackfruit and mango. Methods: Standard procedures of Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) and American Public Health Association (APHA) were used to determine the chemical composition and microbiological analysis. Organoleptic qualities were analysed by twenty adult panelists of the Institute of Food Science and Technology, Bangladesh, using a 9-hedonic scale against a cereal based commercial brand as standard for proximate and sensory properties. Results: The moisture content of the developed weaning foods ranged from 2.78-3.59%, crude protein content 14.74-16.55%, fat 11.04-12.70%, ash 1.38-1.68%, crude fibre 1.04-1.52%, carbohydrate 65.83-71.09% and energy content from 445.80-465.48 kcal/100g of the foods. The formulated weaning foods A, B and C were significantly different (p<0.05) in moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrate and energy contents from the commercial brand, D. According to rat bioassay method, the prepared weaning foods C and B had the highest Protein Efficiency Ratio and Feed Efficiency Ratio than the commercial brand, D. Total bacterial counts were nil for all weaning foods. Sensory analysis revealed acceptability of all the weaning foods and preference for weaning food C that compared favorably with the standard in all the quality attributes. Conclusion: The formulated weaning foods are inexpensive and nutritious, and its ingredients are locally available. These foods have the potential for improving malnutrition problems facing children in Bangladesh.