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Author:( Soon Keng Cheong)

2.Induced pluripotent stem cells in research and therapy

Hoon-Koon TEOH ; Soon-Keng CHEONG

The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2012;34(1):1-13

3.Leukaemic stem cells: Drug resistance, metastasis and therapeutic implications

Rebecca SY Wong ; Soon-Keng Cheong

The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2012;34(2):77-88

4.Observation of dendritic cell morphology under light, phase-contrast or confocal laser scanning microscopy.

Tan, Yuen-Fen ; Leong, Chooi-Fun ; Cheong, Soon-Keng

The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2010;32(2):97-102

5.Cellular mechanisms of emerging applications of mesenchymal stem cells

Pooi-Ling Mok ; Chooi-Fun Leong ; Soon-Keng Cheong

The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2013;35(1):17-32

6.Molecular responses during chemotherapy in acute myeloid leukemias in predicting poor-response to standard chemotherapy.

Maha, Abdullah ; Cheong, Soon-Keng ; Leong, Chooi-Fun ; Seow, Heng-Fong

The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2009;31(2):81-91

7.Dendritic cell distribution in lymphomas.

Hussin, Hamidah Noor ; Zulkifli, Fadzilah Noor ; Phang, Koon Song ; Cheong, Soon Keng

The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2009;31(2):105-12

8.Transfected human mesenchymal stem cells do not lose their surface markers and differentiation properties.

Yap, Fei-Ling ; Cheong, Soon-Keng ; Ammu, Radhakrishnan ; Leong, Chooi-Fun

The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2009;31(2):113-20

9.Subtractive Hybridization Identifies Stem Cell-Associated Genes in an Acute Myeloid Leukemia with Poor Prognosis

Ngiow Shin Foong ; Maha Abdullah ; Jasmine Lim ; Cheong Soon-Keng ; Seow Heng-Fong

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2016;12(1):19-31

10.Differential Expression Patterns of Leukaemia Associated Genes in Leukaemia Cell Lines Compared to Healthy Controls

Ang Pei-Shen ; Rajesh Ramasamy ; Noor Hamidah Hussin ; Cheong Soon-Keng ; Seow Heng-Fong ; Maha Abdullah

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2016;12(1):32-45

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