Background: Breast cancer is typically detected in women with a standard prevalence categorized by age of 80.1/100.000 people in the world. In Vietnam, the proportion for women was 17.4/100.000 people in 2000. The value of ultrasound has been acknowledged in the last few decades. However, there is an existing problem related to the proportion of inaccurate diagnosis (amounted to 10-20%), or suspect diagnosis. Thus, the diagnosis of breast cancer employing ultrasound (US) method not only overcomes the above obstacles, but also generates a number of advantages. \r\n', u'Objectives: To study the value of US and US lesions in the diagnostic for breast cancer. \r\n', u'Subjects and method: 621 patients with breast abnormalities were diagnosed and treated at K-hospital from 2003 to 2006. They underwent breast US scanning. The sonographic features were compared with pathologic results. \r\n', u'Results: Common signals of breast cancer: the mass of irregular shape: Se = 73.9%, Sp = 87; speculation margins: Se = 72.4%, Sp = 96.8%; hypoechoic mass: Se = 89.5%, Sp = 83.3%; heteroechoic density: Se = 98%, Sp = 68.5%. Other uncommon signals are: punctuate hyperechogenics of calcifications, acoustic shadow behinds the mass, the number of punctuate hyperechogenic > 5. The D/W index > 1: PPV = 95.9%. \r\n', u'Conclusion: Ultrasound is a valuable method for breast cancer diagnosis with Se = 89.47%, Sp = 86.49%, PPV = 92.96%, NPV = 83.72% and Acc = 88.41%.\r\n', u'
Breast cancer