1.Post-partum Invasive Group B Streptococcus Infection With Fatal Outcome: A Case Report
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2018;14(3):57-59
Group B streptococcus (GBS) is generally known to cause severe disease in the neonate and immunocompromised adults. GBS in the pregnant mother is rare and can potentially be fatal. Clinical presentation can be as mild as an uncomplicated urinary tract infection or serious invasive disease in the form of bacteremia, chorioamnionitis, endometritis and septic abortion. We report a case of a 46-year-old Para 3 lady, post-partum day 12, whom was found dead at home. Prior to her death, she had intermittent fever and abnormal lochia. Autopsy findings indicate GBS endometritis and bacteraemia. She was never screened for GBS. The cost-effectiveness of universal GBS screening needs to be explored to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity due to GBS.
2.A rare case of streptococcus mitis infective endocarditis complicated by heart failure in a lactating mother with recurrent breast engorgement
Inche Mat Liyana Najwa ; Hoo Fan Kee ; Sallehuddin Hakimah ; Zakariah Siti Zulaikha ; Wan Zukiman Wan Zul Haikal Hafiz ; Tan Wei Ming
Malaysian Family Physician 2019;14(2):36-38
Infective endocarditis during breastfeeding is rare. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the second recorded case of infective endocarditis in a lactating mother. It is known that women of child-bearing age are susceptible to infective endocarditis during pregnancy when the immune system is compromised.1 Nevertheless, past cases were also exposed to a systemic infection via milk infected by their infant’s oral commensal. Streptococcus mitis (S.Mitis) endocarditis in pregnancy has also been reported, whereby a lady delivered via caesarean section and underwent mitral valve reconstruction and annuloplasty.1 S. mitis is considered a pioneer streptococci commensal in human oral mucosa, appearing as early as 1-3 days after delivery.2 As a child grows, their oral mucosa will be colonized by more viridans streptococci, including the teeth, oropharynx and nasopharynx. In a mother who breastfeeds, a crack in the nipple and breast engorgement can be predisposing factors for systemic infection stemming from an infant’s oral commensal. Both cases of breastfeeding-related infective endocarditis caused by pioneer streptococcus viridans, S.mitis in our report and S.salivarius3 in the previous report, affected the left-sided valves
3.In What Way Does Music Improve Learning in Medical Education? A Systematic Review
Halimatus Sakdiah Minhat ; Siti Zulaikha Zakariah ; Rosni Ibrahim ; Camelia Siti Maya Mohamed Razali
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2022;18(No.6):280-285
Introduction: Music has been widely used in teaching and learning due to its observed positive effects. This review
aimed to identify the beneficial impacts of music utilization in medical education. Methods: Using four established
databases; Scopus, ScienceDirect, JSTOR and PubMed, exhaustive searched of related articles were performed for
articles published between January 2010 and January 2020 using combination of keywords. Screening of titles and
abstracts were conducted, with removal of duplicates. Results: Five full text articles were finally reviewed, of which
one cross-sectional, three intervention and a qualitative studies. Consensus between authors had successfully identified three themes, which were positive effect of music on the well-being and performance of the medical students,
as well as improved patient-doctor communication skills. Conclusion: The findings of the review confirmed the positive effects of music utilization on the well-being and performance of medical students, as well as on patient-doctor
communication skills.
4.Adult Diphteria: Possible Transmission of Corynebacterium diphtheriae from Unvaccinated Child?
Thenmalar Kandasamy ; Fatimahtuz Zahrah Muhamad Damanhuri ; Adillahtul Bushro Zaini ; Siti Zulaikha Zakariah ; Rosni Ibrahim
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2021;17(No.3):311-314
A case of a toxigenic strain of Corynebacterium diphtheriae in an immunocompetent adult is presented, with the possibility of the adult acquiring the infection from her unvaccinated child. The abovementioned adult is a 29-year-old
housewife who was previously immunised with diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) vaccination in childhood,
who presented fever, cough, sore throat, hoarseness of voice, odynophagia, and bilaterally enlarged tonsils. A throat
swab confirmed the presence of toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae. The patient was given 80,000 international
units (IU) dose of diphtheria antitoxin (DAT) and treated with 2.4 million units (MU) QID intravenous penicillin and
oral erythromycin 800 mg twice daily for two weeks. The patient responded well to the treatment and recovered with
no cardiovascular or neurotoxicity.
5.Persistent Community-acquired Ochrobactrum anthropi Bacteremia in Severe Dengue Infection: A Case Report
Nurul Huda Mohamed Rashidi ; Aizad Azahar ; Rosni Ibrahim ; Siti Zulaikha Zakariah
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2020;16(SP 1, September):32-34
We report a rare case of Ochrobactrum anthropi bacteremia in a previously healthy young man who was admitted for severe dengue. O. anthropi is a rarely encountered Gram negative organism which is resistant to commonly used beta-lactam antibiotics. This organism is usually interpreted as a contaminant as it is ubiquitous in the environment. Isolation of this organism upon admission suggested a community-acquired infection. He had persistent bacteremia and had to be treated with a prolonged course of meropenem and ciprofloxacin. This case report highlights the importance of early diagnosis and prompt treatment of this otherwise contaminant as previous reports showed this organism can be an opportunistic pathogen which may lead to severe infection.
6.Cryptococcal Meningitis Disguised As A Stroke: A Case Report
Fatimahtuz Zahrah Muhamad Damanhuri ; Siti Zulaikha Zakariah ; Fatimatulzahra Abdul Ghani
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2022;18(No.5):225-227
We present a case of cryptococcal meningitis initially misdiagnosed as stroke. Our patient is a young man on longterm corticosteroid due to gouty arthritis, who presented with acute onset of left-sided body weakness. Computed
tomography of the brain revealed multifocal chronic lacunar infarcts with acute communicating hydrocephalus and
cerebrospinal fluid culture isolated Cryptococcus neoformans. He was subsequently treated with amphotericin B
and fluconazole but passed away due to multiorgan failure. This case report highlights the importance of considering
chronic meningitis as a differential diagnosis when encountering stroke in young and immunocompromised patients.
7.Effectiveness of a Musical-based Learning Approach on Knowledge and Happy Index Related to Anatomy Syllabus: A Quasi-Experimental Pilot Study
Halimatus Sakdiah Minhat ; Razif Abas ; Siti Zulaikha Zakariah ; Rosni Ibrahim ; Camellia Siti Maya Mohamed Razali ; Marzelan Salleh
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2023;19(No.2):190-196
Introduction: Musical-based education has been linked with improved students’ academic performance and mental
wellbeing. This study aimed to evaluate a musical-based anatomy learning module using the combination of music,
choreographed movements and 3D anatomy illustrations on muscles of the hand. Methods: A 5-minute duration
video on muscles of the hand was developed through series of discussions with expert panels to incorporate the three
stated components, emphasizing on the use of catchy music and simple terms to assist memorization skills. A single
arm quasi-experimental pilot study was conducted with pre- and post-intervention measurement of knowledge,
perception, stress and happy index related to learning anatomy. A total of 157 medical students were recruited and
exposed to a total of 20 minutes video duration over three days. The effectiveness of the intervention was investigated
using paired t-test and was interpreted based on the pre- and post-measured exposure mean differences. Results: The
newly developed musical-based anatomy learning module had effectively improved knowledge and happy index
related to learning anatomy, with significant mean differences were observed on the total mean scores for knowledge
(MD= 2.707, p< 0.001) and happy index (MD=3.256, p< 0.001), as well as significant reduction of the mean scores
for the negative items for perceptions and stress. Conclusion: The improved knowledge and happy index related to
learning anatomy reflecting the positive impact of music used in combination choreographed movements and 3D
illustrations to strengthen memorizing skills of medical students as well as instilling positive mood.
8.Diabetes-Associated Autoantibodies Among Young Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Malaysia
Hasni Mahayidin ; Siti Zulaikha Zakariah ; Noor Ashidah Ishah ; Xu Ann Wee ; Nurhanani Mohamed Nor ; Masita Arip
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2020;16(No.2):118-125
Introduction: Diabetes-associated autoantibodies (DAA) is the hallmark of T1DM and LADA which are frequently tested in young diabetes patients. It was noted that up to 10-15% of patients with initial diagnosis of T2DM also exhibit DAA. Regardless of the classification, the presence of DAA suggests an underlying islet autoimmunity which lead to progressive pancreatic β-cell failure. There is limited data reported on DAA in young diabetes patients in Malaysia. This study aims to determine the frequency of DAA positivity and its association with demographic and clinical characteristics among this cohort. Methods: A retrospective study using secondary data obtained from Allergy and Immunology Research Centre, Institute for Medical Research, Malaysia. This study included 194 diabetes patients who were diagnosed before the age of 40 years old and tested for GADA, ICA, IA2A and IAA. Results: From 194 patients, 91 (46.9%) were positive for least one of the following DAA: ICA (79, 40.7%), GADA (61, 31.4%), IA2A (37, 19.1%) and IAA (9, 4.6%). Multiple positivity was higher (73.6%) compared to single positivity. Highest combination of double positivity was ICA+GADA (54, 59.3%) and triple positivity was ICA+GADA+IA2A (25, 27.5%). Simultaneous positivity of four autoantibodies was seen in only one (1.1%) patient. ICA, GADA and IA2A were associated with age group and ethnicity (all p < 0.001). Only IA2A was associated with gender (p = 0.012). Conclusions: GADA, ICA ad IA2A are more significant in young Malaysian diabetes patients. IAA has a very low frequency in this studied population.
9.Serotype 15C Streptococcus pneumoniae with Third Cranial Nerve Palsy: Unusual Serotype and Presentation
Fatimahtuz Zahrah Muhamad Damanhuri ; Evelyn Aun ; Revathy Arushothy ; Thenmalar Kandasamy ; Adillahtul Bushro Zaini ; Siti Zulaikha Zakariah ; Siti Norbaya Masri
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2020;16(No.4):442-444
We present a unique case of pneumococcal meningitis caused by serotype 15C, a non-vaccine serotype, which is
long thought to be non-virulent. Our patient is a young lady with a known case of plaque psoriasis, presented with
sudden onset of left oculomotor nerve palsy and severe headache two days prior to admission. The clinical features
were initially mimicking of brain tumour and brain aneurysm. The diagnosis of pneumococcal meningitis was confirmed by the bacterial antigen test and genome detection using multiplex PCR from the CSF. The blood culture also
grew Streptococcus pneumoniae. Serotyping was performed on the isolate using Neufeld's Quellung method and it
was identified as serotype 15C. Psoriatic skin disease was identified as a potential source of this invasive infection.
10.A Prevalence Study of Pharyngitis and Its Associated Factors Among Adults With a Sore Throat in Three Primary Clinics in Selangor, Malaysia
AbdulRahman Muthanna ; Nurainul Hana Shamsuddin ; Aneesa Abdul Rashid ; Sazlina Shariff Ghazali ; Rukman Awang Hamat ; Maliza Mawardi ; Hani Syahida Salim ; Siti Zulaikha Zakariah
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2021;17(No.4):210-217
Introduction: Since pharyngitis in adults is one of the most common infectious diseases seen in general practitioner
consultations in Malaysia, data on pharyngitis among adults concerning to its prevalence, socio-demographic, risk
factors and clinical manifestations is very much lacking. This study aims to determine the prevalence of pharyngitis
among adults in Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia from 2016 to 2017 and its associated demographic and risk factors.
Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study on 215 adult patients with a sore throat as the main symptom and
who did not receive any antibiotic treatment within two weeks at three Malaysian primary care clinics. The researchers assessed the participants’ clinical manifestations and collected throat swabs for culture to determine the presence
of group A streptococcus (GAS). Data on demographic characteristics, clinical manifestation and throat swab culture
results were analyzed using chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression. Results: Pharyngitis was diagnosed in
130/215 (65%) adults with a sore throat. Only six isolates (2.8%) were identified as GAS. The overall mean age ± S.D
was 36.43 ± 15.7. The majority of the participants were in the age group of 18-28 years. There were 42.3% males
and 57.7% females; most participants were Malay 62.8%, followed by 30.2% Indian, 5.1% Chinese, and 1.9% other
ethnicities. The most common symptom among the participants was cough 196 (91.2%), followed by rhinorrhea
161 (74.8%), tonsillar swelling or exudates 68 (31.6%), inflamed or reddish of pharynx 62 (28.8%), swollen anterior
cervical lymph nodes 50 (23.3%), and fever ≥37.5°C 28 (13.0%). Conclusion: Besides, there was no significant association between pharyngitis and the demographic variables; the current findings emphasized that inflamed or reddish
pharynx, tonsillar swelling or exudates were among the factors associated with pharyngitis.