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Author:( Si-Lei Fong)

1.Neurological melioidosis in East Malaysia: Case series and review of the literature

Si Lei Fong ; Jin ShyanWong ; Ai Huey Tan ; Soon Chai Low ; Chong Tin Tan

Neurology Asia 2017;22(1):25-32

4.How many more seizure remission can we achieve with epilepsy surgeries in a general epilepsy population?

Si-Lei Fong ; Kheng-Seang Lim ; Khine Yee Mon ; Sherrini Ahmad Bazir ; ChongTin Tan

Neurology Asia 2020;25(4):467-472

5.Epilepsy in Southeast Asia, how much have we closed the management gap in past two decades?

Kheng-Seang Lim ; Zhi-Jien Chia ; Moe-Zaw Myint ; Kazi Jannat Ara ; Yong-Chuan Chee ; Woon-Theng Heng ; Thanmidraaj-Kaur Balraj Singh ; Janice-Ying-Qian Ong ; Slocahnah SreeKumar ; Minh-An Thuy Lee ; Si-Lei Fong ; Chong-Tin Tan

Neurology Asia 2020;25(4):425-438

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