2.Clinical study on cancers in the bile duct, the pancreas head region and the liver and liver cirrhosis.
Noboru SASAKI ; Kunisuke INOUE ; Masaharu KAWAGUCHI ; Hiroshi MUTO ; Shunji HIRATA ; Satoru MORITA ; Yoshitaka SEKIGUCHI ; Seiryo TAKASHINA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1986;35(4):772-778
We evaluated the therapeutic results of cancers in the bile duct, the pancreas head region and the liver and cirrhosis.
The former two types were examined in a total of 49 cases: 10 cholecystocarcinomas, 18 cholangiocarcinomas, 6 papillocarcinomas, and 15 pancreas head cancers. Radical surgery was performed in only 9 cases: 1 cholecystocarcinoma, 1 cholangiocarcinoma, 5 papillocarcinomas and 2 pancreas head cancers. The surgical success rate was satisfactory 83%(5/6) for papillocarcinoma, yet showed 18.4% overall.
Liver cancer and cirrhosis were examined in 102 cases: 78 cirrhoses and 24 livercancers. Of the former, 15% were viral cirrhosis, 44% alcoholic, 1% specific and 40% unknown. Ofthe latter, 29% were viral liver cancer, 29% alcoholic and 42% unknown.
Treatment of these cancers, with the exception of one type, was unfavorable. To increase the surgical success rate, cancers will have to be discovered earlier using such recent, highly-advanced technological means as endoscopy, ultrasonography, angiography and computerized tomography. At the same time, radical surgery should be actively applied in a broader range of cases.
In cirrhosis, bleeding in the upper digestive tract and complicating liver cancer are increasing in frequency due to prolonged life expectancy. How to manage this increase remains subject for further study in the future.