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Author:( Shunichi MAGARA)

1.Cancer and acupuncture & Moxibustion 3

Takayoshi OGAWA ; Masahiro KANAI ; Taneomi KUROKAWA ; Fumihiko FUKUDA ; Shunichi MAGARA ; Satoru YAMAGUCHI ; Ai KOUCHI ; Tatuzo NAKAMURA

Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2010;60(4):693-706

2.Metallomics study using hair mineral analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis: relationship between cancer and minerals.

Hiroshi YASUDA ; Kazuya YOSHIDA ; Mitsuru SEGAWA ; Ryoichi TOKUDA ; Toyoharu TSUTSUI ; Yuichi YASUDA ; Shunichi MAGARA

Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2009;14(5):261-266

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