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Author:( Shoji Yabuki)

6.Minimally Invasive Surgery for Osteoid Osteoma of the Cervical Spine Using Microendoscopic Discectomy System.

Yukako NAKAMURA ; Shoji YABUKI ; Shin Ichi KIKUCHI ; Shin Ichi KONNO

Asian Spine Journal 2013;7(2):143-147

7.Surgical Outcomes of Cervical Myelopathy in Patients with Athetoid Cerebral Palsy: A 5-Year Follow-Up.

Kazuyuki WATANABE ; Koji OTANI ; Takuya NIKAIDO ; Kinshi KATO ; Hiroshi KOBAYASHI ; Shoji YABUKI ; Shin Ichi KIKUCHI ; Shin Ichi KONNO

Asian Spine Journal 2017;11(6):928-934

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