1.Clinical histories before hospitalization in gastric cancer cases.
Katsuhiro SANADA ; Shoichi KATO ; Masashi KONO ; Satoshi OKABE ; Kazumi NAKAJIMA ; Susumu HIRANUMA ; Koichi SHIBATA ; Kohei OKAMOTO ; Shin TONOUCHI
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1986;35(2):157-164
An investigation was performed about clinical histories before hospitalization in 1142 cases of gastric cancer during 16 years from 1969 to 1984.
The average term from onset of the disease to hospitalization was 4.53 months which tends to decrease becoming 3.49 months in the latest 5 years. The patients had visited 0.72 other doctor in average before coming to our hospital, 0.35 in early cancer cases and 0.83 in advanced cases. The sources of patients of our surgery were as follows ; 60.5% were introduced from medical department of our hospital, 20.2% were introduced from other clinics or hospitals, 10.6% visited our surgical department directly, and 8.7% came to us after visiting one or some other doctors. The rate of early cancer cases were high and unresectable cases were low relatively in cases from our medical department and direct visitors to our surgical department.
The causative factors of delay of hospitalization more than one month were considered from both sides of patient and doctor. The results were ; no delay 55.3%, delay due to patient's fault 28.2%, delay due to doctor's fault 19.9%. The delay of hospitalization due to either side's fault was one factor of decreasing early cancers and increasing advanced cases. Among those with no delay, however, 22.6% were unresectable cases. Gastric cancers are too malignant to be cured by visiting hospitals with complaints. Gastric mass survey among symptomeless people is the only reasonable way to come out of this difficult situation.
2.Paddy field dermatitis among inhabitants near the mouth of the Kiso River. (2). Survey on the snail intemediate hosts for avian schistosome cercariae.
Toyomi SHIBATA ; Hisao FUKUSHIMA ; Miwako TAKAHASHI ; Haruko KATO ; Yasuo YAMADA ; Tomoko SUMI ; Hisashi YASUI ; Toshihiro OSUKA ; Eizi NAKAYAMA ; Hisako TANAKA ; Akemi ITO ; Shoichi SHIMOMURA ; Noriji SUZUKI
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1987;36(4):923-927
Surveys on the snail intermediate hosts were undertaken in the paddy fields in Yatomi-cho, Aichi Prefecture, once a year over a 5-year period (1983-1987).
And the cercariae of two different avian schistosomes were detected from snails in paddy fields.
The cercariae from Polyplis haemisphaerula were identified as species beloning to the genus Gigantobilharzia and the cercariae from austropeplea ollula as species belonging to the genus Trichobilharzia.
It was concluded that the paddy field dermatitis occurring in Yatomi-cho was proved to be caused by the invasion of these cercariae.