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Author:( Shobha SHARMA)

1.Speech Rehabilitation of Paradoxical Vocal Fold Movement

Shobha Sharma ; Baljit Kaur Hardial Singh

Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2007;5(1):67-78

2.Association of Intracellular T(H)1-T(H)2 Balance in CD4+ T-cells and MIP-1alpha in CD8+ T-cells with Disease Severity in Adults with Dengue.

Tamilarasu KADHIRAVAN ; Ankit SAXENA ; Amar SINGH ; Shobha BROOR ; Surendra K SHARMA ; Dipendra K MITRA

Immune Network 2010;10(5):164-172

3.Development of a Computer-Assisted Learning Courseware for Anatomy and Physiology of Swallowing

Yee Fun CHOW ; Rahayu Mustaffa KAMAL ; Shobha SHARMA ; Hua Nong TING ; Susheel Kaur Dhillon Joginder Singh

Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2018;16(1):169-179

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