1.Analysis of moxa with thin layer chromatography and gas liquid chromatography.
Kampo Medicine 1987;38(1):53-55
Moxa of good quality has been said to have little impurities, many fine fibers and rise temperature slowly. The evaluations of these differences were experimental and variable. As the scientific methods for differences were needed from these fact, we tried to examined those with thin layer chromatography and gas liquid chromatography. Those chromatographic patterns were found to have a little differences.
2.Studies on moxa by the test for drugs in the 11th Pharmacopoea of Japan.
Kampo Medicine 1988;38(3):177-179
The moxas made in Japan (moxa for onkyu or tenkyu) were assayed by the test for crude drugs in the 11th Pharmacopoea of Japan. The many or little foreign matters were found in moxa for onkyu. But moxa for tenkyu did not have them. The weight loss on drying, ash content, dilute ethanol extract content of moxa for onkyu were found to be more than those of moxa for tenkyu. The acid-soluble ash of moxa for onkyu was similar to that of moxa for tenkyu. The essential oil content of moxa for tenkyu was found to be more than that of moxa for onkyu.
3.Studies on the effect of acupuncture on inflammation in mice. I. Effect of acupuncture on vascular permeability.
The Journal of The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine 1987;50(2):83-86
The effects of acupuncture on vascular permeability in mice were investigated. The edema of a footpad induced by the administration of serotonin was remarkably reduced by acupuncturing the point at Kyoku-sen (Chu-chuan) mimicked the point of human either on serotonin-administered or non-administered leg for a period of 60, 45, 30, 20, 10, 5 minutes before its administration. Reduction of the edema was most remarkable when the acupuncture was performed on the administered leg for a period of 5 minutes before administration of serotonin.
The degree of reduction of edema of a footpad by acupuncturing was enhanced by dexamethasone. Actinomycin D, a potent inhibitor RNA synthesis and known to inhibit the anti-inflammatory action of dexamethasone, demonstrated no inhibitory action on acupuncturing which suggested that the acupuncture is effective by the mechanism other than that of dexamethasone which inhibits the increase vascular permeability by serotonin.
4.Studies on the effect of acupuncture on inflammaiton in mice. II. Superoxide dismutase-like effect of acupuncture.
The Journal of The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine 1989;52(4):191-193
It was suggested that the effects of applying acupuncture at Kyoku-sen (Chuchuan) mimicked point of human to reduce footpad edema on the serotonin-dosed leg, which has been induced by dosing of serotonin, were due to the activation of superoxide dismutase in subcutaneous tissues of the point at Kyoku-sen mimicked point of human and footpad edema area on the serotonin-dosed leg. These data indicate that the antiinflammatory effect of acupuncture has a superoxide dismutase-like action.
5.Inhibitory Effect of Ougi-keisi-gomotu-to on oxidative stress.
Kampo Medicine 1997;48(2):177-183
It has been suggested that various neurological diseases (particularly those accompanying aging, the cranial nerves, etc.) involve oxidative stress. Some of these diseases have been successfully controlled with traditional herbal medicine. In the present study, Ougi-keishi-gomotsu-to, reported to be effective against subacute myelo-opticoneuropathy (SMON), showed an inhibitory effect on lipid peroxidation of homogenate by hydroxy radical, a type of active oxygen derived from the interaction of Fe3+ and 8-hydroxyquinoline. 8-hydroxyquinoline is a homologue of chinoform, which is causally related to the pathogenic process of SMON. It has also been indicated that Ougi-keishi-gomotsu-to has a hydroxy radical scavenger with radical-quenching effects. It is, therefore concluded that Ougi-keishi-gomotsu-to has an inhibitory effect on oxidative stress.
6.Research of Biological Rhythms
Shigeru Arichi ; Hideko Arichi ; Shizuo Toda
The Journal of The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine 1977;40(3-4):1-7
In recent years the biological rhythms has been concerned. Lately we recognized that there were differences of degrees by the constitutions on the skin-temperature and bodily temperature. On Sympathicotonie and Vagotonie the rhythms-widths of skin-temperature had difference, but their cycles are same. The cycie of armpit-temperature and that of skin-temperature are reverse. Therefore the skin-temperature is importhant about the circadian rhythms.
7.Lunar Calendar and Circadian Rhythms
Shigeru Arichi ; Hideko Arichi ; Tomoko Toda ; Shizuo Toda
The Journal of The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine 1977;40(3-4):8-17
The temperatures of skin, corium, connective tissue. muscle and rectum on the full moon, the moonless day and the crescent have circadian rhythms. The circadian rhythms of temperaturs on skin, corium, connective tissue and muscel have same tendency on the full moon and the crescent.
The temperatures of corium, connective tissue and muscle on the crescent are higher than that on the full moon at every time.
The temperature of corium is lower than that of skin, connective tissue, muscle, rectum at every time on the full moon, the moonless day and the crescent.
8.Research on essential oil of moxa. (No. 1).
Shizuo TODA ; Motoyo OHNISHI ; Michio KIMURA ; Seikichi WADA
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 1988;38(3):330-333
It is necessary to research constituents of moxa on the studies of moxibution.
As we analyged the essential oil in moxa with gas liquid chromatography, n-nonacosane and n-hentriacontane were detected. Several compound (ex.: tricosanol, hentricontane, arachinakohol, thujone) have been already detected in moxa. But n-nonacosane and n-hentriacontane are newly detected constituents in moxa.
9.Present Research on Moxibustion.
Shigekatsu AIZAWA ; Yuki MENJO ; Kazuo TOHYA ; Hiromoto NAKANISHI ; Shizuo TODA
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2003;53(5):601-613
There have been not enough information about the biological effects of moxibustion. The symposiums have been opened on the meetings of Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Many significant results of moxibustion have been discussed on these symposiums. The symposium, “Present Research on Moxibustion”, was opened on the 52nd meeting of Japan Society of acupuncture and Moxibustion in 2003. The contents on this symposium were following.
The outline of fundamental research on moxibustion was presented by Dr. Aizawa. From his report, the various researchers have tried to elucidate the mechanism of moxibustion. These have been many presentations of moxibustion at the meeting of The Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion.
The histological investigation on treated area was presented by Dr. Menjo. From her report, the increase of cutaneous change was observed from the treated area after moxibustion. This result was significant on the decision of moxibustion-stimulation.
The immunological investigation on the effects of moxibustion was presented by Dr. Tohya. From his report, cytokines as IL-12 and IFN-γ was expressed by moxibustion. These results demonstrated that such effects are dependent on the chemical substances in moxa.
The effect of Onkyu was presented by Dr. Nakanishi. From his report, the transportation by Onkyu-stimulation is different from that by acupuncture-stimulation. His results demonstrated that chemical mediator by Onkyu-stimulation acts to the nervous system.
These presented results supposed the significant information and to contribute the development of moxibustion-medicine.
10.Quality assessment study of moxa floss was done by measuring the volume through applying constant pressure
Junko OKUBO ; Shuichi KATAI ; Shizuo TODA ; Takeshi MATSUMOTO ; Kumiko ENDO ; Junko TASHIRO ; Miho WATANABE ; Shigekatsu AIZAWA
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2016;66(3):157-165