1.What Do Medical Students Think of Telling the Truth From Interviews With Patients?
Medical Education 1999;30(3):161-164
For medical students, death education is essential. As a part of death education in medical courses, a lecture was given about telling the truth to patients with cancer. Patients with recurrent cancer took part in this lecture and talked about their operations, informed consent, and telling the truth. From the questions of medical students to both patients and teachers (surgeons), student's opinions about telling the truth were examined. Medical students approve of telling the truth to patients with cancer and support the rights of patients to know the truth about their disease. If they have cancer, they want to be told the truth. However, they are wary of telling the truth to all patients. They think that the truth should not be told without understanding the patient's personality. Students recognized that they are not sensitive enough and want to learn sensitivity by telling the truth.
2.People’s Attitude Toward Eating Habits and Health in Japanese Rural Area
Tomihiro HAYAKAWA ; Masashi SUGIURA ; Shinya KOBAYASHI ; Sachiko SUZUKI ; Jiro IWASAKI ; Akira HATA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2016;64(5):833-846
As part of the special study project of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine (JARM), a questionnaire survey was conducted to probe into the attitude of rural people toward their eating habits and health. Most of the people surveyed had received health checkups carried out by medical facilities affiliated with the JARM. Questionnaires were distributed to a total of 5,397 people (2,588 men; 2,809 women) living in and around provincial cities. Mean age was 53.4 for men and 53.8 for women. More than half of those questioned were farmers or had experienced in farming. The people aged 80 and older accounted for 3.2% of the total. Eighty percent of the total said they felt happy, and those who felt short of exercise also represented 80%, but with advancing age, the ratio decreased. Those over the age of 70 who said they had a habit of taking exercise made up as high as 60%. Many said they were satisfied with food in terms of quantity, but not a few people expressed uneasiness about food safety, dietary life and supply of food. Regarding favorite foodstuffs, many gave rice, vegetables and dairy products. There was a tendency for older people to eat meat less. It was found that, with increasing age, people took to eat dairy products, soybeans, vegetables, fruits and fish were ranked among the most popular foodstuffs. A study of factors related to local production for local consumption and commitment to agriculture found that a significantly large number of people were interested in social participation, eating breakfast, securing food supply and purchasing foodstuffs at outlet stores run by local agricultural cooperatives. From these findings, it was suggested that many residents in and around provincial cities oriented themselves to healthy eating habits and lifestyle, and were very interested in social participation, local economy, agricultural production and consumption of local farm produce.
3.Surgical Treatment of a Patient with Aorto-pulmonary Fistula due to Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Rupture Associated with Gastric Carcinoma.
Shinya Motohashi ; Shunya Shindo ; Kenji Kubota ; Atsuo Kojima ; Tadao Ishimoto ; Keiji Iyori ; Masahiro Kobayashi ; Yusuke Tada
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2001;30(5):265-267
A 57-year-old man suffered hemoptysis during an examination for gastric carcinoma. Enhanced computed tomography demonstrated rupture of a thoracic aortic aneurysm to the left pulmonary lower lobe. The lateral segment of the liver was atrophic due to intrahepatic cholelithiasis. Emergency operation was performed after he was transferred to our hospital. The thoracic aorta was reconstructed using a temporary bypass and the pulmonary left lower lobe was resected. The omentum was mobilized and used to cover the prosthesis and bronchial stump. The gastric carcinoma and intrahepatic cholelithiasis with biliary stones in the common bile duct were treated in the next procedure. The pathologic examination revealed lymph node metastasis; thus this operation was recognized to be absolutely noncurative. The treatment of cardiovascular disease concomitant with malignancy remains controversial. The strategy to treat such patients is discussed in this report.
4.Cooperation between Hospital and Nursing Home by E-mail
Masayoshi IDE ; Tomihiro HAYAKAWA ; Yoshinori SUZUKI ; Shinya KOBAYASHI ; Tatsuya FUKUTOMI ; Mizuo TSUZUKI ; Hiroe ESAKI
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2010;59(1):1-16
After 1985, the decrease in domestic nursing power progressed gradually. The care for the elderly shifted from domestic private nursing to public nursing-care services when the long-term nursing-care insurance law was enacted in 2000. Because many of the elderly receiving nursing care suffer from chronic ailments of hypertension or the consequences of cerebrovascular disease, etc., cooperation between hospitals and nursing homes is necessary and indispensable. We began exchanging information by E-mail on a trial basis with a special elderly nursing home in April 2009. We aimed to integrate medical care and nursing by sharing medical and nursing information. We concluded that the use of E-mail could serve our purpose. The reason why we reached this conclusion is as follows:The mechanism of the information transmission by E-mail, that also relates to semiotics and narratology, is related to the essence of the description. This mechanism functions as a tool for mutual understanding among hospitals, nursing homes, and families. This also functions as a device to make the medical and nursing experience join. As a result, this mechanism enables the elderly to escape death as dying of sickness in the hospital and to die a natural death in the course of nursing. It is an easy method that can be introduced at a low cost for the purpose of establishing cooperation in medical and nursing care among hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and nursing support centers, etc. especially in medically underserved remote areas.
5.Postoperative Bleeding from the Right Lung after Aortic Root Replacement Treated Successfully with ECMO in a Patient Who Underwent Radical Operation for Tetralogy of Fallot 38 Years Ago
Yasuhiko Kobayashi ; Masataka Mitsuno ; Mitsuhiro Yamamura ; Hiroe Tanaka ; Masaaki Ryomoto ; Hiroyuki Nishi ; Shinya Fukui ; Noriko Tsujiya ; Tetsuya Kajiyama ; Yuji Miyamoto
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2009;38(1):75-78
We successfully performed aortic root replacement in an asymptomatic 52 year-old man with dilatation of the Valsalva sinuses (75 mm). The patient had previously undergone a radical operation for the tetralogy of Fallot at 13 years of age and AVR at 46 years of age. Massive bleeding occurred in the lungs after weaning from CPB. Emergency bronchoscopy revealed that the bleeding came from the right middle and lower lobes. The bleeding was stopped conservatively on POD 3 ; however, V-V ECMO was started on POD 5 because of severe hypoxia. ECMO was successfully weaned on POD 11 and he discharged on POD 59. The presence of developed bronchial collaterals and barotrauma during the operation were speculated the causes of the bleeding from the right lung.
6.Preparation of Quick Reference Table on Incompatibilities of Injections for Use in the ICU and Investigation of the Usefulness of This Table
Shinya Abe ; Shinobu Matsumoto ; Gento Kobayashi ; Takatoshi Saito ; Hiroyuki Miyashita ; Akiko Takano ; Naoko Sakai ; Soichi Shibata ; Koichiro Atsuda
Japanese Journal of Drug Informatics 2012;14(2):75-81
Objective: In the intensive care unit (ICU), drugs are administered in sequence as the conditions of the patient change rapidly, and there are often cases where many injections are administered simultaneously. For this reason, it is important to quickly select the appropriate administration route. In this study, we prepared a quick reference table for incompatibilities of frequently used and highly important injections in the ICU (referred to as the “quick reference table”) that will enable selection of the appropriate administration route, and we investigated the status of use and usefulness of this quick reference table.
Methods: The drugs included in the quick reference table were extracted from prescription records from May to October 2009, and these were finalized by discussions with the nurses in the ICU. Three reference materials were used: Manual on the Supervision of Injection Preparation (3rd Edition), Data Search on Injection Incompatibilities 2009, and MICROMEDEX®. The survey was conducted with all 12 nurses in the ICU after 4 months of distributing the quick reference table.
Results: The quick reference table included 57 pharmaceutical items, and compatibility was classified into 10 categories. The quick reference table was prepared as one A3 page for convenience. The retrieval rate of the survey was 100%. The average number of years of practical experience as a nurse was 12.2 years, and 11 out of 12 nurses used the quick reference table. Of the 11 nurses who used the table, 6 answered that it was “very useful,” while 4 answered that it was “useful.” All 11 nurses who used the quick reference table answered that they “consulted the pharmacists less frequently.”
Conclusion: Satisfactory evaluations were obtained with regard to the details included in the quick reference table, and the table was estimated to be highly useful and important even for ICU nurses with many years of experience. Furthermore, it was suggested that the quick reference table was also useful in reducing the workloads of the pharmacists.
7.Parent Artery Complex Coil Protection for Side-Branched Wide-Neck Aneurysms
Keisuke SATO ; Hiroshi AOKI ; Shinya JINGUJI ; Hiroki SETO ; Tsutomu KOBAYASHI
Neurointervention 2022;17(2):115-120
This study aimed to validate the usefulness of parent artery complex coil protection for the treatment of wide-neck, side-branched, and ruptured aneurysms. A microcatheter was first introduced into the aneurysmal sac, and another microcatheter was introduced into the parent artery or near the orifice of the branch artery. A framing coil was deployed partially from the first microcatheter, and a protection coil was deployed from the second microcatheter to prevent protrusion of the first framing coil to the parent artery and side branches. After the first framing coil insertion, the protection coil was withdrawn to confirm the stability of the framing coil and blood flow. The procedures with this technique were successful for 3 patients. Parent artery complex coil protection can be an effective and safe coil embolization technique for the preservation of parent and side branch arteries and an alternative method for emergent ruptured cases.
8.Geographical Information Analysis of Difficulty of Access to Hospital to the Elderly Living in Mountainous Areas
Masayoshi IDE ; Tomihiro HAYAKAWA ; Reiko KASHIWADA ; Eriko YONEDA ; Nozomu ANDO ; Toshitaka WATARIGUCHI ; Yoshinori SUZUKI ; Shinya KOBAYASHI ; Mizuo TSUZUKI ; Yoshie ESAKI ; Ken KATO ; Hiroshi AMANO ; Makoto MIYAJI
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2013;61(4):582-601
We examined how difficult it would be for the elderly living in mountainous areas to go to the nearest hospital using a Voronoi tessellation representing the mathematical concept of neighborhood. We defined the index of the nursing-care capacity for the elderly as the ratio of the number of caregivers to the number of the elderly receiving nursing-care.
The mean age of those who drive to the hospital by themselves worked out at 70±9.8 years. Meanwhile, that of those who go to the hospital by bus or taken to hospital in a car driven by a family member came to 80±7.0years. The latter was significantly older than the former.
The areas of the Voronoi tessellation generated by patients' places of residence were divided into three groups according to the size. The plots of these three groups of the the places of residence on the map had a three-layer and doughnut-like structure, i. e., inner-, middle-, and outer-layer.
The index of the nursing-care capacity in 2008 was less than 1.0 for the patients under 80 years of age. This means that when those who were at the age of 50 in 2008 become old and need nursing-care, access to the hospital will become harder to them than at present. For those who are over 80 years of age and live in the outer layer that is far away from arterial road, it will be almost impossible.
These findings suggest that outpatient care with transportation assistance by a family member at present should be reconsidered because of the future lack of care personnel. It would also be necessary to consider the welfare of older people from the geographical point of view in order to manage the problems concerning the various physical and sociological difficulties of the elderly.
9.Acupuncture Therapy for Hypertension (I)
Terukazu UCHIDA ; Hideo FUJIWARA ; Toshiaki IMOTO ; Shigeki OKADA ; Keiko NAKAYAMA ; Hiromasa INOUE ; Noriko MAEDA ; Shinya ABE ; Sei FURUTANI ; Yoshitomo SHIOAKI ; Naohide KOBAYASHI ; Futomi KOSAKA
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 1982;32(1):54-58
Essential hypertension is one of the leading causes of hypertension; responsible for more than 90% of such cases. Diet cure or drug treatment are usually prescribed for this disease. We drew notice to the antihypertensive effects of acupuncture.
Subjects were healthy persons as well as patients complainig of simple essential hypertension. According to the WHO method, they were divided into three groups, e. g. normal, limitaneus, hypertensive. In situ needles were inserted in the antihypertensive points of both auricular sides for one week.
This treatment gave immediate results in 70% of the limitaneus and hypertensive groups. There was no observable effect for the balance. A number of these subjects were obese; a factor to be considered.
This method is very uncomplex and takes but minimal amount of time to treat patients.
10.Effect of Pre-Germianted Brown Rice on Metabolism of Glucose and Lipid in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Tomihiro HAYAKAWA ; Sachiko SUZUKI ; Shinya KOBAYASHI ; Tatsuya FUKUTOMI ; Masayoshi IDE ; Tsuneo OHNO ; Masahiro OHKOUCHI ; Mitsuko TAKI ; Tadahisa MIYAMOTO ; Toshinori NIMURA ; Michiko OKADA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2009;58(4):438-446
To assess the effect of pre-germinated brown rice on metabolism of glucose and lipids, blood parameters of glucose and lipids were measured before and after 3 months of intake of test rice, which was mixed with pre-germinated brown rice (PGBR) and white rice in a ratio of 1:1, in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM). Glycosylated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) was significantly decreased from 6.40±0.23% to 6.23±0.19 after 3 months of intake of PGBR. The fasting plasma glucose level was not changed by intake of PGBR, but serum insulin level and HOMA-IR were decreased slightly. As the decrease of LDL-cholesterol (LDL-c) and the increase of HDL-cholesterol (HDL-c) were slightly observed after 3 months of intake of PGBR, the LDL-c/HDL-c ratio was decreased significantly from 2.03±0.13 to 1.83±0.12. These changes were significantly larger in the high PGBR in take group than in the low PGBR in take group. These results suggested that the PGBR intake might have potentialities as one of therapeutic methods for diabetes mellitus type 2 and also be useful in the freatment of hypercholesterolemia.