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Author:( Shinji Murakawa)

1.Regional Wall Motion of the Left Ventricle Evaluated by the Centerline Method in Left Ventricular Aneurysmectomy.

Hisato Takagi ; Hajime Hirose ; Yasunobu Furuzawa ; Hiroyuki Yasuda ; Kiyokage Kubo ; Shinji Murakawa ; Yosio Mori ; Hiroshi Takiya

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1997;26(6):365-370

2.Surgical Strategy for the Treatment of Concomitant Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm and Gastrointestinal Malignancy.

Michiya Bando ; Hajime Hirose ; Koji Matsumoto ; Masaya Shibata ; Matsuhisa Imaizumi ; Yoshitaka Kumada ; Hisato Takagi ; Shinji Murakawa ; Yoshio Mori ; Shigeyuki Fuwa

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1997;26(5):308-312

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