1.Rehabilitation Approach Based on Parallel Neural Networks
Akifumi KOUMURA ; Shinichi YOSHIDA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2007;56(1):34-38
Basal ganglia are an area where cerebral haemorrhage occures frequenthy. Recently our knowledge of the brain and its function increases rapidly, but this knowledge is not much used in rehabilitation yet. Parallel neural networks (Hikosaka, 1999) are a model of sequential procedures learning, and basal ganglia perform an important function in it. Using this model, we designed a rehabilitation approach and applied it to a patient with left putamen hemorrhage. In the early stage, we promoted passive movement of her paralysed arm and fingers in the spatial coordinates with her eyes opened. Afterwords, we guided her to motor leaning in the motor coordinates with somatic sensation with her eyes closed. We intended to integrate the spatial coordinates and motor coordinates, by which we encouraged her to move her arm and fingers with her eyes opened after her recognition of motion perception improved. Her motor paralysis of fingers in particular improved by rehabilitation, which lasted about 1.5 month. We recognized some improvement in her arm, but it was slightly insufficient than her fingers. We considered that a difference in the degree of improvement occurred because she could not confirm enough on her shoulder in the early stage.
Fingers, unit of measurement
Neural Network Simulation
Rehabilitation aspects
2.A study of eight subjective symptoms concerned with the so-called "farmer's syndrome" as a health indicator.
Noriaki HARADA ; Hiroshi TAKAHASHI ; Shinichi HITSUMOTO ; Izumi YOSHIDA ; Kei KIMURA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1985;34(2):93-99
The eight subjective symptoms (shoulder stiffness, lumbago, urinary frequency at night, numbness of extremities, shortness of breath, sleep disturbance, dizziness and abdominal distension) were checked at the screening of circulatory diseases performed in a rural district in Ehime prefecture.
1. The complaint rates of the eight subjective symptoms were higher in female than those in male. The influence of aging was observed in urinary frequency at night and sleep disturbance. The higher complaint rates in the agricultural workers were not evident in the subjective symptoms except lumbago.
2. Factor analysis indicated that the eight subjective symptoms were constituted by (1) fatigue of circulatory system, (2) fatigue of musculoskeletal system and (3) aging effect.
3. The higher complaint rates were observed in these diagnosed as circulatory diseases, musculoskeletal diseases or gynecological diseases. The correlations between the eight subjective symptoms and the laboratory findings were not apparent. The result of path analysis indicated that the eight subjective symptoms were independently referable to the presence of illness.
4. The eight subjective symtoms were considered considered to be to evaluate health status of inhabitants in rural district.
3.Popliteal Artery Adventitia Cyst
Shohei Yoshida ; Shinichi Hiromatsu ; Kentaro Sawada ; Takahiro Shojima ; Ryo Kanamoto ; Shinichi Imai ; Hiroyuki Otsuka ; Hiroyuki Tanaka
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2017;46(4):182-185
A 60 year old man presented with a history of right leg claudication which occurred after walking a distance of 200 m. He had no history of cardiovascular risk factors or trauma in the lower extremities. Palpation disclosed no right popliteal or pedal pulse. Ankle-brachial pressure index (ABI) was 0.60 on the affected side. Computed tomography (CT) demonstrated the presence of a highly stenotic lesion in the right popliteal artery due to compression from periarterial polycystic masses. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed no communication to the knee joint bursa. Further, angiography showed a beak-like severe stenosis on the knee of the right popliteal artery. Based on the results of these three imaging techniques we confirmed the diagnosis of cystic adventitial disease (CAD). The patient underwent a surgical exploration of his popliteal artery through a posterior approach. Evacuation of all cysts by longitudinal incision of his adventitia yielded yellow mucoid gelatinous material. The popliteal artery was replaced using the great saphenous vein because the previous imaging showed thrombus formation at the cyst site. He had an uneventful postoperative recovery with ABI of 1.10.
4.Infected Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm with a Previous History of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting with the Right Gastroepiploic Artery
Shinichi Imai ; Kentaro Sawada ; Eiji Nakamura ; Shohei Yoshida ; Hayato Fukuda ; Satoru Tobinaga ; Seiji Onitsuka ; Shinichi Hiromatsu ; Hidetoshi Akashi ; Hiroyuki Tanaka
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2016;45(2):84-88
We report a case of successful anatomical reconstruction with omentopexy of an infected abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in a patient with a previous history of coronary artery bypass grafting with the right gastroepiploic artery. A 60-year-old man was referred to our institute because of fever and abdominal pain during hemodialysis for chronic renal failure. Antibiotic therapy was started after computed tomography revealed an infected abdominal aortic aneurysm. After infection control, surgical treatment was scheduled. At surgery, left axillo-bifemoral bypass was performed first, because it was unclear whether the omentum was large enough for omentopexy. At laparotomy, adequate omentum and infective AAA were confirmed. AAA repair using a rifampicin-soaked graft, and omentopexy were performed. Enterobacter aerogenes was detected from the resected aortic wall. After the operation, intravenous antibiotic was used for 25 days until CRP was normalized. One year follow-up showed no sign of re-infection.
5.Present State of Emergency Care in To-No District.
Mitsuru YAMAGUCHI ; Hirohiko YAMASE ; Hiroyuki NOSAKA ; Masahiro YAMADA ; Masaki YOSHIDA ; Masao FUJIMOTO ; Yukio MITANI ; Hiroaki ASADA ; Shinichi KURITA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1999;48(1):37-40
A survey was carried out on how the To-no District is coping with the need of first aid for patients requiring life-supporting treatment before hospitalization. Although there were cities in this district where statistics on first aid were not available, the survey found that, during the 4-year period from 1994 through 1997, bystander CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) saved 11.2% of the lives of patients with CPA (cardiopulmonary arrest). Incidentally, 11.3% of the population attended CPR courses offered by public institutions. Gifu Prefecture has helicopters for use in rescue work, but the survey found that some cities had not ever sponsored drills using helicopters in life-saving operations. Our findings revealed the indifference of the general public as well as administrators in this district toward emergency care. Public recognition of the importance of the care of suddenly ill or injured patients must be gained. Furthermore, acquisition of skills required for first aid by lay people and technical improvement of these skills in professional rescuers are necessary. The authors think that these are the community educational responsibility of hospitals and other medical institutions.
6.Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Carcinoma with Obstruction of Main Pancreatic Duct
Kenji HIRAU ; Masaji HASHIMOTO ; Yutaka HIRANO ; Kasumi TOZAWA ; Kimito ORINO ; Shinichi SASAKI ; Masakatsu NAKAMURA ; Kouhei HARIGANE ; Jiajia LIU ; Takuya YOSHIDA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2014;63(4):659-664
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, relatively rare cancers, mostly arise in the pancreatic parenchyma with infrequent involvement of the main pancreatic duct. Now and then, however, case reports have been published on pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma in which the main pancreatic duct is obstructed by tumor cells with severely fibrous stromal cells. Here, in this paper, we report a case of pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma with obstruction of the main pancreatic duct. A 59-year-old man complained of right upper abdominal pain. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography and fat-suppressed T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging showed gallbladder stones, a low-intensity-area measuring 8 mm in diameter in the pancreatic body, and club-shaped dilatation at the distal end of the pancreatic duct. The patient was thus diagnosed with a tumor in the pancreatic body and cholecystolithiasis, and underwent distal pancreatectomy and cholecystectomy. HE-staining showed tumor cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm and nuclear atypia. The infiltrative growth of the cells with severe fibrosis caused stenosis of the pancreatic duct. Based on the positive results of immunohistochemical staining for chromogranin A and synaptophysin and the Ki-67 index, the tumor was finally identified as pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma. The patient has been under follow-up with no additional treatment for >3 years since the surgery, without evidence of tumor recurrence.
7.Statistical Analysis with the Item-Response Theory of the First Trial of the Computer-Based Nationwide Common Achievement Test in Medicine
Yoshio NITTA ; Shinichi MAEKAWA ; Takemi YANAGIMOTO ; Tadahiko MAEDA ; Motofumi YOSHIDA ; Nobuo NARA ; Tatsuki ISHIDA ; Osamu FUKUSHIMA ; Nobuhiko SAITO ; Yasuichiro FUKUDA ; Fumimaro TAKAKU ; Takeshi ASO
Medical Education 2005;36(1):3-9
Data from the first trial of the computer-based nationwide common achievement test in medicine, carried out from February through July in 2002, were analyzed to evaluate the applicability of the item-response theory. The trial test was designed to cover 6 areas of the core curriculum and included a total of 2791 items. For each area, 3 to 40 items were chosen randomly and administered to 5693 students in the fourth to sixth years; the responses of 5676 of these students were analyzed with specifically designed computer systems. Each student was presented with 100 items. The itemresponse patterns were analyzed with a 3-parameter logistic model (item discrimination, item difficulty, and guessing parameter). The main findings were: 1) Item difficulty and the percentage of correct answers were strongly correlated (r=-0.969to-0.982). 2) Item discrimination and the point-biserial correlation were moderately strongly correlated (r=0.304 to 0.511). 3) The estimated abilities and the percentage of correct answers were strongly correlated (r=0.810 to 0.945). 4) The mean ability increased with school year. 5) The correlation coefficients among the 6 curriculum area ability scores were less than 0.6. Because the nationwide common achievement test was designed to randomly present items to each student, the item-response theory can be used to adjust the differences among test sets. The first trial test was designed without considering the item-response theory, but the second trial test was administered with a design better suited for comparison. Results of an analysis of the second trial will be reported soon.
8.Atlantoaxial Stabilization Using C1 Lateral Mass and C2 Pedicle/Translaminar Screw Fixation by Intraoperative C1- and C2-Direct-Captured Navigation with Preoperative Computed Tomography Images
Yasunobu ITOH ; Ryo KITAGAWA ; Shinichi NUMAZAWA ; Kota YAMAKAWA ; Osamu YAMADA ; Isao AKASU ; Jun SAKAI ; Tomoko OTOMO ; Hirotaka YOSHIDA ; Kentaro MORI ; Sadayoshi WATANABE ; Kazuo WATANABE
Asian Spine Journal 2023;17(3):559-566
In C1–C2 posterior fixation, the C1 lateral mass and C2 pedicle/translaminar screw insertion under spine navigation have been used frequently. To avoid the risk of neurovascular damage in atlantoaxial stabilization, we assessed the safety and effectiveness of a preoperative computed tomography (CT) image-based navigation system with intraoperative independent C1 and C2 vertebral registration. It is ideal when a reference frame can be linked directly to the C1 posterior arch for C1-direct-captured navigation, but there is a mechanical challenge. A new spine clamp-tracker system was implemented recently, which allows reliable C1- and C2- direct-captured navigation in nine patients with traumatic C2 fractures. In this way, there was no misalignment of C1–C2 screws. C1 lateral mass screws were used except for one case, and translaminar screws were primarily used as an anchor for C2. The C1 lateral mass screw locations, which are 19 mm laterally from the C1 posterior arch’s center, are taken to be constant. However, there is one unusual circumstance in which using a C1 laminar hook instead of a C1 lateral mass screw appears to be a beneficial substitute. The increase of surgical accuracy for posterior C1–C2 screw fixation without cost constraints is significantly facilitated by intraoperative C1- and C2-direct-captured navigation with preoperative computed CT images.
9.Mode of Imaging Study and Endovascular Therapy for a Large Ischemic Core: Insights From the RESCUE-Japan LIMIT
Fumihiro SAKAKIBARA ; Kazutaka UCHIDA ; Shinichi YOSHIMURA ; Nobuyuki SAKAI ; Hiroshi YAMAGAMI ; Kazunori TOYODA ; Yuji MATSUMARU ; Yasushi MATSUMOTO ; Kazumi KIMURA ; Reiichi ISHIKURA ; Manabu INOUE ; Kumiko ANDO ; Atsushi YOSHIDA ; Kanta TANAKA ; Takeshi YOSHIMOTO ; Junpei KOGE ; Mikiya BEPPU ; Manabu SHIRAKAWA ; Takeshi MORIMOTO ;
Journal of Stroke 2023;25(3):388-398
and Purpose Differences in measurement of the extent of acute ischemic stroke using the Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomographic Score (ASPECTS) by non-contrast computed tomography (CT-ASPECTS stratum) and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI-ASPECTS stratum) may impact the efficacy of endovascular therapy (EVT) in patients with a large ischemic core.
The RESCUE-Japan LIMIT (Recovery by Endovascular Salvage for Cerebral Ultra-acute Embolism Japan–Large IscheMIc core Trial) was a multicenter, open-label, randomized clinical trial that evaluated the efficacy and safety of EVT in patients with ASPECTS of 3–5. CT-ASPECTS was prioritized when both CT-ASPECTS and DWI-ASPECTS were measured. The effects of EVT on the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score at 90 days were assessed separately for each stratum.
Among 183 patients, 112 (EVT group, 53; No-EVT group, 59) were in the CT-ASPECTS stratum and 71 (EVT group, 40; No-EVT group, 31) in the DWI-ASPECTS stratum. The common odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence interval) of the EVT group for one scale shift of the mRS score toward 0 was 1.29 (0.65–2.54) compared to the No-EVT group in CT-ASPECTS stratum, and 6.15 (2.46–16.3) in DWI-ASPECTS stratum with significant interaction between treatment assignment and mode of imaging study (P=0.002). There were significant interactions in the improvement of the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score at 48 hours (CT-ASPECTS stratum: OR, 1.95; DWIASPECTS stratum: OR, 14.5; interaction P=0.035) and mortality at 90 days (CT-ASPECTS stratum: OR, 2.07; DWI-ASPECTS stratum: OR, 0.23; interaction P=0.008).
Patients with ASPECTS of 3–5 on MRI benefitted more from EVT than those with ASPECTS of 3–5 on CT.
10.Prognosis of biopsy-confirmed metabolic dysfunction- associated steatotic liver disease: A sub-analysis of the CLIONE study
Michihiro IWAKI ; Hideki FUJII ; Hideki HAYASHI ; Hidenori TOYODA ; Satoshi OEDA ; Hideyuki HYOGO ; Miwa KAWANAKA ; Asahiro MORISHITA ; Kensuke MUNEKAGE ; Kazuhito KAWATA ; Tsubasa TSUTSUMI ; Koji SAWADA ; Tatsuji MAESHIRO ; Hiroshi TOBITA ; Yuichi YOSHIDA ; Masafumi NAITO ; Asuka ARAKI ; Shingo ARAKAKI ; Takumi KAWAGUCHI ; Hidenao NORITAKE ; Masafumi ONO ; Tsutomu MASAKI ; Satoshi YASUDA ; Eiichi TOMITA ; Masato YONEDA ; Akihiro TOKUSHIGE ; Yoshihiro KAMADA ; Hirokazu TAKAHASHI ; Shinichiro UEDA ; Shinichi AISHIMA ; Yoshio SUMIDA ; Atsushi NAKAJIMA ; Takeshi OKANOUE ;
Clinical and Molecular Hepatology 2024;30(2):225-234
Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) was recently proposed as an alternative disease concept to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). We aimed to investigate the prognosis of patients with biopsy-confirmed MASLD using data from a multicenter study.
This was a sub-analysis of the Clinical Outcome Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (CLIONE) study that included 1,398 patients with NAFLD. Liver biopsy specimens were pathologically diagnosed and histologically scored using the NASH Clinical Research Network system, the FLIP algorithm, and the SAF score. Patients who met at least one cardiometabolic criterion were diagnosed with MASLD.
Approximately 99% of cases (n=1,381) were classified as MASLD. Patients with no cardiometabolic risk (n=17) had a significantly lower BMI than patients with MASLD (20.9 kg/m2 vs. 28.0 kg/m2, P<0.001), in addition to significantly lower levels of inflammation, ballooning, NAFLD activity score, and fibrosis stage based on liver histology. These 17 patients had a median follow-up of 5.9 years, equivalent to 115 person-years, with no deaths, liver-related events, cardiovascular events, or extrahepatic cancers. The results showed that the prognosis for pure MASLD was similar to that for the original CLIONE cohort, with 47 deaths and one patient who underwent orthotopic liver transplantation. The leading cause of death was extrahepatic cancer (n=10), while the leading causes of liver-related death were liver failure (n=9), hepatocellular carcinoma (n=8), and cholangiocarcinoma (n=4).
Approximately 99% of NAFLD cases were considered MASLD based on the 2023 liver disease nomenclature. The NAFLD-only group, which is not encompassed by MASLD, had a relatively mild histopathologic severity and a favorable prognosis. Consequently, the prognosis of MASLD is similar to that previously reported for NAFLD.