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Author:( Shigeru Ueno)

1.Study on the Work Load and Women's Role in Agricultural Labor

Makoto Futatsuka ; Atsushi Ueda ; Tadako Ueda ; Yoshiki Arimatsu ; Megumi Nagano ; Tatsuro Ueno ; Shigeru Ohyama ; Shigeru Nomura

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1983;32(2):112-126

3.An Epidemiologic Study on the Risk Factors of Obesity of Housewives and Their Husbands in Rural Community

Atsushi Ueda ; Makoto Futatsuka ; Tadako Ueda ; Yoshiki Arimatsu ; Megumi Nagano ; Tatsuro Ueno ; Shigeru Nomura

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1983;32(2):165-180

4.Coronary Artery Stent Evaluation Using a Vascular Model at 64-Detector Row CT: Comparison between Prospective and Retrospective ECG-Gated Axial Scans.

Shigeru SUZUKI ; Shigeru FURUI ; Sadatoshi KUWAHARA ; Dhruv MEHTA ; Tatsuro KAMINAGA ; Akiyoshi MIYAZAWA ; Yasunari UENO ; Kumiko KONNO

Korean Journal of Radiology 2009;10(3):217-226

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