4.An Analysis of Agricultural Injuries and Accidents among Aged Farmers in Kochi.
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1997;46(2):101-107
Agriculture has been reported as one of the most dangerous industries, but there are a very few statistical reports about agricultural injuries and accidents in Japan. The authors conducted analyses of agricultural injuries and accidents data from 1992 to 1995 (n=333) in Kochi, in order to discuss issues of agricultural safety and health, and the characteristics of agricultural injuries and accidents among aged farmers.
The average age of 333 patients, including 13 deaths, was 57.1 years old, and 174 patients (52.3%) were over 60 years old. One hundred and thirty seven accidents (41.4%) occurred during the period from July to September. Injuries resulting from falls topped the list with 101 patients (30.3%), followed by pinchs and involvements with 58 (17.4%), cuts and lacerations with 54 (16.2%), and slips with 36 (10.8%). The injury causes were agricultural machinery in 134 patients (40.2%), agricultural facilities in 34 (10.2%), motor vehcles in 27 (8.1%), and farm animals in 18 (5.4%). The rate of fall accidents was significantly higher among people over 60 years old than among those under 60 years old (p<0.001). The rate of serious injuries and accidents was significantly higher among people over the age of 60 than among those under the age of 60 (p<0.01).
Considering these results, effective and feasible preventions for agricultural injuies and accidents must be safety education and training, safety procedure manuals, which should be easy to understand for aged farmers, and improvements of agricultural machinery and eqiupments.
5.A Study on Risk Assessment of Soil Fumigation with Methyl Bromide in Greenhouses.
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1999;48(1):13-20
In order to protect farmers from health hazards posed by soil fumigation with methyl bromide in greenhouses, the authors monitored the concentrations of the fumigant inside greenhouses, before and after fumigation and measured occupational exposures. In the meantime, a questionnaire survey was conducted to find out the facts about working conditions, health effects and personal protective equipment in 1996.
As environmental concentrations of methyl bromide decreased from 2200ppm to 1100ppm gradually in three days, two farmers were exposed to 57ppm and 25ppm, in opening up the greenhouses, respectively, which are above ACGIH's TLV-TWA (1ppm) and OSHA's PEL-C (20ppm). The questionnaire survey (n=164) found that about 80% of the respondents have fumigated inside the whole greenhouse without mulch, above 90% have opened up greenhouses within 5 days, and that only 10% have worn effective gas masks and clothes. Regarding subjective symptoms after fumigation, 2%-6% of respondents complained about eye and respiratory tract irritation.
These results suggest that farmers might be exposed to high concentrations of methyl bromide in opening up greenhouses. In order to prevent health hazards of methyl bromide, education programs on toxic information and health effects of methyl bromide, and safety training in soil fumigation should be provided to farmers.
6.Case Report of a Ruptured Renal Artery Aneurysm.
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1992;21(1):73-77
A 66-year-old female who complained severe abdominal pain with hemorrhagic shock underwent emergency laparotomy. Further inspection revealed a ruptured aneurysm (φ3cm) of the main trunk of the right renal artery. To avoid the prolonged hemorrhagic shock status, a right nephrectomy was performed. The pathological examination revealed the fusiform atherosclerotic aneurysm of the renal artery located at 1cm proxymal from the hilm of the right kidney. Convalescence was uneventful. In previous reports, most cases with ruptured aneurysm of the renal artery underwent the nephrectomy. Although it is important to serve the renal function, we also performed the nephrectomy to limit the duration of shock status. The procedures such as aneurysmectomy with revascularization may apply on further cases, if possible.
7.Clnical Application of Daio-Bushi-to for the Prevention of Ileus.
Shigeki SAKURAI ; Takayoshi TSUNEDA
Kampo Medicine 1995;46(1):9-19
Five cases are reported where Daiobushi-to was used for prevention of ileus. The abdominal symptoms that had occurred daily disappeared, and ileus did not recur.
The first case was a 78-year-old female. She had had a uterine myomectomy 23 years previously, and had suffered from ileus repeatedly since then. In November of 1987, she was admitted to the emergency room of the author's hospital for abdominal pain and vomiting. Slight relief of the abdominal pain and vomiting was obtained upon administration of Daikenchu-to via enema, but the Kampo formula was changed to Daiobushi-to due to a lack of bowel movements. Progress has been normal for seven years after this.
The second case was a 34-year-old male. In 1986 he received emergency surgery for a punctured duodenal ulcer. After surgery, he experience attacks of abdominal pain that would appear and disappear. In July of 1989, he was admitted to the hospital complaining of abdominal pain and vomiting. He was diagnosed as having ileus and given a Daikenchu-to enema. Shakuyakukanzo-to-go-Daiobushi-to was also administered, and, five years later, he continues to progress well.
Case 3 was an 87-year-old male who came to the hospital complaining of repetitative ileus. In 1975 he underwent partial gastrectomy for stomach cancer. After surgery he would have to be hospitalized once or twice a year for ileus. In 1984, following unsuccessful preventative treatment, he had surgery for ileus. However, despite the surgery he continued to suffer from symptoms of ileus, finally coming to the authors' clinic in March of 1990. First, Daikenchu-to-go-shokenchu-to was administered for one year, during which ileus did not occur, but in October of 1991 he had a reccurrence requiring hospitalization in the author's department. After a Daikenchu-to enema, Daiobushi-to was administered. He has been free of recurrence for the three years since he was released from the hospital, and has continued to do well up until the present.
Case 4 was a 67-year-old female, who came to the author's department to receive treatment for recurring ileus. She had had a total hysterectomy in 1970 for uterine cancer, and had also recienved radiation therapy. Five years after surgery, she began to suffer form repetitative ileus. Now, two and a half years after commencement of Daiobushi-to administration, her progress is good.
Case 5 was a 70-year-old female who had undergone a partial gastrectomy for stomach cancer in 1992. She began to suffer from constipation after surgery, and developed ileus two months after surgery, requiring emergency hospitalization. She was given Daiobushi-to and has been progressing well for the two years since then.
8.The Effects of Choto-San (Diao-Teng-San) on Blood Pressure and Narrowing of the Retinal Arterioles in SHR and SHRSP.
Masatoshi MURATA ; Shigeki TAKAHASHI
Kampo Medicine 1996;47(1):13-16
It has been reported that Choto-san (diao teng san) is effective for the treatment of patients suffering from hypertension. Narrowing of the retinal arterioles is one of the important findings in hypertension.
The authors examined the pharmacological effects of Choto-san on the blood pressure and narrowing of the retinal arterioles in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and strokeprone SHR (SHRSP).
SHR and SHRSP rats (nine treatment cases and five control cases) were used. 200mg/kg/day of Choto-san was administered orally to the SHR and SHRSP for 12 weeks. After the 12 weeks of administration, the blood pressure was measured by the tailcuff method. Narrowing of the retinal arterioles was measured by the percentage ratio of the artery to vein caliber.
After three months of administration of Choto-san, the blood pressure of the SHR and SHRSP was shown to be significantly lower than that of the control. The percentage ratio of the artery to vein caliber in the treatment group was shown to be significantly higher than that of the control group SHR and SHRSP.
These findings suggest that Choto-san may lower the blood pressure and inhibit narrowing of the retinal arterioles in SHR and SHRSP.
9.A Case of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in Association with Horseshoe Kidney
Yoko Sotoda ; Shigeki Hirooka ; Hiroyuki Orita
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2010;39(3):148-150
Horseshoe kidney (HSK) occurs in about 0.25% of the population. Coincidence of HSK with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is rare. We describe a 70-year-old man with an infrarenal AAA coexistence with HSK diagnosed by 3D-CTA. Preoperative 3D-CT and Angiography showed two major renal arteries and an accessory artery arising from the anterior wall of aneurysm. The aneurysm was successfully replaced by knitted Dacron bifurcated graft without resection of the isthmus. The accessory renal artery was reconstructed to the graft. Renal infarction and renal dysfunction did not occur and the postoperative course was uneventful.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2007;56(2):203-214
The purpose of this study is to evaluate physical characteristics of boxing players with/without low back pain (LBP). Materials and methods : 18 college boxing players were divided into two groups ; The first group consisted of eight subjects with LBP (LBP group), the other one consisted of ten subjects without LBP (no LBP group). The evaluation items were as follows : muscular strength of trunk extension/ flexion/ rotation, cross-sectional areas of the muscles of the lumber region, X ray photograph of lumber spine, MRI, general joint laxity test, muscle tightness test, muscle hardness, tenderness and moiré topography. Results : 9 out of 18 subjects showed lumber region abnormalities in their X ray photograph and MRI. The following evaluation items of LBP group read significant differences compared to those of no LBP group ; The trunk rotator peak torque was weaker at the angular velocity of 120 deg/sec, the laterality of SLR was significantly larger, while the finger floor distance value indicated significantly lower. Discussion : In LBP group, it is suggested that the decline of trunk flexion muscle strength possibly preceded the fall of trunk extension muscle strength which, however, was not observed.