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Author:( Shigeaki AOYAGI)

1.Development of Mycotic Aneurysm of the Internal Iliac Artery Following Embolectomy of the Common Iliac Artery : Report of a Case Complicating Infective Endocarditis

Tomokazu Kosuga ; Eiji Nakamura ; Ryo Kanamoto ; Hiroshi Yasunaga ; Shigeaki Aoyagi

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2017;46(1):57-61

2.Two Cases of Extended Sandwich Patch Technique through Right Ventriculotomy for Ventricular Septal Perforation : Considerations in Postoperative Left Ventricular Remodeling

Tomokazu Kosuga ; Ryo Kanamoto ; Eiji Nakamura ; Hiroshi Yasunaga ; Shigeaki Aoyagi

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2017;46(2):84-89

3.An Operated Case of Annulo-Aortic Ectasia with Massive Sinuses of Valsalva Presenting with Coronary Insufficiency.

Ko Tanaka ; Takemi Kawara ; Atsushige Oryoji ; Kenichi Kosuga ; Shigeaki Aoyagi

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1999;28(2):105-108

4.New Anticoagulation Control for Toyobo-LVAS Using the CoaguChek XS®

Koji Akasu ; Ryusuke Mori ; Tomohiro Ueda ; Hiroshi Tomoeda ; Koichi Arinaga ; Shuji Fukunaga ; Shigeaki Aoyagi

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2011;40(1):31-33

5.Reconstruction of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract with a Rolled Equine Pericardium for Annular Abscess after Aortic Root Replacement

Yuichiro Hirata ; Shuji Fukunaga ; Tomokazu Kosuga ; Hiroyuki Saisyo ; Kumiko Wada ; Ryusuke Mori ; Hidetoshi Akashi ; Shigeaki Aoyagi

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2012;41(4):200-203

6.Secundum type atrial septal defect with cleft mitral valve.

Shigeaki AOYAGI ; Ken-ichi KOSUGA ; Ko TANAKA ; Yoshikatu NISHI ; Hiroto INUTUKA ; Fumihiko ANDO ; Kiroku OISHI

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1989;19(1):28-31

7.Surgical Treatment of Active Infective Endocarditis.

Shigeaki AOYAGI ; Ko TANAKA ; Akio HIRANO ; Hiroshi YASUNAGA ; Atsushige ORYOJI ; Hiroshi HARA ; Kenichi KOSUGA ; Kiroku OISHI

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1992;21(2):181-185

8.Surgical Repair for Aortic Coarctation in Children Aged Less than One Year.

Toru Sato ; Ken-ich Kosuga ; Nobuhiko Hayashida ; Munetaka Kumate ; Tadashi Isomura ; Shigeaki Aoyagi ; Kouichi Hisatomi

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1997;26(1):34-39

9.Delayed Sternal Closure after Cardiac Operations for Congenital Heart Disease in Infancy.

Toru Sato ; Ken-ichi Kosuga ; Munetaka Kumate ; Tadashi Isomura ; Shigeaki Aoyagi

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1997;26(4):224-229

10.A Case of Aortic Valve Replacement with Extensive Debridement and Annular Reconstruction for Active Infectious Endocarditis.

Naofumi Enomoto ; Shuji Fukunaga ; Isao Komesu ; Takeshi Oda ; Hiroshi Tomoeda ; Shigeaki Aoyagi ; Masanao Ohuchida

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1998;27(1):37-40

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