It has been reported that angiogenic growth factors may be useful in the treatment of ischemic heart disease. In our experiment a recombinant deficient adenovirus vector coding for aFGF was intramyocardially administrated into swines with chronic ischemic myocardium to investigate its effect on the improvement of myocardial function. In the present study, experimental minipigs underwent thoracotomy and placement of an Ameroid constrictor on the left circumflex branch coronary artery. Four weeks later, Ad.aFGF( n =7), Ad.Null( n =5) or PBS( n =6), was administrated directly into the myocardium at 10 sites in the circumflex branch distribution area (10 9 pfu or 100?l). Another four weeks later, cardiac function was examined by echocardiography and the results showed significant improvement of myocardial function in Ad.aFGF animals compared with Ad.Null and PBS animals. So such a strategy of gene therapy can be used in patients with ischemic heart disease.