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Author:( Shatruhan SHARMA)

1.Renoprotective effects of Moringa oleifera pods in 7,12-dimethylbenz a anthracene-exposed mice.

Veena SHARMA ; Ritu PALIWAL ; Pracheta JANMEDA ; Shatruhan SHARMA

Journal of Integrative Medicine 2012;10(10):1171-8

2.Antihepatotoxic activity of Euphorbia neriifolia extract against N-nitrosodiethylamine-induced hepatocarcinogenesis in mice.

Veena SHARMA ; Pracheta JANMEDA ; Ritu PALIWAL ; Shatruhan SHARMA

Journal of Integrative Medicine 2012;10(11):1303-9

3.Comparative and quantitative analysis of antioxidant and scavenging potential of Indigofera tinctoria Linn. extracts.

Rashmi SINGH ; E-mail: DRVSHS@GMAIL.COMA. ; Shatruhan SHARMA ; Veena SHARMA

Journal of Integrative Medicine 2015;13(4):269-278

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